Wednesday, November 9, 2022

My time has not yet come but yours is always ready

 These words, what Lord Jesus Christ spoke in John 7:6 because his brothers advised him to go to the feast and receive the fruits of his ministries labour. Which greatly puzzled them, and entrepreneurs to this day, for this is something you're not supposed to do! Why deny yourself victory, and later on, not let yourself be crowned King, then you have such fervor and eloquence in speech! This is the very question: "Do you possess your time and skills, or do them possess You!" Jesus was able to see past Himself, while being the Son of God, how many can say the same, while being without name and title, and still be offended, then they go unnoticed or somebody stumbles on them in the crowd or in the line. "How dare you!" is the chosen word amongst Christians, then it comes to smite someones cheek, who failed to respect or notice you. Isn't that quaint... Yet Lord Jesus Christ gave His all, even onto the Cross itself, which meant damnation in Hell, for a faithful Jew. How far does your faith go? Does it go one mile? 2 Miles!! Do you give up your hand in the flames? Can you forsake your pride like Ruth, sleeping like a harlot, to be accepted by his future husband to be and Redeemer who just as well could have taken and discarded her, thus making her spoiled goods around the region? Can you sleep on a young boy, like did prophet Elisha, to give it life back? Or will you have excuses because of this and that, and what the fox would say about you! Always take your time, but move as though you're not going anywhere. Then things shall be done, and not rushed into despair and failure... The mind can speak many confusing things, but the gut and the heart knows best. Remember this, and the Sermon of the Mount, and you shall prevail. Halleluyah! UWU


  1. The best nightmare to be had; Can I order that deathwish somewhere... UWU

  2. Styx and the Midterms in USA

  3. 200 singing the theme of Civilisation
