Monday, November 21, 2022

Anxiety and Transmission of Self

 Carl Jung and the Value of Anxiety Disorders 

Overcoming Anxiety Carl Jung 

The reason, why we have so many disorders, is because we are afraid  of ourselves! Some people find it a consumable or fashion item, just like some people have to call "gay" in order to look like a mellow artistic persona. The problem about deceiving yourself and the others about your true self, is that you don't find nourishment from the social life, because in a way, you are like a counterfitter. You achieved everything and anything through funny money!! Thus you don't feel sure of yourself and have to clinge to pathos and fervor. 

People, who have children, or still remember their own events of lying at school, or to your parents and friends, also know, how you got caught with reality and your pants down. Liars do two things, what security officers and police watch in their area of work. Either their story line is bloated out and they are too much, or they are too defencive and passive-aggressve, trying to play the victim card. Because you are playing a simulation, you don't really need to think, because it happens naturally... The more you use it, the weaker your thinking muscles and emotions grow. Because you are not using your channels of thought... Just like a man confined to his bed, like in "seven" the  movie, eventually cannot even suffer the opening of the blinds in front of the window, nor can get out of the bed!

 Real life is hard and arduous. It also involves; eating, digesting; shitting and resting! You have to learn it like riding a bike. You can stumble and fall, getting hurt. If you don't trust others and yourself, that is a problem. Thus the suicide rates amongst cults; political or religious denominations and LGBT is the normal state of things. 

The only cure to it, is self-deprecating humour and finding real friends, who support you, in being Yourself, not affirm your creed at your expence. If you really are transitioning from male to female or from female to male, or experience your gayness, you should be able to joke about it, and ignore peoples sass and ridicule. I still respect this Jewish joke, from the Nazi germany time: 

" A Christian Neighbour has invited his poor Jewish friend in on Christmas and is visibly frustrated. After seating the Jew to the table, he presents his case: "I don't get it, I am richer than you and we are both respectful citizens, yet when I sell my Christmas Goose, it gets confiscated by the authorities!" The Jew is feeling sad of hi neighbours dismay and offers condolences asking: "Could I know, how you sell your goose?" The Christian, proud in his manners, shows the 20 Mark Magazine with its 5 Mark add: "Name. Address. Selling Christmas Goose 50 Mark each." Perplexed and with a sad pitty in his eyes, the Jew looks up to the Christian, and shakes his head: "If you do it thus, you deserve your Goose to be confiscated!" Putting the Magazine back on its place, he took the Morning Gazette, showing a cheep 1 Mark add in the lost and found section: "I lost 50 Mark on the Town square. To the honest finder a Christmas Goose, for your trouble." "And how many did you sell?" quipped the disgruntled Christian "What do you know... 5 people found my 50 mark." remarked the Jew unfased!" 

It was in a compendium of like minded jokes. It shows, how much the Jews had to be aware, to even sell a goose, not to mention, minding about the meta, there you are not allowed to profit from your labour. If you can make such a self-deprecating joke, I am helpless towards your bravado, even if a moment ago, I was dismissive and xenophobic, like many Estonians are, towards foreigners and the alien... It comes from the snitching time of Soviet Union, there everybody mistrusted anybody, including their own family and friends!! You constantly had to have three channels of thought -- one for the work; one for the family and one for the public. If you there good, you could afford the fourth for yourself as well... The problem with that is, that you wont rest from sleep, because you have to defragment and detox 3 to 4 channels and not one. And imagine, if you can only sleep 4 to 6 hours, because of reasons. The less personalities you have to juggle around, the better you fare. I fare with 8...9 personalities... I think... so if you want to be as bad ass, you can give it a try, though I don't recommend it. I sometimes have logic and reality gaps because of it. It comes from different conversion rates and frame ratio; saturation etc. No I don't do drugs, I drink coffee and read the bible, that is already strong enough for me... 

To make matters worse, then you are a Christian, this is again my own self-reflection and experience, so if you have some other, you are free to correct me, there I err. El Shaddai, the Lord of Hosts, also known as Yahveh Sebaot, is a God of Law; Order and Attributes. As such you cannot lie in front of the Lord. If you do, you will suffer like King Saul; Nebuchadnezzar and the Pharaoh!! First God will cut you some slack, but eventually, you will be corrupted, in much the same way Akutagawa and Nietzche ended their lives... one in a suicide the other in madness. 

This is said, to the people, who want to attempt being Superman. Just like with Prometheus, bringing fire down from heaven, to allow mortals to make their food, like the gods, and not feed like savage creatures, was punished for his insolence by being chained to the cliff and have Zeus's eagle rip his liver out each day, which would grow back, so the eagle could repeat the process. Your suffering and torment will never relent and seaze, because your venture will never be fulfilled, as long you draw breathe!! You can always want for more, as states Nietzche, though somehow you need to attach that with Psalm 23... 

You have to be in a constant torrent of motion, while being the immovable object beholding everything. You have to come to terms with everything, what takes place inside your mind, not shrug it away, like its nothing. Every single thought pattern must be submitted to your God or moral center. If you don't you will feed the darkness inside you, and make the forces of chaos eventually rip you apart, like the fly inside the vacuum cleaner, then you pull the hose off. 

You must be able to share your experience of Transformation, if you are something, just like Christians, talking about the gospel and their born again expo. If you can't without accusing the other of being phobic and complaining of having issues with it, then that is sus. It reminds of the Power Puff Girls epsode talking about white lies, how they grow into black lies, and take a life of their own... Especially, coming from people, who preach absolute sexual freedom and emancipation!! How can the same person, who wants to indoctrinate and groom children at school, get so anxious and shy, then he/she/it gets approached and questioned? Its never a good idea, of mixing religion with politics, because you cannot verify nor falsify most of claims, coming from there... also people have different ratios, how much they can digest and accept your truth. People habe different ratios of need for Safety, which is another irony, for the woke lecture of safe spaces, while not being safe for work for anybody... If your tolerance is like a cuckoo, pushing the habitual egg out, because you are too sensitive, then you're doing it wrong, and why should people suffer your existance!! Its literally killing their relations; relatives and themselves... Lead by example, and you can expect results, lead by ultimatum and people will fight you head on! 

If you cannot suffer ridicule and derogation, it means, you havent asked those questions from yourself and don't have a modus operandi for them. Can you be taken seriously, in actually converting to your new and true form then? Why should the society perpetuate your inability to face the music, and pretty much torment your existance? We also put pets, who find no owner in the shelter to sleep, because it is humane, perhaps you need the same kind of mercy, if you cannot face Yourself. I do approve euthanasia... 

I deeply wanna respect every solitary individual, that includes the LGBT community -- after they can stand firm for their conviction as do I. If you cannot, without shrouding in the mob mentality, stand alone, don't suffer to come to my den of evil thoughts and contempt... perhaps I am too spicy for ya. Why should I take care and hold hands with your educated helplessness? There are plenty of vegetables hanging around here and there, so I don't need to create more of them, by supporting that kind of intolerance to Thought and Life itself. Either learn to swim or drown! 

If I survived growing up around 2 Scorpios and 1 Aries and 1 Leo. so can you... The trick is evading the sentences: "I can't" ; "I won't!" ; "I'm Tired!" ; "Maybe later!!" ; "Why can't x do it?" because if you program yourself to failure, you shall fail. (The Sith Way) If you want to achieve something, you have to tell Yourself, that you want to achieve it, not that you want to try it, but in actuality, You want to accomplish it! You have to be able to believe and be able to imagine it in the finish line, how you make it!! Then you shall make it. 

Why do you think, the cavemen drew the Mammoth on the wall, before the hunt, and enacted the success? Because for fun?! No, because it raised their confidence and commitment to that quest, to not chicken out of it, for investing so much energy already!! 

 Have a dog in the fight, then get the job done. and then you govern confidence, what makes itrelf heard. If you are hesitant, so is your environment. Be confident and your biggest fan. Then I still had my twitter account, I always liked my own posts, because it was a selfhelp exercize. Be your biggest fan, even if it annoys the crap out of your friends and acquaintances. Perhaps I should reinstate it, now that Trump is back.... Become one with your Quest and trust yourself to your Endevour... (The Jedi Way) not trusting will difuse your credibility. Embrase the potential failure and discipline yourself for the goal, and get in the zone. Just like in Guroko no Basuke. Or like Slade (Your darkness) fucking Raven (your innocense and childlike center) from Teen Titans the clip. If you can't mean business like that, you will fail!! That's how you become a propper adult and a Master of your own Self, if you get past the insestuous relationship in ascending out of your puberty! Gnothi Seauthon. Take care and Godspeed!

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