Thursday, November 17, 2022

Consciousness and Enlightenment

 Jordan Peterson -- Are you going to stay unconscious 

Fired Twitter Employee for first free job 

You are the mirror for others

The problem about consciousness is, that its too easy to fake. Thenever people learn a new -ism, they revert to navel-gazing, because they did something. To make matters worse, it dost not help, then some moral zealots jump around, claiming, that we can do better, while uprooting the past, what could be still of help. In Estonia, there is a saying: "Don't spit in the old well, until the new one has already been dug out!" that wasn't to say, that people encouraged spitting in the well, but to hammer it in, that later you have to drink that water and that spit. And where there is spit, there are also flies and disease. The same problem is with moral busibodies and navel-gazers the latter is the spit, the former the fly. 

Many movements and government rise and fall on the premise of getting shit done. How you get things done, is another question. Then things rise, then because the movement or government constitures mostly from soldiers; workers and leaders. They haven't yet moved the elderly and the clergy, because they are stuck with the old, so they have only raw power and no excessive costs on leadership; maintenance. Everything is in the green! But the more this movement or goverment goes on, the more you add in people, who don't work, but receive some kind of benefit, because they are too old; or some minority, you wanna support because of propaganda or other reasons. Eventually you have as much subjects, what cost money, than what produce money -- and now you have a problem. Because if you have the same amount of people,, than you're producing revenue, chances are you are slightly loosing money in your bank. Any next bigger issue can bring this enterprice tumbling down. Hyperinflation and stagnation happens, then you have more wellfare and nonproducing subjects than producing ones. Then comes the time, then the shaming happens, because the workers don't work hard enough, or the artists don't perform well enough etc. Theres am amount of ice-cream you can eat, before you catch a cold. With an economy, that cold is Depression. How do you avoid that. By taking the overconfidence away! 

Estonia has from the Soviet Union a lot of female teachers; cashiers etc. because for propaganda reasons, you had to push the males out of those professions, for being capitalist, so you could teach the society on every level socialism. The women nowadays are entitled, because they have been taught various freedoms. To use the link, there Simba wasn't worthy to be a man with his dopy friends, what if there are no Lionesses, to snap them out of it, because the women are also with their dopy friends!! You can't put a woman, who has been lectured her whole life, while she is magna cum laude in the university, that she should go down there and work as an underpaid teacher for preteens; or as a cashier. Sure if it was David or some other heavy duty corp,. selling diamonds; gold or such like, her pay would be nice, but not in a regular store. 

We don't teach humility to our children and how to appreciate the work, while condemning China, for their intolerance against the Uigurs. At least the Chinease can find proper jobs for their people!! They don't run out of cachiers and teachers. It is very hard in a wellfare or capitalist state to do the dirty work, because all wanna be at least CEO and the next Elon Musk or Steve Jobs... and then they can't achieve that monetarily, they turn to the spiritual, and try to be the next Eliyah or Samson!! 

There is a reason, why soap-operas and blockbusters sell so well. The latter not so much anymore, but there is a cultural demand for heroes and people, who get shit done, not just cash in on the benefits. You cannot be Conscious, if you have no vision to enlighten yourself and the others, if you have too much vision, you get high and psyched and start navel gazing. You cannot gleam any vision, if you're not proclivited towards hard work and doing things yourself, for which you need to be Conscious. This vicious circle perpetuates, until people learn to solve both sides of the equasion simultanously. 

It always insults me, after reading Harry Potter, then people claim to belong to Hufflepuff. Why would you say that, then you're drinking soy latte, what costs more, than a regular worker can afford? That house, whos morals there culturally appropriated from the Christian Monastic tradition and "Ora et Labora"!! Its the same as photoshopping your pictures, while eating a big mac and claiming you're on a workout. Just look at those six-packs and abs.... People only work their mouths and desires for a better future, while doing absolutely nothing for it. Amos from Tekoa, called that "Cows of Bashan", because the womeen there too entitled, and demanded wine on a tap, like some do nowadays. 

In order, to have a working society of Consciousness and Enlightenment, you need humble hard working Women as grounds, because they are the first, who our future men and current boys shall see, for the Man is out for work or screwing around! Then you have a strong Woman, she can keep her standards high and get a good husband or work a bad one up!! A Strong Woman, can make a Warrior, a week woman makes a strong man into a cuck!! Next to a Strong Woman, the Man wants to be Strong as well, for not wanting to loose that great Prize He had put a lot of effort to acclaim. Because of all that, a funny thing will happen. Without any use of censorship, the pimping of our children through illicit rap lyrics perpetuating the female body as a cumdumpster or consumable will be a thing in the past, because nobody will consume it!! Why do we have to consume it, because men are cucks and can't get to a woman naturally, also most of the offered ones are too entitled and no good anyway, so you can only have spiked dreams and fevered pitches!! It is better to fap all your life, then to torch it through an entitled bitch, who makes you a cuck and runs away with all your money and reputation, leaving you bleeding in the desert... not to mention raising another unhappy child(ren) who rue your existence, for not being The Man!! 

Obviously, due to the music and self-help industry being so lucrative, the corporations don't want that, and stifle any real enlightenment and conscious movement by oversaturating the market, so people would not find the real stuff amids the white noise and fog of war. You don't get help, because you're listening to the ravens and the vultures and the wolves, who flocked together on your ass, to eat your dying corpse!! When are you becoming the beast inside yourself and get your shit together? That is the reason, we don't know, when to rest and then to work or leisure. We're like drives doing 50 revolutions clockwise and 50 revolutions counterclockwise, while being Picachu faced, of why do we burn out!! Why You! What did you do? You did something, and then you opposed it with something else!

1. Find a job 2. Work yourself up 3. Have real plans, what can be executed! 4. control your spending and see how you can afford stuff without complaining of being tired or not knowing how. You don't need to know, how to excel spreadsheat or powerpoint. You can do it on a napkin. 5. Nobody got rich, while debating about the things in life, those who do that, already have a contract, and getting paid, you don't!! They had to work really hard, in order to get noticed, and endured many hardships. Ask Jordan Peterson or Kyle Rittenhouse!! 

And that's why we talk so much about consciousness and enlightenment, while having so little of it, there where is the carrion, there are vultures... Mat 24:28 

What? You're still Here! Get your ass up, you should be working!! Godspeed! UWU 

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