Thursday, November 3, 2022

The Great misconception

 Jordan Peterson How to be articulate 

People think, that shit doesn't get done, because they had a bad patch, and if they had better workers, they will get a better outcome. I don't see that, then I look at the 12 disciples of lord Jesus Christ! Lets even throw out of the window, having to be truthful. Having to be Good... What you need most first, is to have a compelling idea!! An idea, there a zealoth is willing to work together with a fisherman and tax collector maybe even with a Pharisee and Zodokite! Because if you don't have such binding idea, what compels and overcomes the bickerings of your subordinates, how could you offer anything to your customers and the World. What was lord Jesus Christ's offer? That everybody can come to God, and not have to fast as hard as the followers of John the Baptist or Zealoths; that you dont need to be as educational as the Pharisees and Zodokite. That's not a small favour. You can do anything with dull people, who are even impaired, as long your idea shoots straight. But if your idea is vague-perfect, like the watercooling Mauser pistol, which had a lot of problems in the desertt, even if all your workers are the very best; you yield precious little, if anything good. Why is it, that though, most of Europe lived under tyranny in the middle ages and Renaissance era; Victorian Puritanism and Modernism -- they got great feets done; while we talk these days a lot more game, but get done so much less? Because they had a compelling idea, what formed and moved their everyday life and identity; existence in the greater whole. Now we just talk about communism, while having no community sense and spirit!!

 What I mean by that, is talked about in Lao Zi Tao Te Ching Ch. 38 "A Truly good man is unaware of his goodness, and is thus Good; a foolish man tries to be good, thus is no Good! A truly good man, does nothing, while nothing is left undone; a Foolish man does always; but much remains to be done!" (Remember the wokes slogan, that there is so much more good and progressive to do, because what we have now, is not good enough!! We have to press on, like the proverbial democrat donkey, for the greener pastures...)

  "When a truly Good man does something, he lieves nothing undone; a just man does something, he leaves great deal to be done; disciplinarian does something, if none shall challenge, je rolls up his sleeves in an atempt to enforce order! Therefore, then Tao is lost, there is Goodness; then goodness is lost, there is justice; then justice is lost, there is ritual. Ritual is the husk of faith and loyalty, the beginning of confusion. Knowledge of the future, is only a flowery trapping of the Tao and the beginning of folly. Therefore the truly great man dwells on what is real and not on the surface, on the fruit, not the flower, accepting the one and rejecting the other!" 

The zen monks and wisemen; also buddhists have this nice ritual, how to confront a pupil, who is too full of himself and has too many expectations about his journey to enlightenment. They pour tea, to the pupils cup and keep pouring, until the pupil exclaims: "Master, its full, please stop, you're wasting precious tea!!" You see, what good of it, is to go to a Univercity and be full of thousand books, if you can only execute or want to precious little. That cup is your souls field, so why do people buy so much seed and fertilizer, then in the end, they shall only use a handful and then are sullen, that they didn't get for ALL their effort, they consumed inside their intellectual spirit and contempt against the other, who didn't know to push themselves through that ordeal... How do you even trust such a pupil, who proverbially fucks every maiden in town, but marries none?? If you disrespect your own teachings, throwing it away, to seek the beyond in Oblivion, why should people trust you, know something!! 

You can't be a good leader or follower, because you don't know yourself; because you don't want to take responcibility for yourself and your actions; because you still looking for this God; Devil or Superman, who could catch you in the act as you defenestrate yourself, like Louis Lane through coming in conflict with the laws of Nature and Mankind. If you get in front of a stampede of Rhinos, you get stomped, unless you're the ravine or a mountain! Mat 4:6 because even as children it is cool to hit somebody or molest their time and then run behind your strong mommy/daddy and show your tongue or middlethinger there; or outright prag about, what your parents would do -- basically Karening... 

A True Man is in perfect self awareness, while simultanously ignorant about the effects of his reputations, and what perks he could gleam from it! For as in Harry Potter, about seeking the Phiosophers Stone: "You can look for it, but not use it!!" James 4:1-6 

You have to be a Servant of Servants indeed!! But what does this most misunderstood Christian concept even mean? If everybody would seek lower places, or at the round table, you'll still end up embarrassed, for seeking your own pride and vanity!! How does an underworker perform -- for you are the service the real businessman is offering to the client. The prduct and brand not the performer or artist. You are the fucking pencil John Wick uses to kill his foe, because he just had such a feeling at that particular time!! You are the living weapon, Cormac was meant to tease in Diablo 3 btw it wwas a great tease, I laughed my butt off. Because, then aspiring in becoming Assassins Creed or this living weapon, look out, that you don't loose your soul to the wrong faction and ideal, you later rue, while breathing your last. Its nothing more vile and sad, then a Man curses his bidding, seeing the folly of his ways, defeated. Shouldn't you rather laugh at the face of danger and death, fully embracing your madnesss, as the berserk did? Our society has warded all kinds of insanity out of it -- Which the responce to the Joker movie evidently proves -- that it has grown plain unable to deal with their dark side (Luke 16:1-18) what I mean by that, you donät always are able to have the good outcome, just like in a video game, because of the lot, you have to grind, just to see Deckerd and Leah die. In a way those deaths there bullshit overused tropes of killing a character then developers got nothing to offer; but at the same time, it got something spiritual to say about us. If the controvercy of Adrias factional hatred towards the other prime-evils, while serving Diablo, made her to fuck the wanderer (Prince Aidan, elder son of Leoric), who was possessed by Diablo, to have a duaghter, who she willingly and gleefully sacrifized, much like the dark version of Jephta/Abraham to summon her master into this realm!! This blind rage, there you sacrifice all, even your own soul, for a cause, just to be a questmark for the Hero to overcome. 

And DON'T tell me, heroes are dead, there are always heroes, they just arent aware of themselves while living out their every day lives!! Whenever you administer too much force and refuse to let go of the arrow, you break the bow! The same must the corporate elite, who play little communist, supporting the woke, much the same way, the german landlords in Estonia, also known as Manorists, ended -- always dealing with the devil; changing allegiance to save their own skin in their cosmopolitan highminded games. It only took Adolph Hitler, to invite them back home, for them to die there in solitude and be forgotten! For they there in the way of the masterplan, to wipe off a significant amount of the population... This is, what you get, then you play too well, and leave no room for the others. Another person summed it up by saying:  "If, you're going to a muslim territory as a soldier, and have to wear camo, put a Hello Kitty sign on top of it, what could be seen from miles away by scope, to make sure, you wont be seen as a threat!!" Our want to be in Honour at all cost, and winning, is the reason, why God hates our Wise and Thoughtful, while looking for grifters and Bohemian Rhapsodists in Blue... Where's the Honour, then you have to give out the cease and decist order and close down a working establishment, because they failed to communicate in time with the holder of the Rights? People only want to serve from 9 to 5 and have their weekends free; but the earth suffers us, and air is breathable 24/7! Can you suffer your opponent the same way, as rain falls down the clouds deliberately, not judging? This goes both to the left and to the right -- mostly to the left these days... Just as Sirius Black told in the cave, while eating chicken -- oh the memes of Rowling, writing this -- "Don't judge how a great man treats his own kind, but his subordinants and those he thinks of less!" It really is that way. If you cannot treat the dirt and shit kindly, why should God offer you gold; silver and Adamantium alloy! Why should you be gifted and the friend of God, if you're going to smite the ear of your foe, or cast holy fire down heavens upon their towns!! If you seek the Legions of Angels, to war against your opponents and the Ark to walk in front of you, like Moses and Aron, then you are not worthy to follow lord Jesus Christ. 

Many will say: "But Whiteraven, sir, I have always been..." cut it out already! Christians should not go by title, because only Jesus Christ is our lord, but furthermore, aren't you calling me Sir, not out of respect, but to bribe my vanity and Pride, so I would acknowledge your quest for enlightenment, while push aside those, whom you deem unworthy. That is the most abhorrent factor of the Woke -- that they cancel themselves and others, to claim progression into a fearless and proud future, which should be against Fascism!! How is it even possible, using the same methods and calamities?? 

Pride and Humility should go together, like the two wolves of the Cherokee, carrying the same chariot of your Will. You have to feed both Light and Darkness, for if you only feed the Light, you become like Elesh Norn; if you feed only the dark, like Toshiro Umezawa in MTG lore!! You never can have only this and not that, just like with YinYang. Only together they bring life, apart they are nuclear fusion in a bomb waiting to annihilate you with your enemies... How is one better than the discipline of old, if he hasn't mastered it first, to put it down and repace it with something else? I will never understand those advisors, who talk about wells and boundless watersupplies, while never working their ass off under the blistering cold or scorching sun! If your hands are smooth and silky from moisturiser and face is smelling of good fragrance, then I don't wanna hear about your Communism!  If your beliefs havent cost nor gained you anything, then why should I care! Even a dead trout can swim down stream, but only an alive one, can defy the bear on top of the waterfall, to go to the promised shore and breed, swimming upstream! 

You should choose Good, but control your evil; you must do Evil, but remain centered in Good! He who does not sin, to show himself just, has made God a liar!! Its not that you didn't sin, but you crept it inside, there others cannot seathe it; but God sees the hidden and gives according to the deeds thought, as intended... How can lord Jesus Christ be King of Kings and Lord of Lords, if you still insist on "I don't tease God, I don't do evil and wrong, but fight fascism and slavery!" What is this shackle rattling I hear, and the snorting of the Cows of Bashan, who you divided like Akhan got his silver under Ai? If you still have time to judge others character, you are not invested to exalt high Jesus our Sovereign Lord! In the end your fruit, will tell us, who you really are, not the flowers, you have blossomed, to give good smell! That is the reason, why many woke people, hate free speech, lest their own incompetence in producing fruit and not flowerpetals, like the accursed fig tree; replacing it with origami of politically corrected sspeach, what says much ado nothing, lest it makes a single swine or dog offended, that you offered a pearl, what refused to convert into woke tender!! Be your best You, and achieve your place under the Sun, Godspeed! Halleluyah UWU 

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