Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Liberate toute me, ex inferis

 Save yourself from Hell 

Sexual liberation

Repent after me, for the Kingdom of God is upon Us; 

many ushers Usha, and take themselves to church... 

Don't touch the Ark and don't stand unbowed in Rush. --

All the glowing red hearts, who wish to be ground to dust! 

There is no greater Hell, than wanton Good Intentions lurk; 

no more covetous and callous way, to dismiss Heavens quirk!! 

many quarks missed being radicals churning into cream thus... 

Nothing more radical than Love thy enemies like Yourself; 

many can love their payday or big score and marry a Jetsetter! 

How many can be married to Christ and take in lost health? 

Is your Cross then sweet and tender, like a T-bone steak on shelf; 

like french fries on the side, a burger on the go knows you better! 

You be meek and ensalt the onslaught earth with your tears, Mathers!! 

Only those can martial the courts of the most high, who abandon Wealth. 

Mighty speech and grand titles; great perception; eloquent skill -- indeed; 

those don't need God, who are seething themselves: "I can See, I'm Woke!!" 

They shall have their own blind folly, they have cast onto whiteboards feed; 

the Matrix forgets nothing, what happens in Zion stays in Zion: Mogonda Unleashed! 

All Highlanders, let it be known, ye gods, for you shall die like mortals in moats... 

none shall pass this judgment call, lest their humble their soul and carry GOATS. 

Look, the leper the orphan the widow, the chosen MVP's of Heavens, Read!! 

1 comment:

  1. anxiety and loneliness are the kiln and fire of your Self
