Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Blatnoy culture and the issue in depicting Tuco's Madness

 Tuco's Madness 

How not to do as a Man

I have an issue with youtube now, more than lately. I remember one episode in season 2 Breaking Bad, and I wanted to use this as an example in a moticational video, but I remembered that scene differently. 

In my memory, both parties arrived at the Scrap Yard by car, and handed over the bag of toilet paper, to mask the cash, not put it on top, so every sting operator could take a picture. It was, so if the speeding camera or anybody takes a picture, you could say, "I bought extra special toilet paper, you can't buy in the convenience store!", because stuff like this happened in Estonia, then we came out of the Soviet Union and became Capitalist... 

In my memory it also was a thing, that Tuco didn't like the colour of the dope, but it was revered differently and more believable and not so soulless... You could just see the madness oozing out of every fabric of the actors presence and pore. Depicting the stereotypical methcrazed Mexican. Its sad that the Youtube version toned it down. 

In my memory, the chubby boy said "Don't forget, you're working for us now" and the skinny one replied "Yeah!" The Chubby even punched the proverbial thinger in Heisenbergs chest. Heisenberg ignored the obvious unintended insult and was shuffling out with his student and then Tuco takes both the Chubby and Skinny on, for major disprespect -- also they didn't tell you about it, they let the scene show you it. The Chubby had more bling on, and you could see, allthough there was a size disadvantage, Tuco was just murdering the two with his crazy mad eyes. Then Heisenberg said "Relax!" it was telegraphed in a casual cocky manner with no fear shown out. But the Youtube version depicted a frat boy, who shows his colours, to a drug lord, you wanna do business with! Motherfucker, the next time, he could shoot you, just to be safe that you don't turn. Tuco only asked is "Heisenberg Stupid?" and "Am I stupid!" and got a no to both and snapped that Hesienberg tried to placate him, because it was not his time to speak up!! There was no spoiling the scene with words...

So he absolutely pummels the chubby on foot, who don't even tries to defend himself, because he knows, what he did wrong. Later he is dragged onto the car and they roll away, leaving Heisenberg back, who immediately goes into his car with his student and starts a pep talk, how they cannot quit yet because he needs money and the boy needs money, and thus their assumed mark is reached, then they can take THIS to heart and quit!" I loved the dazed and confused look on them both, then they sat in the car, motor still turned out, which suited to the situation, not how the Youtube video concluded. And now for the killer punchline. 

Tuco comes back with his car, and Heisenberg thinks this is it; but its just that the chubby started to have a ceasure, for being beaten up, and Tuco came back, because Heisenberg is a smart guy who can fix anything. Maybe he's also a doctor!! But it was too late, and Chubby drowns in his own blood... and gets burried under a car. But the skinny has a problem with that, because you cannot do that to a teamplayer, and gets the "It seems to me, that you are arguing!" from Tuco and his really sad face looking down. Even Tuco knew its a fucked up situation, but he couldn't do anything against his own reputation, what needed to be upheld. And then both sides leave to the sunset... Post Scriptum, Heisenberg goes home, and crawls to his wifes warm embrace in bed, without even changing clothes and just weeps, and the wife just accepts it!! Where did that Breaking Bad go, and why was it replaced with this ZZ Top "I wear sunglasses" one on Youtube?? WTF 

Then I saw this, I was like Maculay Gulcin in Home Alone shaving for the first time, and screeming. I turned immediately the TV off, staring into the black screen thunderstruck... haunted by the visage. It was... it was... Awesome-Sauce!! The Reason why I like Asian horror and despise the shows of the West these days. I would watch the horror version with its existential angst any time; but that Youtube version, why should I give a fuck on that one!! I know Youtube and parental guidance wants to give the safe no offence version, but that could propel somebody to become Heisenberg, because its so easy and neat. You need it to work like a roadkill final destination clusterfuck, so people would think twice before converting their chemistry skills into a meth lab. I have mad respect for the Creators of Breaking Bad. For Youtube and who ever concocted the baby version -- not so much... Never be the furcoat of your boss's mouth, nobody likes that man, or is your Boss stupid; or is he weak; or are you an Alp! have a nice day and Godspeed, Halleluyah! UWU

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