Sunday, November 20, 2022

How to act out a lord

 The language of Creation 

We're all like gods, or like lords, because we live in a Society, which is better than living in anarchy. We have knowledge; the understanding between meaning and fact. Then people start playing around with meaning and fact, as though, the social media owners are Parents, while their users and participants, like children, then it kinda dimishes access to meaning and fact, because, what previously was transparent, becomes ominous and dark; shrouded in mystery, what only the Augur could understand and comprehend. Can you talk then about self expression -- because you don't talk back to your parents, but receive their culture and teachings. Do I do that on this as well. Receiving Bloggers paental guidelines and reprimands. Because people are unable to understand poetry and polemics! It is meant to spark the conversation!! 

How do you trust the wording of Social media, and their guidelines, who fails to tell their users, what they do right or wrong, while hitting them with the entire law book, "We find your take problematic, because we stand for those rules!" What does that mean? There is a reason, why in the court, the accused, has the right to know his accuser and what he is accused off. Imagine, if somebody breaks one law, lets say, he Jaywalked, but he will also be charged for drunken driving; hit and running; boosting his car etc. because its adjacent to his probable crime, asking the accused to incriminate himself. If the Moderator can't even say clearly, what the problem is, how can you understand and trust such judgment? 

I know, what the problem was, in Sensitizing Ichabod. I don't mind seeing the red triangle on it, because I treat it an honest accounting, like the cutting off a thinger in Game of Thrones, then a person was smugling but not being the pirate!! How else do you condemn violence; propaganda and abuse of religion, in glorifying your reasons for going to war? This is the very reason, we repeat those mistakes, and why wars keep on happening. Because there is always a fence around meaning and fact, then there is somebody, who claims. "If you come adjacent to this fence, you're adjacent to Treason and Transgression -- don't eat from the evil tree etc." The problem is, while we're like lords, we are still humans and err. Nobody should take office, to judge under democracy, who is adjacent to glorifying violence or abuse, just because they didn't like the way, condemnation took place...

Prove your case, that something was wrong, not slap around with the rulebook... 

Edward the VIII the duke of Windsor, who abdicated over a commoner wife, he could not deny himself, but which denied him the crown. Because then you become the King, you should act out your royalty. But Edward could not, so he pushed that burden to his stuttering and inconfident brother, who ended up doing a good job. BUT, the duke got offended, because he wanted both sides. To Marry the commoner, and stay the King, uplifting Ms. Simpson to royalty. Thus he went to Nazi Germany, who alone would condone his take on, how to act out as Royalty! It should be regarded as a bribe, but Edward was too proud and stupid, to understand that. That he cannot fraternize with the enemy like that... All those actions, alienated him from his family; crown and the state, resulting in him being regarded as the enemy of the crown and the fabric of the Nation!! 

Then a Social environment uses sensorship, but laces it as, "You got adjacent to meaning and fact! because we find your take problematic. Maybe it abused children! Maybe it gloryfied violence! Maybe it lead to monetized content (do I get paid for my poetry??) Maybe it threattened somebody; offended somebody etc.!! Who gets to hold the ruler and state that? Is the Terminator offensive and glorifying violence, because that kind of technology is no longer something of science fiction. Its talking about a grooming event, there the mother sends a picture to the future, so the son could find dad and send it to the past, to woo his mother! How would that look under the Blogger guidelines, if the Terminator would be created as a blog? Which age bracket could have access to it? -- Our knowledge of drones becomes ever more and vast. -- If you don't say directly, you withhold information and deny meaning. Such conduct is a form of white lying and offering negative bribes. Because you propose bad faith. Art is meant to be controversial and be on the fringe, at the edge of meaning and truth. This is the very reason, why Democracy is betters than Autocracy!! And why we don't have aristocrats warding over us, giving us parental rules, while not following themself. For what is allowed to the parent, is not allowed to the child. 

How else to use rhetorics and polemics, then you cannot quote Youtube videos about Nazi propaganda, and how they saw themselves answering D-Day, to avoid doing the same folly? If its good enough to be a video on Youtube, it must also be good enough to be fair used, in intrest of argument and narration. 

How else to write poetic denials for War, then you see people perpetuating the same mistakes, and taking God as their war flag into the conflict, making it more harder to find a non escalated solution? 

That was the very reason, the Pharisees, there offended of Jesus Christ, then He taught the peasants, how to turn the other cheek, because it gave them a nuke to evade paying their loans back, because smiting the other cheek, meant cursing god, and was punished by stoning to death. Authoritarians are by default offended, then people  make use of their Rights and Freedoms!! Please tell me about it, like I am a 6 year old (Philadelphia)

Are we having a turn the other cheek moment here now? Do we have Freedom of Speech on this Blog or not? I am writing Christian Poetry and content, for myself and to people to love or hate, or amuse themselves, as people so choose, in accordance to the Law. Could you figure that out already. :o 

Have a nice day, and take care. UWU

1 comment:

  1. How hardcore meditation can transform our brain permanently...
