Sunday, November 20, 2022

Water down

 Beyond the Black -- Beneath the Blackened Sky 

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Frere Jacques

The Heroes are lost in thought and shrouded in mystery; 

as the words of Daily Prophets sing hatred towards the enemy. 

Love thy henchman, like Yourself, Pharisee of old, ma Cherie! 

Mon frere, qui condamnes-vouz le publicain, haut contraire... 

As all the toolboxes and Pet shop boys sing "Frere Jacques" puny 

woke blue checkmark, take the log out of yours, before pruning 

the thorn in the side of the De Will!! Dormez-Vouz let go, mercy!! 

Dashed in the heart of Cercei, watering down the enemies slight 

of hand, fornicated ills. Love thy enemies, and pray for them duely; 

to cast hot coals on the pot above their heads, to make repent tonight! 

That is the chosen valour of a true servant of god and Statesman right! 

What dost it matter, left or right; straight-gay, we all bleed red cruelly!! 

God shall see and punish the wicked, but let us rejoin in Heaven, Hoodies; 

may you find peace in your mourning and may your tears quenched, Fight! 

Are you ready to Love, with Loving-Kindness at the end of the line, open 

your heart and hands to the forsaken and the sinner? On the green mile, 

to those, who are condemned, to bring them back from their folly glen. 

Let none be flushed down the drain of hatred and loathesome covens... 

You are your own Personal Saviour and Jesus Christ there you at the Rhine! 

Take heed and remember to water the lawn with your tears and sweat in kind; 

lead by example, as you come for the festivities and Christmas Tennison Gwen. 

1 comment:

  1. Everclear -- Wonderful Katie Melua -- Wonderful Life Oasis -- Wonderwall
