Friday, November 11, 2022

As I Breathe

 Lady of Worlds By Miracle of Sound 

Frozen by the past deeds misgiven, I strive for perfection; 

eyes looking for that faint glimmer on the horizon... 

Can I believe to find you there, as was our affection; 

do you remember the wovs or have moved another direction. 

As I Breathe, I shall be coming for you, no mere prison 

nor walls of great halls, shall keep us apart -- even to treason! 

My Love, all my thoughts are with You, my prefered Scion... 

Words cant fathom your beauty, nor chants praise your grace; 

be it under the starlit sky or in the days of Summer and Rye fields 

swollen smell in your hair. All paths in the forest lost its chase -- 

the hunt has no honey to offer, while you're away. I take haste; 

for it wont be long, and we shall be together once more under leaves! 

Send me a lock of your fine hair, as a memento, to carry for ease 

of my aching heart. So you would always be around by my necklace!

Even if I would go to death and beyond, I shall not forsake you; 

Remember me, and stand by the great oak tree, we carved ourselves! 

As I draw breathe, I shall be there, then the moon is new, be true 

to this word; bathed in the shimmer of moonlight, as I remember, soon! 

There have been no kings more lucky among dvarven or elves; 

than those, blessed with your love -- no boon is of more wealth -- 

but to be with you once more and forever, yours forsaken goon...

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