Friday, November 4, 2022

Cast the first stone!

 Why didn't lord Jesus Christ let the Pharisees condemn the adulterous woman? I know, I know, because they there more sinful; they brought her there, to find something against Jesus, because any kind of judgment either way, would have alienated a portion of Jerusalems population; because Jesus was merciful and wanted to give her a second chance! I get that, I used to be a theology student aspiring to become a pastor... But the problem is more intricate and complex than judging to hold the clergy on a higher standard. We're all Gods clergy and holymen - we're all gods 10:34 Psa 82 but we die like mortal men!! for even regular folk have unjust judgment calls, for not getting their cross or responcibilities across. It is more understandabe through 2 Sam 16:5-14 then Shimei the son of Gera of the House Saul cursed King David, due to David ascending after King Saul died so unsightly... though it was not his fault! Later he got his hair blooded before the funeral, as is the saying in Israel, then you die in calamity before growing old, significating the folly and Alp ways of your life, because he broke exile rules and the oath to God, by pursuing his runaway slaves over a designated mark, he was not allowed to trespass. (1Ki 2:1-9; 36-46) 

Its to be read in unison with smiting the other cheek., for israel has a shaming culture, there you had to insult your oponent ritualistically as though, you there the lawyer in a court. And then the opponent had to respond in kind, either admitting your such deed was just or doubling down and adding his worthy insult on the stack! Depending on the class difference and other designators of course. a Lord could insult and molest a peasant all day long, but a peasant had to serve... there was laws, that if you punch your slaves tooth out, you had to release them due to that broken tooth! Exo 21:27 but mostly you got no lip and had to keep your head down! 

The reason, why you cannot cast the first stone on somebody who obviously broke the law, is because you're not without sin and could find yourself at the same predicament. Its the probnlem of the pot accusing the cettle of being black, while we're all carved from glass inside a glass gallerie!! Everybody can seethe our life and cancel us back with the same very words we used to do our bidding. It corresponds with the Ecc 7:16, 17 of not trying to be too foolish nor wise which both could kill or destroy you before your time!! I know, its the old testament! Why should born again Christians give a fuck, what the Torah and Nevi'im or Ketuvim thus say? Because many things have not been explained in the New Testament, due to all the first believers coming forth amongst the Jews, thus everybody taking for granted, that people will know and understand that culture, without having to read out loud. This is also the reason, most people don't know, you get stoned to death, if you smite the other cheek!! 

We don't cast the first stone, because, a Christian would rather suffer wrong, than loose the Holy Spirit and walking with lord Jesus Christ, then you defend your case thus. Its too easy to escalate there, for going too far and burning all bridges, because we're supposed to be the brand or mascot of God, and if that acts the wrong way. Imagine Mickey Mouse kicking somebody in the ass, because they had a marital dispute and then the internet has a say, was he on the right side or what... should an entertainer even fall out of character? You are casting the first stone, and thinking: "I am just condemning this Harlot; This runaway man of bloodshed who is under condemnation of the lord!" etc. 

Did God ask you to do so though? People, who have studied the law, or worked as security officers and Police, know this, what I am going to say next. You cannot arrest people outside your juristiction. Even if you're a security officer off duty presinct 12; who goes shopping at the store in presinct 10 and sees a thief at his work. He cannot catch it but has to rely that information to the proper authorities, as though he's a regular. At best he could ask for the local uniform to catch the thief himself, while the PR department tries to log him into the raster, while he does it, if its a deadline job, because the thief is nototious in many stores/ districts and has to be caught like Bonney & Clyde by the Feds. Then you still pray to your maker, that the thief wont know about that, or you'll loose your job, because you caught it off duty and it could be an illegal sting, which could cost your entire team if not branch or Security company their licences for life!! This is also like casting the first stone. Or if you even see, while on duty, patrolling on your object, that there are strange lights coming on the adjacent object. Again, you can only call your dispatch and rely, that they should investigate it, should it come to yours as well, and they could relay it to the competition or your fellow team mate, but you cannot do anything about, because then it would be illegal operation, what could cost the company and you dearly, depending how people understood your such shenanigans. 

We're all in Gods Court, like Isayah in his Vision at Chapter 6 in need for God to cleanse away our lip service!! so don't become a judge; jury and executioner, while deliberating an open and shut case, it could be yours the next moment; may your words be few in the presence of the lord. It could also ruin your prayer. I remember that look, what lord Jesus Christ gave me, then I disposed only some of my pirated gaming collection in my teens, and then pragged about it before him, how I delivered so much to Him... considering how I was treating my family, especially my younger brother, who is mentally handicapped. You better have everything sorted out with the big boss, then you start playing Exorcist and casting demons out of others lives!! Your first stone, could be what killed the dog of John Wick and stole his car, think about it, all though I use that trope excessively, but it was so good. Many vendettas start exactly due to this level of disrespect. 

I wanted to add a quote about a Mexican movie, I previously found on google and could use in another essay, but now it somehow does not! :(( It was about two families trading in drugs and ones stupid son raping the other families daughter, because he saw her naked on a cemetary doing a funeral rite, he was not supposed to see, and was drunk, then he tried to flirt with her later, but to no avail. The entire movie started, then the Father married the mother, and was told by the village elder or witch, who held a holy relic, what allowed to commune with the spirits, that he was no good, even if he brings the asking price. It went on, that the same man had to kill his friend for murdering a family in spite, and later his son raping a daughter of an allied tribe causing a vendetta, then they refused to give him over, resulting in the killing of the representative judge, who had to intermediate first the marriage and than those disputes and an all out war, there the man and the woman got killed. And the witch lost her totem too... I only remember it starting with a D and being a Mexican movie. Sometimes it sucks to not remember a thing... TwT It had such an elegant way of showcasing indecision and lack of discipline; the rise and fall of a family, because the father could not handle himself!! Maybe it was not meant to be... :o 

Always ask yourself, then going out as Christian, on all street corners and holy Suppers we're invited in, did Lord Jesus Christ askewed You to butt in there, or is your own Pride and Vanity speaking! If the answer is a resounding No, than Shut the Hell up, you're giving lord Jesus Christ a bad rep. Your one thinger is the reason, why heaven receives ten thingers and a foot back!! Have a nice day, Godspeed! Halleluyah UWU

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