Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Eldrich Horror

Belittle bit of Monika in my life; then men are cucks 

and have no Persona to pack the heat. Summoning-sickness, 

as a swarm of Cerberii is trying to maul you in one fuck!! 

Drawing in cards from different decks, while house of ducks; 

wants to pretence moral high-ground, which got thickness 

from the ogre mommy Tsundere, pummeling the kawaii-pringles. 

What has the right done, but catching L's from V's mouthlocks? 

To witch realm has "The Revolver" shot those lunar ticks; 

who would still ship Xena with Hercules and Joxer's ass -- 

good comedy? I can't see the difference from the clicks, 

I see on Twitter, then people Seethe on Trump, hurling bricks 

on him building walls, still awaiting for the church of glass 

built in between and being the mediator, they acclaimed blass!! 

Eat there your mouth is -- work miles your own bag of tricks. 

What has the left overtured; overlorded and imbued with toxic 

masculinity, like Angus cared about us, searching for Z lost city!! 

Where have you not poured lampoil onto, to empower-hostage 

the takes and raise the stakes with the forks of Hophni's new age 

and Phinehas Universitas Torquemada, believes avocados pretty. 

All devils advocates should form DA and be white russians nitty... 

how could you possibly save your nono square, then thus moxy? 

The center stage -- left - right - alt -- only Sargon of Akkad takes 

it seriously to cut some smiles on your faeces. While costs soar, 

many farewell to broken dreams and Estonian sailors in remakes. 

Urb; Suvari; Sander -- the holy trinity of a better time -- hit the breaks!! 

Plagiarising your own thoughts, nobody wants to Hitch a cock for boars 

in your classroom, as we take you to school for the brainwash Lars, 

Nietzsche would have torn asunder, to Superman for the greater Blake!

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