Saturday, November 19, 2022

Where's your ring of Power

 Plato's Allegory of the ring 

The Benefits of Daydreaming 

How to understand power 

Man without a face Wiki

"Power is, what makes others do, you would have them do!" and counting six paths: 1. Physical Force 2. Wealth 3. State Action 4. Social Norms 5. Ideas 6. Numbers, glorifying Democracy at the face of Tyranny, which is ironeus, for Tyrants there used to break ties in the Senate, then both parties could hold the Democracy hostage. For instance, America is not a Democracy but a Constitutional Republic, there the ideals of Democracy are held back by ammendments, lest the men in power capitalize on the folly of the masses. Because those named six paths have that issue, of seeing things ideally. Or as Descartes put it "God is a gentleman and does not cheat!" then talking about Cogito, ergo sum. How can you be sure of your thinking, or your ideas being true and virtuous? Who told you that? Your God through a vision or church you belong? Your party through their doctrine? Your social movement? Your boss at work? Your friend or relative? Some old woman behind the corner or in the sauna? 

Our first power, before anything happens, is Trust in Time. That is the first power, we distribute around, what produces Capital! A Person who trusts a ring of power to be good, acts one way (Capt. Planet and Team Planet) while a person knowing the ring to be evil acts out differently (Niebelungenlied; Plato and Tolkien) For you don't have to always destroy all rings of power, but use some for the time being, which is called "the devils due" or "the devils advocacy". Sometimes you can't choose between good and bad, but bad and worse; and you don't always know, if you can choose bad, or whether you should rather choose worse, because it is winning. 

The other power is whether you wanna work inside Civitas or Outside. Are you conforming to the social norms, or are you a revolutionary and radical thinker, creating your own path in the wilderness! People shame free thinkers a lot about being outside, not contributing to the norm or to establishment, or being too toxic and disruptive. What do these languages and terms mean. That somebody wants to hold power over you... 

The Third Power is whether you wanna be the Hero or the Trickster. Nobody thinks to himself, I want to be Evil, unless he is at the end of his pathology line. Even the Nazi's thought of themselves gentle and kind, doing the jews a favour then they exterminated them with Cyclon B for inability to live on the Arian level. The problem is not, that we failed to condemn the Nazis enough, but we can mess up the same bad, if we don't look out. The road to Hell is paved with Good Intentions. Greed can be satiated or retaliated; Ambition scolded and educated but Pious and Virtuous Dreams and Aspirations cannot!! Whenever you challenge something there you get more white lies: a) How dare you! Are you against Progress? b) Do you not want powerty to vanish? c) Do you not want free education? d) do you not want good jobs for everyone? e) We need to press on, because what got us here, wont venture further!! etc. 

What is power to you? Is it a means to an end, or do you have something to do? There was a movie in the soviet times, whos title I don't know, it was about a church needing a bell to be made, but the bellmaker died, and they found a boy, who claimed to be his apprentice, so he should know which clay to use, to make a good bell. The peasants are mad, because it dost not matter, where they dig, the clay is not good enough for the boy! There is a famine in the area, so they are sus about it, that the boy might be lying to keep alive. But they don't dare to question it. Later the movie ends, as the bell was made and miraculously its voice is like the choir of angels, the best around!! And the boy cries, because he lied, and the old man, who was made to ward over him, lest the "apprentice" dies before finishing the mission, consoles him... Where is the moral, what Socrates talks about, in this? If good is always good, no matter what, why is it then, we seldom choose it. Maybe Socrates is, as Nietzsche proposed, the corrupter of the youth!! From a Christian standpoint, this is a tall order, because mostly people love him, I did too in my youth. To hear, that there is a realm, there Ideals live and are accessible, seems nice on base value. The problem is, that people can choose, not to access it, thus them not being on earth, in the here and now -- 

Isn't it better if we have a good tyrant, or in the presoviet times, the peasants in Russia and the Baltics talked about the good Tzar! He was called in ideal, the Enlightened or Awokened Tzar, who protects us from the folly and greed of the landlords, who there perceived to be the root of all evil. This was all in the spirit of Existentialism; Romanticism and (Post)modernism... Though them ruled by edict of that same Tzar, which shows the shortcomings of the human intellect... 

Somebody, who thinks for you, what is good or evil, so you don't have to sift through all the data, to find the facts. Your personal Jesus! I first encountered this concept, then a Christian married woman, talked about, at a dinnertable, how she doesn't pick and choose, what she reads, but lets her husband or pastor decide!! I was mortified. Although both my grandmother and mother there gen. 1 feminists, I never had problems finding my reading and watchlist. I was literaly encouraged to have mny own mind. How can you even call yourself Christian, in this hostile territory, if you have no personal connection to your reading and watch list, because somebody else had to chew your bacon and vomit it into your mouth, like you there Prince Ashitaka down, swallowing the loving-kindness of San, because of lack of strength left after almost bleeding out in your previous heroes errand? 

How can we even approach, the concept of talking power, then we cannot even control, what gives us information.  The same problem I am having with the newspapers of today, who's tendency is "Orange man bad!" thus I don't read them anymore. I like to figure things out on my own, not let a fact-checker snort and squeel like a pig stumbling on pearls, behind my back and over my left shoulder. I don't wanna feel, like in a conversion booth, then ever I touch a news feed. That's why social media has won, because it gives people direct access to information and the ability to make up their minds, not tendencies preordained from some Umbridge or Trelawney or Skeeter or Lockhart!! Even talking to the devil is better than that... 

The fourth power is, do you wanna embrace the darkness and silence in solitude or not. The hardest problem about power, is like the No Nut November commercials. From one side, you have the people yelling "Don't fap!" from the other "Fap!" You don't need to pick either side... The most distress begets, that people want to be something for someone. Why though? Why do you need to be somebody!! Be Yourself, and defeat the urge to perform the role, what is projected to you by your Ego and Society. It might sound absurd, then the revolutionary in the second already deals with the outside -- the problem is, that then you try to change something, like Nietzsche proposed about the abyss -- it glimpses back its effect and influence, inside your very soul, like two fluids mixing. Even if you're the greater fluid, parts of the lesser seap into You!! Never try to change anything, as Lao Zi has proposed. Only talk to yourself and love yourself, like the Prayer of Frank Underwood in the church then he was fighting the peach. If you cannot do that to yourself, and distinguish your ends and beginnings, how can you distinguish that, then you actually are talking to God, like both Ryonosuke Akutagawa and Friedrich Nietzsche missed out, talking to, but not understanding being under judgment until suicide and madness took them both... 

Its not so easy as you think. Silence all the chatter inside and out. To do things, without expecting anyone to take notice and reward you for it. Create your own Nirvana around you and not give a fuck about. The world being too cynical the woke being too psyched. What's the difference, when both paths lead to the same despair. Nobody respects moderation and Temperance anymore, unless they call a Heroine by that name, studying Bones, and having Booth as sidekick, oh the irony in this. To make the North and the South work together like that, and have it function. One of the better series, Hollywood and wokesters could not botch... Everything is in your face, no Black Buttler humour and sass with savage underscores. Everybody has to be your friend, like the health panels in Mel Gibsons movie "A Man without a Face" (1993) because you refused to give yourself their chosen mask or Persona. Did you do it out of grief; respect or because you molest children? That is here the question. That is the reason, you need to give up your persona, but just as Lord Jesus Christ, possessed by the Holy Spirit, could do that only after being tossed into the wilderness!! What there the free trials, in order to remove Persona from you, (Mat 4:1-11) what Jesus faced. 1. Make the stones to bread or squeeze water out of stones or bake bread out of shit, are figures of speech about guiding your success! It is, what self help promoters call, leading youself. How do you do that, without gnothi seauthon? It doesn't even need to be miraculous. So many TV preachers err against that, making themselves and God a mockery. Also the Appearance before Annas in Court!! 

2. The Louis Lane vs Superman Trial, for she always liked to defenestrate herself --  because we should not tempt God, even if He is there to save our bacon! The Trial in front of the Sanhedrin...

3. Bowing down to Satan, acknowledging Him as the Ruler of this World. Why is that wrong, for this world is Evil. Because, if you condemn something as Evil, just as the Estonian saying "The Manors rope, let it slide!" you wont have a dog in the fight anymore. Because why should you care, if you're working for Life in Heaven, but not for Life in Here and Now in this Evil World!! Nietzsche was right, mocking Jesus Christ in Thus Spoke Zarathustra, or should I say, the persona, church has created, which is not the real Jesus Christ! Because my Jesus Christ is not such a cuck, that He would suffer sin and transgression, especially amongst His own court!! He solves His problems and redeems the condemned, not casts them out without mercy, for failing to understand the rib story or being bathed in the blood of the lamb, like its the new Halloween brand of Wash and Go. Maybe L'oreal; Olay (Oil of Olaz) Nivea etc. If you don't know the slang, how could you tell the difference, what the Christian is talking about, he might as well be talking about manaburns. The examination of the Sanhedrin in the Morning.

Next time, you claim, you had it hard, and people are busting your nuts, try these nuts for size -- Jesus Christ suffered all this, being the Son of God, who had seven legions of Angels at his disposal, like POTUS has the nukes, and He didn't move a muscle to establish Himself; dispose of His enemies and the entirety of the Roman Empire. He went until the cross, to be mocked by the crowd, even his righthand man mocked him and only the left hand man believed, until his heard broke and He had to cry out "Eloii, Eloii, Lemah Sabahtani!" My Lord My Lord, Why have you forsaken me?" and then He died!! Can You negate your Persona and Ego like that? Because if You don't, what does it matter, what your morals or ambitions or something else are. You are possessed by them not possess them to do this and that!! Why do I care about gurus, possessed by their own intellect... I have to admit, TealSwan and Sadhguru, make a lot of sense to me... Do you possess your time and abilities, or do they possess you and rule over you through your persona You and This World arond you, have created, to be Somebody! Be Nobody!! Be Tao. Be like the Wind, who comes and goes, and nobody knows, when or where. Let your left hand not know, what your right hand does... John 3:8; Mat 6:3 For this is the true mark of being born again, not how much you can spend on the tithe or on charity or doing something else. If you have to do it for the brand, you have already lost and played the devils game... Where's your Ring of Power? Have a nice day, Godspeed! Halleluyah UWU 

(It was meant to be written on Nov 18th but things got in the way and needed to be dealt with... :o)


  1. Respect! Thanks for the face reveal and honesty. ^^ This one is not possessed by his Persona. OVO

  2. And somebody will create their ring of power and mark of the beast... :o Maybe all of them put together.
