Saturday, November 26, 2022

Don't call me cute

Electric Light Orcestra -- Don't bring me down

There is another bloke what dared call me cute; 

I don't know what his problem Accute or dispute. 

don't call me Cute -- senpai please, don't persecute!! 

I tell you whats wrong, then you put off the chute -- 

don't call me Cute, I exhausted all Spruce to reroute 

in the dark forest no Shwartzwald Torte can mousse. 

don't call me Cute!! Tanya with me on Cahoots...  

The Secret meeting everyone knows; 

implore you, don't call me anything Gold: 

Don't call me Cute -- senpai please, Heaven Dows! 

For anything sacred, could you please not trade bows -- 

don't call me Cute! I know it must drag, like salt on the mold. 

The underground is selling counterfit scold -- 

don't call me Cute -- whooho Senpai Bashan Cows!!

I procrastinate and masturbate in the gall; 

to piss on any value grand -- immature:

don't call me Cute -- Son of a Kalev WTF.

I know I love you, don't return me the clue -- 

don't call me Cute!! How many UWUs does rue 

your boat away, Steve? Does Roe v Wade imbue 

your marriage estate! Don't call me Cute -- Nightfall!! 

Just be Yourself and gnothi seauthon all pray; 

the birds of prey are putting up boot, don't call me Cute! 

Please, no Senpai, Why don't You? I don't need your sway; 

could you find other Hail - don't call me Cute, Nay!! 

I'm just writing my poems, to cheer me up, don't be Groot; 

the anxiety is killing me blue, but alas you Mary brute -- 

again you come to call kawaii Dean Corso on full display. :o :v 

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