Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Mogil David

Pain's Reward 

If you feel alone, just remember...

There is no protection against Evil, what does not draw inside; 

for no Source can corrupt You, but thy own covetous heart, 

burned on hearthe-stones of Passion; Lust and Desire, decide -- 

shall your compassion Deicide "God is Dead!" or step aside! 

Walk like a woman, behind God! Only the Gospel, shall part 

your lips and make you jump into the fray; As Tyr aligns rampart 

Algiz takes heed. Inguz on Ish, like Yuri on Ice, coinsides... 

Then you feel the cold terror of Sin, why not sit in the oven, 

like Shadrakh Mesakh and Abednego; pray like Balthazar! 

In the Lions den, and Ravens Croft, your truth shall coven; 

Mogil David will not shield your faith, then you wont govern

the dog inside Yourself, what seeks to release the Lord of War!! 

Listen to Conflict, ye of blind and brittle faith, none shall mar 

God, by coming to His Presence without a Scar, Simba-10! 

Embrace your inner demon, sin gracefully, give praise to the Lord; 

Those, who take their Cross on themselves, will be Mogil David!! 

You will run wihtout relent, until the wild horses tire -- afford 

to trade wits with a dragon, or with Qi Lin and Lilith a discord... 

Morrigan might be your handmade and Kali your steward Maverick! 

Forsake yourself and your name, and take up your path for the licks. 

I can't get no satisfaction, but the ascendance of Pain's Reward reborn.