Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Drugs and Perception

 People say, that drugs and porn are bad. That's only half way true. Drugs and Porn are bad, because it takes our responcibility and control away, but it doesn't have to be like that. What are drugs -- substances, what make clinical changes to your emotions and; psyche and body. So is porn. Words and beliefs can also be a drug. Weakness and helplessness is not something, you are born with, its something you are educated in, what you embrace and accept, because people reward your such actions. People don't like "strong" against "meek" because its the competition. Just like in the market, the competition is talked into trash, so your product would look better. For the same reason we perceive people as good or evil, depending how useful they are to us. 

Evil exists, because of our failed approach to Good. Our approach to good, is to keep an antfarm in the gaze of the sunlamp and being surprised, why it dried out!! We have no perception nor understanding of rest and peace. Evil is a symptom of pain and suffering. Then you stub your toe, people understand, its not the person, who slurs. but the stubbed toe, in certain environments, this understanding wanes pretty fast. 

Mostly we cannot stop our evil urges, because we are led to believe that all people are morally good from the start, which cannot be farther from the truth. All people are morally indifferent and more prone to evil and need to be taught, what is good and why we should choose that. Its a constant effort to reaffirm it to Chaos, just like plowing the fields and removing the weed. You need to train yourself in being good, just like you do push ups. You need to study your thinkpatterns also known as meditation always, not just onece per week, because the pastor or guru told you so. Do you need a permission to love and fuck your girlfriend, or does it happen by itself, because you want and you will? 

It wont happen by itself. Naturally people wanna create new routines, to escape needing to do too much work, so they could love chaos under the guise of order. For being good and working with your shadow is annoying - - why feed the both wolves, if you can starve and mutilate the one, who dost not give any prospects for the time being? People only look on their ambitions and their current gains, and are then dissatisfied, if they are not met. Why would you look back, then you left something behind -- because somebody else picked it up and got successful! Why would you regret your evil deeds, while not doing anything about it -- because it numbs your pain, because you at least didn't like it, and knew better! You didn't have to sacrifice what you already had for a pointless endevour of righting a wrong. People have no experience how to go berzerk, because its no longer taught, thus then it happens by accident, they get easily overwhelmed. Just like a frat boy, who drinks booze for the first time and gets hammered, becoming a drunk there after. If he had moderate knowledge and experience with alcohol, it would not have happened, but since he got tossed into it... 

Don't get tossed, make your own path! Choose your own way, take control. Even if its drugs; Porn; Fighting, make it your own and never look back. And take temperance!! You cannot instil awesomeness into an experience boost vial and drink it, never needing to learn again. Don't let other tell you, who you're supposed to be; be the person you really Are and take responcibility for it!! You could be your entire life be a model citizen living pon Copium and never doing any wrong, but never achieving anyting worth to mention either. If you wanna be small, embrace and love being small; if you wanna be big, move mountains and make it happen, but don't regret, that your neighbour has what you want, but are not ready or willing to pursue. Why would you create living hell inside your own soul? 

Sin Gracefully but take your cross upon your own shoulders. Have a nice day, and may God be with you, on your Journey! 


  1. https://youtu.be/IVJ2ZrJLgPI Dwarven Magic Mui Hilarioso! X^D

  2. https://youtu.be/6fvjSRsL2wo who wants to be this level of infantalized?
