Tuesday, November 15, 2022


 As I move mountains, I still leave them the same; 

as I plow through the fields, I am but shadow itself. 

Empty and void of meaning, still having a Say! 

Renouncing meaning; knowledge and divine name; 

emptying the vessels of want and must, to not pitch health 

against ambition and covetous intrigue! An elf 

returned to the once uprooted forrest, to shed the blame... 

As I muster strength, I open my palms, embracing the world; 

Conflict in the intrest of Matters of Faith -- the humorous Jester --

there all the colours come true, while being still different accord! 

Saying nothing, while tellling all; the awestruck conundrum fjord... 

As you get things done, you still leave them for others to do better. 

The relentless game, what gratifies all the mystics is fooled chitter; 

while the tweety birds seek the diamond bigger then their slurs!! 

You are all, what you need, while still walking your route to Arkadia; 

embrace the suffering torment and enjoy in silence! Many have walked, 

some became stubborn and taught moral guidance, maybe in Merkaba 

or another symbol of divine power and prowess, you shall find Kama... 

Ones desire is another mans bullshit, shaking its shoulders then talked! 

Why did you charge forward, then you became enlightened, embarked? 

Little bulldog, who you wish to transcend all rank and culture the Soma!!


  1. https://youtu.be/KNiiwWJ3B2A Hollywood actors wissen up UWU

  2. https://youtu.be/5WXo1aFb8MY Jordan Peterson -- the mind of highly (dis)agreeable person
