Friday, November 4, 2022

Shells of a broken shotgun call

 ONLAP -- Unbroken (feat. Discrepanciestv) 

Mel C and Mel B

Sea the button raze as I graze through the fields of Reito; 

the Dream Trawler, what made all cream of the crop come True! 

Swiping left; Right and Center, none Communes to sparky no gohatto; 

killing Krillin with one stand of the Bakugan, in my Sailor-Moon grotto. 

The gaunt golem, who could wish no ree, as Kolumats and Gollum crued, 

at the orifices of Mishras Cavern, whispering murmurs from beyond rued! 

Rood awakening, brooding-shaking with my wild gooze chased con-template!! 

Though, broken are my amid the somner aghastly unsighted scopes of clay 

jars, who missed to pour fragrant oil on Jesus' hair and wash his feet merry. 

I was stirring jealously my chocolate, as others there eagerly sitting backstage. 

Not eager to be bad, not courageous enough to be good, in between outrage; 

mayham supterfuge, while seeking my own daddy encounter of the first cherry! 

Homme Banale, the fragrance of shy bohemian mimes, who dated Bayonetta glaring; 

none notice me, strolling a mile behind, invisible imp, who stole Heavens crayon!! 

Calling a prank end of the shotgun for a Russian Roulette between Meme; Myself and AI; 

Akhan lost his silver, I had to silence the lambs and confine to the nearest Hotel California. 

Hanibal was lecherous, as he sent me a friends request, for a Supper, I had to surmise 

with Robined Sherlock gestures and Добро пожаловать! I rushed in Ushering my Guy 

de Montpaissant, that I ate my own heartbreaker, dropping the Jaws like a slipper, former 

pumpkin spice of Power Puff Ghostbusters, Melany C nor B could pardon Spanish corners! 

Take me to your Church, for Paris deserves Yet another Masse for the absolutist sway...