Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Why I dislike NNN

 There is a reason, why I don't participate in No Nut November. One being a total pervert and enjoying myself through hentai. My best poetry and contemplation has been intertiwined by it. I can't get enough of it. ^^ I do respect the people, wanting to better the youths life, much as Nietzsche depicted in Zarathustra, with his conversation with the forest hermit. Its just not proactive enough in my mind, to just deny the addiction. If the answer would be "Stop watching Porn" then why not pluck our eyes? Done! A Tyrant made everybody blind, does that mean, you can't fap and lust for the female body no more? You can read porn in Braille too or listen in audio! Lets sensor that!! Done, now you can't see; read nor listen -- dost that mean you're no longer horny? I would respect NNN more, if they would say: "Have healthy workout routines, and friends, who back them up!" ; "Join the literature club!" "Help the granny over the street or attend church meetings." "Pick up the trash from the forest!" Those kind of things give healthy sidejobs, what keeps your mind away from fapping, which stems of our inability to live with ourselves, unless we do something gratifying, and reaffirm ourselves!! Because we are alone in this world, unable to reach our significant other, which has no longer been taught to us -- how to court someone, regardless of sexual preference... :$

Just adding a pornblock on your PC wont do much, even if your best friend has the codes. What if I buy a burner phone and hentai on that, having two lives, or go into a brothel and have a hooker? What would that born block do? If you don't train your willpower to say no to Porn, why use a porn block, its like using pepper spray on an assailant, while not having the awareness nor ability of a fighter. You either miss, make him more angry, and get fucked up even more. :v 

Don't do things, because somebody elses moral guidance found good or evil for you. You're a big boy/girl now, not an infant anymore -- you can wing it yourself. Find out yourself, why you want Good or Evil, and then embrace the fullness of your choice. People don't become good nor bad, they are that, and let themselves be shaped to that with every decision or lack there of. Don't tease yourself into believing that its the devils fault that you sinned or gods fault that you did well -- no its your fault, because you desired it, and let it happen. We are like Nicolas Cage in Lord of War, who tells "Stop!" after the enemy has been shot dead!! Because we're afraid of the consequences of our decision, not wanting to let go neither of adulthood, nor being a child or geezer. We want it all, without having to put much effort in it. Because we're afraid of our mortality... You will die anyway so you might as well live the life you always wanted. UWU Just crying about spilt milk has made nobody a King!

If you want something, study it thoroughly; what makes it work, what makes it fail; what you need in your journey to achieve it. Don't just let somebody else do it!! The Porn Block, nor the money you spend on it, nor the company who offers it, wont go to Heaven -- Your soul goes to Heaven or Hell, based on your suffering, which by the way is self inflicted, because You cannot face yourself and responcibilities in the mirror. Figure it out already! You are in it, for Yourself!! Love Yourself; Hate Yourself! Whatever it needs to be done, but don't give yourself pitty and excuses... Be Yourself, and breed the living daylights out of that bitch called -- Life! Halleluyah Godspeed! 


  1. https://youtu.be/1hl4hBb4_y4 What is Epicureanism and is it compatible with Stoicism

  2. https://youtu.be/DffqK6j-y1U Lack of Religion and Neurosis
