Thursday, November 10, 2022

Just system vs Justice in Man

 You cannot create a Just system, because systems are contribed from parts, such as cogs and wheels etc. A Human Society as a system is composed by Solitary Individuals. Then those are one with the mob, and only want Communism that way, while not taking responcibility on an individual level, nothing good comes out of it. In Estonia, there is a saying: "Mõisa köis, las lohiseb!" (The manors rope, let it slide!) As long you are not personally invested in your actions, it dost not matter, you're on the right side and giving your taxes and cheers. You need to do more in broad daylight, and clear language. Obfuscation and sly wordsmithing gets you not far, because people detect bullshit farely easy. Which is the reason, sencorship and terror is used under the guise of discipline and social cohesion; while the teachers never lift a thinger to carry or move those boulders, the worker has to do!! Man needs to be Just or no dice! When do people learn, and stop making perpetuum mobile. Its like talking about sefkilling swords -- then why do you need Man, if the system is good by itself. Do we make Society for the codex and automaton, or for the people! that is here the question. 

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