Monday, November 7, 2022

Fasting Jesus

 Jesus was fasting, in the desert, possessed by the Holy Spirit; 

tossed and towed by the hungers and souls desires, devils reward! 

Three times he stayed true to himself, how far dost reach it, 

yours best and sonorous prayer, which wears sunglasses, preach it! 

The next Hobo and Harlot, takes it down, as your Pharisees pretard 

gets smoked and Sodokite temples sacked gets dismantled and retired!! 

Fast in your spirit, not in your statue, hold on fast to your humble skillet. 

Many people get to nowhere Fast and give up on their Heroes Journey; 

crossing corners; boundaries and intersections -- trespassing the law 

to those, who have not been deemed worthy at the directors Choice Ree! 

Behold, for the Lord, our Savious, is like a vengeful Lion - do you believe -- 

the wisemen he sent home empty, but those who there torn in spirit, fawned; 

He gave to be his Shield and his Sword, relentless deliver before the Dawn!! 

Do not judge anybody by his mantle, be it mighty nor low; haughty nor scold; 

you don't know left from right, and what the face of the lord shall bring home. 

Many have become affront, by judging without fasting and hearing before told; 

ask from God, not from the grifters pouch of bread, who shall be saved or sold! 

Don't be enslaved in your pride and hybris; behold, how befell the Holy Domes; 

the seats of power, El Shaddai took for his Name, where are they now, Gomer? 

Don't get stoned, be happy of your chosen lot, you daughter of Diblaim, bold!! 

Many wicked spirits have gone out into this world, has also, Ariel, Lion of God; 

do you still wanna behold, how the pagan bitches fare, to see their tribes bleed? 

Many Cows of Bashan pride themselves with splendor, before taken abroad; 

on the market only the merchant, the buyer will praise, as you wail in sores!! 

Remember the friends of Job, such is the praise from this World, its decrees: 

The push and the pull -- one day on top the other, rotten peels in the sun bleek. 

Fast in thy lord, but bathe and cleanse your face, to hide yours for Heaven as told!!

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