Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Citizen and State

"Lo Citizen, make me a Communist state! Can't you see; 

the Landlords Estate and his slaves, don't you want them to liberate!" 

Let's be Free Equal Brothers -- aye -- but oh no, those indeed. 

Those gatekeepers and racists, it can't be helped. Let degeneracy breed!! 

All is Sex and free sex is turned backwards to catcall the Beast-Tate; 

Just don't be human, all-too-human is betters even Hume starts berate, 

humming that Superman was misagynist, saving defenestrated Lanes, C! 

Mimium wage is the rage! Let those Piggy-Caps pay, stick it to patriarchy; 

while seven women hold the coat of one Superman, have a moment -- Hero; 

why did your equity become Coked Zero? Heroines verdict, vore its chi 

around their neck and waste, stating, how their loins there bigger af privacy!! 

"Citizen Kane in the State, wont you Kill Abel once more for he's Nero; 

and fornicating against the Real Jews, whos almondtrees cant bear figs on period. 

A mother wanted to marry a cedar-tree, would you not deaf-ent her rights, Matriarchy?" 

"Who wants to be the new Spirit of Communism!"; as critical language skilled, 

cunnilingus cunningly, counted the downed Cis-genders, for the lip-service, 

even Bill, could not read his rights to worship God, with his meltingpot, killed 

by his own refutations and blowjobs!! Let us offer alien fire to Yahveh thrilled; 

the new Opus Deus Ex Machina, will be the road to Arkadia Major's crevice... 

Half-assed anal probes, to those, who forgat to bore their own coat of arms vice; 

the naughty and the nice. All felled like Dagon in his House to be the new skittles! 

1 comment:

  1. https://youtu.be/jFreheCDxgI Bourgeouis overproduction and the problem of fake elites
