Saturday, November 26, 2022

Crypto Nation and the Establishment of Kr-Thule

 People have been giving a lot of fuss of Crypto money, not realizing, like Yoda in Star Wars: "Victory, you say? Has begun, the attack of the Clone Troopers!" its because people understand philosophy and religion backwards. I blame the Hegelian teachings, what disgruntled Nietzsche to turn his back to Christendom and choose Romanticism. Because everywhere people lament about Thesis -- Antithesis -- Synthesis, not understanding, what the fuck they are talking about. Because the famous Poet; or Philosopher or Personal Jesus told them about. Then I was still studying theology, I started 2003, the same year I got baptized at the end of the year. If I had not read "Thus spoke Zarathustra" I would have turned my back on Christianity, because I was going through my dry period, then Heaven was literally shut and nothing was going for me, just like with the main character of The Joker. If some kind of gentle nudge would have happened back then, I would have become a terrorist... it was in my profile. But, because I read the author of "the Antichrist" and also Dostojevski's "Evil Spirits" ; "Magus" from John Fowles; Also "Prohvet" from Ain Kaalep not to mention his "Jumalad lahkuvad maalt" (the gods forsake the land) what tells the story of a man, who is tormented by his fathers soul, much like Hamlet, and becomes a Christian, having to choose between being on the side of the cross, or on the side of his fellow Estonians. Too bad I havent gotten a hold of the other two books in this cicle of three... "Toone Tuuled üle maa" (The winds of Toone over the land" and "Koju enne õhtut" (Home before the eve) Also Juhan Jaik's "Kaarnakivi" has been very influencial for the Estonian version of the Philosophers stone, what allows to commune with evil spirits, without harm and have good luck.  I digress, at that time, I believe it was around 2005, then I attended a panel about cyber security and asked about, "whether in the foreseeable future, we are not talking about Germans or French or Estonians, but of Google; Facebook and Orkut people!" and the answer was "Yes, because the value the social medias surplus already exceeds some nations GDP. That was in 2005! 

Crypto Nation is the next step in digitising our social environment. The idea of generating Social networks, what map our intrests, like a MMORPG sandbox does. Imagine if you would have a space, you can fill with an ideal worldview, there other people can connect to it, like with a blog. But they are interacting it like with a state. Their NPC communicating with your NPC like in a D&D sequence, but its an exchange of ideals and philosophy... Wouldn't it be nice, if there existed a Kr-Thule. I took the name from my names Initials and my proclivity to Superman, who comes from Krypton; also because I like Nietzche's Superman idea!! X^D We should always per aspera ad astra even then the next moment an eagle will come and eat our liver, while we are struck on a mountain!! The shoot the moon and snowballs chance in Hell moment in our lives... The reason is quite simple. The wellfare system cannot keep up anymore about the number of elderly people, due to the gnawing away of toxic masculinity or should I say, gentlemen culture. Men are actively pussyfied, and then beaten, like a dead horse: "Why don't you deliver? Why aren't you a gentleman and marry stunning and brave women, who ask wine on a tap and do absolutely anything to love you back, but have virtually impossible demands, what even God doesn't wanna touch!" People think, it is fair and honorable if they have revanche, and stick it to the Man, while that was exactly the sentiment, what got Adolph Hitler to power. because the germans could not fathom, how they could loose WW1 while they there clearly winning in the trenches, not seeing the war of attrition and the empty storehouses, forcing their emperors hand. Because nobody talked sense to the peasant, it was easy to abuse that sentiment and generate WW2 and it appears, WW3 will commence in Ukraine nevertheless, because Europe has still not learned his lesson of power dynamics. Ah well, maybe the madness of Nebuchadnezzar will teach them, if they eat grass, or should I say vegan and go green... Only nuclear power housed in the middle of a USA camp with SAM sites and tactical nukes is the only rhemedy against Mother Russia attacking powerplants or other such principalities... I don't see Europe realizing it yet. There should be American bases in all Baltic states, to counter the Russian agression in this region! Meanwhile, Crypto Nation as a form oh Hungergame, there mockingbirds fare and replace actual warfare with witty debates should be a more humane way of sharing and trading human and phiscal resources. I have no childish thoughts on either side. Both are morally corrupt and do good or evil. Both Ukraine with the West and Mother Russia with the East BUT Mother Russia was the bastard, bringing the Ark of the Covenant into the war, fighting Nazis!! Because Putin made it personal and a religious war, God will intervene and take the toys away. You don't deserve your economy, because you only use it to damage thy neighbour and treat him wormwood and vinegar, and then you have the audacity to quip: "Why so serious and much vitriol in your face?" that's some abriddged version of pie in the face humour even I cannot fathom as funny... or cringe. 

Anyway. Crypto Nations will come. Whether we like it or not. Because we have alwasy sought the Wild Wild West -- what else is there to conquer then we're not traveling to Satrun nor Mars any time soon? Nations there the gatekeeper doesnt shepherd and the wagging thinger of the moral zealot dost cancel and reprimand! There people could have actual entertainment and disconnect from reality, we are denied through media. Because everything has to be political and woke, because otherwise somebody will buttonraise "I'm offended" and nobody is Superman enough to go All-in on that bluff. Holland has been established the same, being erected on land, conquered from the sea, with all its dams and irrigation systems. 

Crypto Nations will come! Who's gonna be first? I challenge you, Elon Musk, to make a first, because you complained, that Twitter will be gone, from the Appstore. Make your own country. I would be more than happy being on your team to devise its narrative! I even have the social currency for it I call "Hedon"! 

Every participant starts with a Networth of 1000 Hedons on their account. That will be used to like other creators and participants content, whether its spam; (there is good spam too, not just very much. Sometimes its called Aesthetics) sharing pictures you don't own (how else you gonna meme); poetry; art; commentary etc. Much like twitter already does, but with a bigger box. 1000 characters should be the limit. (That includes the hyperlink; shortlinks can solve the problem of not fitting all the text in) 

Each day you loose 1 Hedon from your account, due to inflation. So then you do nothing, in 1000 days your account will be empty, and you can do nothing in Kr-Thule being socially bankrupt. Liking someting cost 1 H +xH per 10 likes/per day so the more likes you give the more expencive the next like shall progressively become. If you like to spam likes, like I do sometimes, to appreciate other peoples content, it will have a steep price. You can beside liking the post also tip the post with extra H and if the average agrees with your tip, you get an amount back for being the first tipper. If the average does not, you get nothing. 

Each statement whether positive or negative will get an absolute value of impact, depending on how much traction it generated and gives you 1H back per 1000 clicks you generated! A statement is a tag, you shall see on top of your post. You can have up to seven tags on your posts, so choose them carefully from the list of tags your post contains. This is to encourage edgyness and bring the fun back to entertainment. The emphasis is to let people govern themselves not some spaced out parental agreement. If somebody is too edgy, people will just be able to block or mute him, and he will learn in the solitude, how social interaction should fare, not because he was ripped a new asshole and left without a job and home, with no option, like the Joker, then he lost his job over a gun, what was even not his, because it dropped out, then he was performing to children in a hospital!! If you're blocked or muted, you will loose 1H per each mute and 3H per each block per day extra. 

Writing something generates 1H+xH per positive time lapse of its rating. or negative time lapse of its rating. Removing posts will cost 50H editing will cost 2H. I havent figured the scales out yet. But its worth a shot. OwO Watching voluntarily commercials will give you H, thats the best punishment I can think of people being needlessly edgy or spamming too much or demanding people to be cancelled -- reporting cost 1000 H which you will never get back, regardless of your claim being Truthful or not. Sometimes such things hurt the reputation and are slanderous because of that. Try to first fix your issues by private convo, before you go nuclear, because somebody threw dirt in your eyes or didn't agree with everything you had to say!! It will need a lot of transparent moderators who shall have a rating, and get tipped H based on their performance. Everything is payd by H. Now you can purchase H for 8 dollars per month, and receive an additional surplus of 1000H and you cannot purchase more per month, because its the reporting cost. If you want more, generate more through social interaction! Its the same, wheteher you are a corporation or a solitary individual. Nobody gets shotgun rights. If you report, your name will be made public on the Wall of Shame, that you have an issue with X what needs to be disputed in the Public Court. You have to stand with your social name behind your accusation or drop it! If you cannot, you have no claim! People must stop being pussies and reestablish their moral values. You can ask somebody to speak on your behalf, and if they accept your such quest, they shall be rewarded with 50H but you must be able to write down the grievance, which is more than "I'm offended because Dave Chapelle made a joke about Trans-people. Again! I feel like I got yeeted out of existance because Thanos snapped in the distance!!" this sounds like the Hare being afraid of the pear, falling into the pond and doing "Karzuum" 1980 by Aarne Ahi. based on a Tibetan fairy tale. Too bad I couldn't find a link. Bad Google! That's why we grow dull, because such masterpeaces are forgotten; omitted or lost! Its like taking something to school or court or church but more playful. Witout the realism and binding of the law, because its in cyberspace. Also there should be a way to monitor, that people wont hoard accounts, to get passed the 1 report per account rule. If you're a multi, you get banned for life! Also you cannot convert the value back to real life currency, lest to allow people in Argentina to farm it for extra value, because they got no job. Its meant for past time, not to substitute work. Somebody still needs to generate real value, to keep these kind of things up. Maybe there should be Hedons offered per away time, because you did stuff in the real world, like actually worked in a plant; guarded a supermarket there on duty as police or in the train or bus or the vendor of a shop etc. And dropped 12h per day. not less. 5...6 days per week. I can't say 7 because you need a sabatical to sniff the roses and rejoin Kr-Thule... X^D I do get the irony and dangers of such mediums. Its like petting the red dragon. As an infant he is cute and cuddly, but the more it grows the more it feasts and then it breathes, your village and yourself might burn down. But it might give the big nations and their moral zealots and cuckold claqeurs something else to do, than leaving Ukriane powerless in th middle of winter! Eventually the war shall end, and Nurnberg 2 will be held on Mother Russia, and all the nations, who there hesitant to stand with Ukraine! Its a matter of values, whether you want to be in the West or in the East. Perhaps we should relocate all the cheep chinease factories to the middle of America, Colorado; Wyoming; Cansas and Nebraska look nice. ^^ How did Jesus once say: Mat 5:3,5 "Blessed are the poor of spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven; blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the Earth" The reason, why China is doing so well, is because it has amassed all the dirty labour we there too nobel to do ourselves, and that is strangling the West. Start doing dirty labour again. If it bankrupts Iphone for being too expencive, sending a new product on the market every year with minute changes, like a fashion item of haute couture... There are cheeper smart phones on the market than that!! Huawei looks nice, I think I use one, if I remember correctly... or if Elon makes a cheap alternative, what does not spy to any side and allows anon convos. 

So Wouldn't you wanna Isekai into your favourite Anime or Manga and generate it in the domain of Kr-Thule, or try your novel writing idea in there before it finds itself on paper? That would be the uber cosplay. and have real hentai with the adults in the red light districts. So those who wanna onlyfan can also cother themselves. It all has to work inside the narrative. Also people get Hedons for saying NO!! so people don't get too possessive, and those NO's stack up, if somebody is a stalker or a creep and start eventually counting down, how many H per day you loose... Not be obnoxious on top of it, to see how much outrage can there be created. Learn to be responcible and take your life back. Both n reality and entertainment. Its also because I don't like the actor of Hellboy, Ron Perlman sticking things up his ass, to defame and slander Donald Trump. I accept you don't like a POTUS and have political beliefs and standings. I don't judge that. What I do judge, in the spirit of Nietzches philosophy, is that you would spit and piss on your fandom, who maybe isn't all left leaning or into ass-raping themselves. Don't you think, as a fatherly model, some people would find it revulting, if a man your age does such things, says such things without proof, what normally a 15 year old would do? That I do judge!! What do you know about being dirty, actor of Hollywood! Why can't you shut the fuck up and leave yourself some dignity for future roles or pension, but I guess you wanna Tyrion Lannister it up, winning a castle but loosing powerful allies and influence in Westeros, because it was like the advice of Ahitophel deprecated by the advice of Hushai 2 Sam 16:15 - 18:32? Did Epstein Kill himself or did you remove all the pedophiles from this world and from Hollywood? Why should I care about your rant? So anyway in this Kr-Thule real actors like Ricky Gervais and Dave Chapelle could generate real audience despite Netflix and others... To make a real YouTube there the audience and little man can have a say!! Its like go fund me, but through a D&D permalarp. then Amway does Crossmarketing this does crossnetworking and socialisation, the pinnacle of social interactions and tolerance levels exceed. UWU Crypto Nations is the New Frontier -- the question stands, dear Elon Musk, are you in as the Entrepreneur, who paves the way, or are you out, or maybe you wanna buy another Twitter and fix someone elses shit? The way you treat children has a bigger impact, than the way you treat adults. If you are walking nude in your house and at your lawn, then an adult sees you, it may not have an inpact but if a child sees you, it still breaks the law, because give me a break. Its interactive! Its not the same as reading lolihentai by yourself. Mind what interactions you have with children. Especially you, Ron Perlman! And that's coming from the side, who advocates on the age of inanimate avatars, and cannot count Tanyas age correctly being 37 not 9!! Let that sink in. If inanimate avatars get to choose your age, does a child become older, if he takes on the mantel of Einstein? NO! Does he get a PhD from it like through a spell? NO! Does a man become younger, then having a loli alt? Myabe if he is impaired or cosplaying, but not in reality!! Ypu cannot alter your age through fiction. But you can make statements and tell stories impersonating such things. That is the vent and meaning of Crypto Nations and the Establishment of Kr-Thule. I take it, you're intrested, Mr. Musk? Call me! Godspeed! UWU 

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