Wednesday, November 9, 2022

When I come (Psa 23)

(When your faith wanes, and it seems like nothing gives, read this, for you're not alone.) 

"So when I come, you better run, for this is hit and stun; 

stung by pride, lets confine in the concubine pleasures. 

Who could best me in my own trade and dare outrun!!" 

Begone and cease, you shall not pass, no conceated groan 

shall make me falter, as the night grows long, I will endure! 

You may lure and abjure, conjurer of cheap antics, devils due; 

as I raise my shield and sword, let them come, be fate grim. 

"You better give up, for there's no weapon nor fuck to give; 

nothing has been new, all has Bucked for my coming spree. 

Who could best me in my own trade and with his soul leave?"

I know, I believe! In God I trust, mine Cross I carry, retreive 

those, who toil in the valley of despair, there the shadows glee; 

I shall not want, while with Jesus, I shall pull up Jinx, Believe, 

may my good will, for better or ill, guide them to Heaven free!!

"Who's gonna listen, you who glistens with lust and interludes; 

blisters on your soles and holes in your pocket, used jacket, duh!

Your ignorance amuses memes, who's gonna follow that lead?" 

Even if none shall cast their lot with Lord Jesus Christ, indeed, 

here I stand, and thus I pray: you shall not contest my sway, fool! 

Even Principalities and Powers take cover, as Holy is He, choose; 

The Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost, no source other may intrude!!