Thursday, November 17, 2022

Snowflakes (homage to Juhan Liiv)

 Deepfake Snowflake you reek of Havoc, can I reap your stakes; 

as I creep where you wreak the Hemlock, hamstrung of Blake, 

no Will shall state "I Am!" as Perhapsburg Citizens off-stave! 

Blame it on the Goat, for "There is no Game!" Tribunale Conclave, 

Selesnya singing Baba Yetu, while the suahili the only ones to rave!! 

The Craven images of would be Christians, what fervor could you mane, 

what Nubians havent offered to Lord Allmighty before the Knights chafes? 

Snowflakes falling merry silent -- on the glass ceiling and masses stampede; 

save your wicked glee and zealous outrage, what petty feud, could Iron price! 

Eyes cold, Ice around your neck, laces the once told swears, oaths intrigue 

and Valhallas Valburgs Nightly gown to resurrect the once dead Viking Leagues. 

You hope, like once Gomer, Daughter of Diblaim married Hosea for the dice. 

Expected 22 begot Natural One the broken Shekel to make ammends vice! 

Alas, your stockmarkets been counted, found to be light in firesales heat. 

As the burnt down houses churn, yearn for mercy, what has a Christian in Peace; 

there is no rest for the wicked, set sail to Aberdeen and get your anime trolled!! 

Deus Ex wanted to Exauditi with the Grey Gargoyles, who's Penthouse lease 

was carved in stone, while the Univercitas Spiritus Sangre there on absent leave. 

As the covenant with Hell was struck, many snowflakes for the chance enrolled, 

to be the Snowball in the face of Dante Alighieri on the Road to California Bold! 

The Golden Heads, wanted toss the tails over the rainbow had Gormac's Cheeze.


  1. A snowflake is a snowflake is a snowflake; a Sheep dost not reborn into a Wolf...

  2. Billy Idol -- Rebel Yell
