Tuesday, November 15, 2022

When you see God, kill God!

 When I see a person in prayer, full of Pathos; 

I rise to intercept. Like Genius Loki, I conject! 

The devils advocate, Conflict and Agathos. 

War has always been the husband of Peace NOS -- 

feral Job's friends never gonna fathom interject 

to others calamities failure and despair with respect!! 

What the Pious have to offer: "Excommunicado Vos!!" 

So much heavy contemplation -- no Fun indeed -- 

lets put a monkey-wrench into your doom and gloom! 

Jinx more intriguing than Elsbeth; Korra betters of Rey's lead; 

remove the struggle and terror from Good, you get Creed -- 

never to find perfection, you solely craved, unamused broom. 

No humor nor Melancholy in the dreary Inquisitors room... 

humid but dry as a dusty librum, too young-old sore inbreed!! 

When you see God, kill God! Crucify your Personal Jesus Christ; 

how can you experience your good or evil, if you still ponder, 

in the desert of Mount Sinai, to await for the broken tablets fist? 

Be that god, that Lord almighty would reign in the courts jist; 

but ye all are just mortal men, looking for a place to hide - I wonder; 

will, what you seek be in Heaven or Hell, inside your heart-thunder! 

Take your Cross upon yourself and Sermon of the Mount full feist!!