Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Godspeed and what it really means to be a Christian

 You need Luke 14:15 to understand, where I am going with this... 

People assume, that the worst thing, what could happen to a Christian or successfull Man, is to fail and enter the desert so to speak (or swamp in Estonia) The fact, that your worthy ideals and promotions don't get taken as such, is a pain. But its not the worst, what can happen to you. The worst, what can happen to you, is then you're as successful as a Preacher than Samuel and Eli there -- but your sons don't walk on your paths! Failure is not horrible, because you'll stand up and make good. Success is the worst hurdle of a successful Man, because you cannot perfect perfection!! The Demon Oblivion haunting me in my dreams... 

"Do you know, what a scientist fears the most in this World, above all else? Its oblivion, my friend. A scientist measures our lives in the way we develop and expand our knowledge through myriad variations. Nothing can take its place. Its our very soul. I have donwe the worst thing, what a scientist can do to another: I have altered your thought process. Then my drug takes effect, you will find your mind has lost its ability to think!" Kurotsuchi Mayuri Bleach

The same is true to theologians and Christians! You must shoot the moon, or do a tower to it from breadbaskets while never reaching it, because you always fall short of one basket!! The same is with my Love towards Communism. As long you understand, the Yourney is important, not reaching there, you can achieve a Zen mind and do something benefitial to the World and society, much like the conductor was gleamed from the ideals of Perpetuum mobile... For the Tao you can speak of, is not the real tao!! 

Success is a drug and poison to every Christian, because you may forget, You are in it for God, not Yourself! Many Sons and Daughters fail, because their daddy or mommy was too awesome in Christ! We cannot stand failure, because it happened, but because it happened against US!! We're proud that God chose exactly US, to do His bidding, that we neglect our place and start being offended, then the coach puts us on the bench, like many times happens in Teamsport. "I can understand, that He sits there, but what about MEE!" The Pharisee and the Taxcollector comes to mind. His plans might counter your worthy tactics. Some times God Fucks with a Christian 9 times, and makes His worthy plans go to waste, until He reveals his own not so worthy and honorable plan... You're not there to judge, if God made a 10/10 or 22/10 performance -- you would need to serve, even if that was a 0/10 performance and you know all too well, this is the end for you!! 

People constantly wish us well, that we should get what we want, while "May your wish come true." is a curseslur in Arab countries. Maybe your worthy idea is inventing trawling to improve fishing. Why is this a bad thing? Because now you need only a minute amount of fishermen to do their thing and everybody else needs to fuck off and find something else to do -- or steal, damage your idea, to keep their fishing village as it is. A guy with an axe cannot deforest a plane, but a harvester and guys with Chainsaws could! This is not, to talk shit on progress, but to remind, that you can't have everything. If you choose progress, you have to abandon Culture and Roots. If you choose the latter, you have to cripple the revolutionary tendencies and revert To Victorian Era and Puritanism... Avangard and Decadence is not a question of Yes or No, but which Hill are you willing for to die for what principle, while killing some and letting others live. Godspeed or Luke 14:15 is most notorious about it. Because, what could be wrong, in wishing to dine with God in Heavens. Because it happened on Sabbath day, at a feast of a Pharisee, who could afford it, and who capitalized on the reputation of Jesus Christ, the posh progressive preacher, who the town had a fuzz about -- and now an educated pupil, of the kind I once was, dares to stand up and sigh that, fully knowing: "Blessing in the morrow is accounted as a curse!" But he has to be happy about the words of Jesus Christ, he heard and show how gentle and kind he is!! But what about all the other people in Israel, who there not invited? Does it not suck, if they have to stay out of it, just because, they didn't fit on the list and couldn't even go backstage Mat 15:21-28 

How many Christians can bitch themselves up and humble to that extent, to be called a little doggy who eats breadcrumbs under the table? Or are you standing up, and shouting "How dare you, Jesus, I am Title; Insert name; insert last Moral Victory! How could you disrespect me. Didn't I do those for You??" Mat 7: 21-23 Yeah, tell me about it, what about those worthy things, you did on every street corner and television or Youtube! Didnt you get pay by contract for that?? People love Dr. House; Frank Underwood; Tuco or even Gustavo -- but noo Lord Jesus Christ, Mary Sue, cannot do that!! How can the One, who relieved Luciver of his Title not do that? Lord Jesus Christ is the Morningstar -- He is Judge; Jury and Executioner. If you claim Christian, your ass is His!! What will you do, the Jesus sasks you to smite your other cheek in broad daylight, you fully knowing, that casts you down to Hell? Will you A Refuse, and be Anathema, for refusing a direct order 1 Kings 20:35-43 or B will you accept it and even your clothes will despise you! Jdg 11:29-40 sure, maybe the culture, will eventually forgive you, but not on your time!! Halleluyah? Godspeed! What has choosing lord Jesus Christ and His Cross have accosted you, Men of the West? There's your suffering! Your Seminaries and Crusades are second to none and haul in as much as a MVP talking about business could dream; your scholars convert by the zounds, but you fail in the most important principle. You fail to give up your Ego and Life for Christ and do it for Yourself! Because you ignore the sermon of the mount, God shall defy you, and make you an affront to all pagans, than Luciver before, who was cast down to Earth, like Equinox in Batman: Brave and the Bold. Aye, all Christians shall be struck down, and eat breadcrumbs under the table, and the spirits of the Pagans and their false gods shall be lifted up once more!! Be gone from my Presence, Christians, why dost I care about your tithe and trampling my courts, if you don't do justice to the widow and the orphan while gifting each other with loving-kindness. Why is Mother Russia still a UN member, who can weaponize food, while Usha and Eu do nothing about it!! Are you embarrassed about your war effort in Ukraine? Do you also wish to strike a more fair deal and have your market at the Kreml?!!? 1Kings 20:23-34 Who wants to have jihad and holywar on Lord Jesus Christs watch, whatever happened to the Childrens Crusade, and how many reached Jerusalem? Your hearts will be made like children, and you shall be governed by old hags and gigolos, who you fornicate on your rooftops and acclaim: "I shall do this; I shall do that, in the name of the Lord and Vanquish Nazis from the face of the earth!!" You do know, that God can revive the Spirit of Cu Clux Clan and other Racist organisations, just to spite your such ordeal? Pro 24:17-20 or maybe you're against that motion and want to Make Racism Great Again!! Because you hate MAGA so much, that MRGA hits just the spot, for its the filthy ungreatful Republican Boomers fault for not voting Blue, no matter who, even if its the Black Horseshoe of Brandon! Back to the Gospel, and leading by Sermon of the Mount, or else, the cornerstone will come, and fall upon you; who ever he smites, he devastates; and who ever stumbles on it, shall fall to his disgrace and be undone! Shut the fuck up and carry your Cross, following Lord Jesus Christ! But you have worthy business with mother Russia, like the sons of Ruben!! A Lion will be on your market and a bear on your streets to devour your babes, whon went up to mock God, for you said nothing against mother Russia -- and the war goes on in Ukraine!! Pro 22:13; 2 Kings 2:23,24 Is Lord Jesus Christ a bald man to you? Or is he too stupid to be followed and be heeded His words, like Tuco asked his subordinates... Slavery will be back on the menu, you worhippers of Mother Russia, who are afraid of the Nuclear Mushroom, but not of the hunger in Africa and faceless gutlessness of EU and Usha along with Nato and UN!! Why are you still touching the ark of the covenant, as though your hand is cleaner than the dirt or that oxen who try to throw it off, because you didn't concecrate priests and do it the hard way, which was the right way? 2 Sam 6:1-8

Have a nice day and Godspeed. May Lord Jesus Christ be on all your paths!! (UWU to Chtulhu, for those of faint heart and feeble mind)

1 comment:

  1. For those who want to know, what is raining in my head, this is the list playing now on endless loop... UWU
    https://youtu.be/6Gy8ePcbul4 Monster Skillet (Korra)
    https://youtu.be/8-LfBIODzWI Night Witches Sabaton (Youjo Senki)
    https://youtu.be/-QMIJumbRo0 Baba Yetu Selesnya Conclave theme (Our Father in Heaven)
    https://youtu.be/YpPRwA4rEko Rakdos Theme Ready to die Andrew W. K.
    https://youtu.be/PhdEkYvmSJE Mardu Theme Warrior Disturbed
