Saturday, November 26, 2022


 Being in the know -- how let as moe down the show; 

slow - mow, heads held low, living Hells -- Bell's curve 

show, the stopper, what Rakdos could never code in droves. 

MS or Ms. Marvel on the Universe of Pain! What's the love; 

"Quid est Veritas, cuid pro quo, modus operandi, deus Ex fervor!! "

the Gnosa-Maestros shouting "Penitentiagite!" while swerve 

the new wave of tolerance from responcibility and shame glows... 

More Radioactive than the Anarchy sign and three crossed swords; 

people wanting to be free from the captivity of law, but not civitas!! 

How do you live as a barbarian and cleric at the same time, Bards? 

Oathbreakers fare not well, šurik, operation Õ will not reap rewards... 

Gnoso-Maestro implores -- there will be more value stickers, pietas -- 

how long have those Nations trampled on holy grounds, erecting Phaeton, 

like Nehustan was not good enough to Eunuch and Nuff say the Lords!! 

Those enlightened shall be shackled blind, for you seethe too much; 

thus your circumcion knives are still bloody, Zealoth warden of Dinah. 

Who you kill tribes for one night stands, and fornicating outside -- touch, 

the doorknob of Benjamin and tell me, how many men there leftover, Butch! 

Cassidy was going for Picachu's face, then Team Rocket could not catch Mulah.

 Ash could call his pets friend. Do you also Nakama with Natsu Dragneel or bulla? 

There is no rest for the wicked in living Hell, if you lead the blind to their crotch!!

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