Wednesday, November 9, 2022

The Philadelphia Problem

Why can't we remove Evil from Society?

Groomer Schools 

Charmed: Avatars 

Steve Martin -- The Jerk 

Congo -- Stop eating my Sesame Cake 

Shaft -- What's my name?

 I always thank myself, that I could watch with enjoyment the Series "Charmed" and learn so much from it. Its a woke series, but it had its redeeming qualities. For the sake of this exhortation, let us remember that series of episodes, what talked about Avatars, who there neither good nor evil, but possesses so many OP powers, not limited to immunity; power granting and negating. 

What happens, then you don't have a genuine Hero story, with Good and Evil; existential crisis, but the connotation of an Utopia, there you cannot do evil and break the law -- because if the doctor uses the cellphone while in a restricted area, he gets his hand cut off; if one of The Hallywells parked their neighbour in, again, which kind of dick moves they did constantly -- she gets shot in the stomache by police. It was hysterical, how out of place those enactments there, as though those people there possessed. 

Evil and pain is an integral part of Life. It allows us to experience the depth of our actions. If a child would never fall down, while learning to walk, they will have large anxieties, should they find themselves there. You cannot have empathy as well, if you havent experienced lying and wronging somebody weaker as you, which is called bullying. I can say I have experienced both ends of the stick -- being a bully and being bullied. It made me a more tolerant person. 

The other thing is, then your female heroes have no bad traits, but act all bitchy, there everybody else is like your serfs! That leaves the boys to play the demons and bad roles. Which means in child mind Demons date Angels!! While you talk, that misogyny is wrong, how does preaching silently to choose bad boys who mistreat women (Leo broke his vow as white lighter and fucked his mentee pregnant and couldn't save from drowning, then she had a power rush and face a water demon alone!! Cole left Phoebe alone while married, especially when she was pregnant!! Nt to mention the relationships because the parents of Halliwell fucking around) help in that case? 

When you have no evil in your life or do no evil, you also loose the ability of Temperance. Imagine your good and evil like a cup, you pour to the world or drink yourself. If its only filled from one source, you will loose taste and perception, because everybody should like the same. It will come to oyu as a shock, then for instance your substance is coffee, then somebody drinks mead! It feels and tastes so different -- coffee and mead. One is bitter the other is sweet. You can't really mix them, you would have to first drink one, wash your cup and then drink the other. But people don't have time to experience that way, so they rush it -- and then complain: "Your juice bad!" 

Teaching intersectionality; "family-friendlyness" (meaning abandoning your actual family, for the sake of the street gang or cult) and queer manners/ways -- while the mere opening of the Bible at school or lunch gets you barred from school and your parents notified as though your kid smoked meth or planned a school shooting. 

We all know the story, where a boy brought one pill of Aspirin to school, and was subjected a thorough search through of himself and his locker. Giving the devil his due, you could argue, that this pill could have been cocaine or crack and you cannot always believe people claiming something, but shouldn't school districts have proactive ways in finding out, if something is an illegal substance before going all out! Because if you ban all evil from society, you make such bizarre outrages of force and law frequent and business as usual. Nothing can look sus and even border with Treason or Evil, because then you're already guilty. The pharisees built an intricate web of teachings around the Torah, so people would not even come close to a possible insult against God or Prophanity, because they would literally not reach the holy mount!! So much so, that if a leaf fell on your shoulder on Sabbath day, it was a terror -- if you lift it up, its work, and that is wrong; if you walk with it, its wrong, cause no work. Staying put, no can do, you have only a limited amount of steps you can take on this day, and you have to go to the Synagogue or back to home; and staying in the wrong place at night, could get you raped, as happened to many strangers in Israel, the reason, why Sodom and Gomorra there destroyed, then the Angels in disguise almost got it; or then an entire tribes men there vanquished for raping a woman on doorstep!! 

Those are the results of banning evil from society, because people have no access to it, to make their own mind, which side they wanna be! Jesus had to work his butt off, in order to bring the orphan and widow; foreigner back to reach for the good stuff in the Torah! That is the reason, you cannot make people into Avatars, like happened in Charmed, nor do that woke thing in schools, because the other factions don't have that kind of priority. At this point, I would rather let a mad arab teach my children (which I don't have, for not being married, I'm speaking proverbially) how to summon Cthulhu or how to become a Satanist, because they actually give guidance, how to function in society and not become a roadkill, than this kind of nonsense, there like Steve Martin played in the Jerk. I never had more toothache in my life. Do you remember that glassy girl in V for Vendetta, then she knew the showhost just killed himself with that Milk-Devil-kill yourself joke? I had the same vibe, then I looked at The Jerk. Its not funny to see a white man act like a nigger, because he was raised the wrong way!! The idea behind mowgly, was to say, that the man overcame his shortcomings of upbringing, and made them his strongpoint, also Tarzan... but the Jerk, yes. The same problem is with our scolarship these days. 

Why are those people raising niggers and cunts? I again remember one of my favourite movies differently, than the clip I could find on Youtube. :(( The scene was chosen, because it depicted a corrupt black official in a proud and collected way, without having to shame anybody. The story was, that a big corporation lost its expensive satellite in Congo, and had to recover it or go bust, so they sent the son of the owner, who got lost, then they sent the woman, who was an expert agent, who found Tim Kurry aka Mr Herkermer, who owes everybody money and worthy men, because he abandoned his previous crew, who sought for the fabled diamond mines of King Solomon. That failed fake-Indiana Jones snubbed at the sesame cake of the black Captain Wanta, because as a bottomfeeder, he was used to betters. So I loved in my experience, then the conversation started: "This is my Sesame cake, you are eating there..." the man is confused. "Why are you eating my Sesame Cake?" the man starts to throw up, because he couldn't swallow. "Stop eating my Sesame cake!" the man spits it out, and then comes the rest of the conversation in a calm and recollected voice, never having to raise it, like Severus Snape had done it in Harry Potter. 

Why can't the important topics be disgussed, without giving one side the Super Mario Boost, and turning it to Space Jam. I mean, it was a funny movie, I loved it, but if every single movie is like Space Jam or an abbridged version of the same joke mentality, there is something wrong with us and Hollywood. Something has to give, there you get the dark horror, I first experienced, then I read the real ending of the Cinderella story, there the wicked witched danced herself to death in iron slippers, which there prior held on hot coals, not run into the dark forest to be never seen again!! There crime gets punished, like in Joker. Actions must have bad outcomes, or else people, will not be able to appreciate, why we choose Good and Right from Evil and wrong... For instance, I sometimes had depression, dark demons in my mind, because, how I was born, and Shaft -- Whats my name? has been the best inspirational image, to ward them off! Denzel Washington knows how to act a corrupt cop who works an angel -- and the people on both sides still respect him!! Because he broke the rules, to do the right thing, not do the right thing to ward off blame and criticism... I was looking for a S.W.A.T clip but couldn't find one, what made it evident, why you cannot be a hotshot and pencilpusher, because those are the two evils, we need to evade, but can't because we're not taught how to make friends with unjust Mammon and be the unjust Steward (Luke 16:1-13) How can you trust the Trans community and their Good Faith, of "Your body is a prison!"; "I didn't ask for that!"; "My gendersoul was not consulted" in a descartian manner, that God is an gentleman and cannot tell a lie! 

How do we know, this is not a teaching from the evil tree? Who is the moral authority for that, then we ruled God and Patriarhy out of it?? Please tell me about that, as if I there 6 year old (Philadelphia) Rev 3:7-13 talks about the Letter to Philadelpohia, about the Keys of Solomon and the hidden new name only God knows; it also talks about false Jews, which in my opinion the Movie "Philadelphia" was about. I really love that movie! The story about a gay attorney, who because he got HIV, became like a leper for the traditionalist Corporate firm. Contrary to the firm belief, this being due, to institutionalized racism, but because we cannot talk about sertain topics, without being ostricized. While it is wrong, that a lawyer got fired this way, ask yourself, even if he had no HIV, would you want an gay lawyer representing you, especially in a traditionalist setting? Why not! Isn't it, because you know people would lump your morals with him, and assume, that you are gay, or adjacent of gay!! "Social-Emotional learning" has the same problem. It gives you thi zealous born again view of life, what people hate so much and the entitled Karen act. Because you're doing the right thing (the swat grazing the hostage, while killing the terrorist) but then faced with outrage and criticism, you pivot and double down (the scolding scene at the office and later trying to free the mobster) 

Thenever youre being a "Fake-Jew" like that, doing the right thing, you just beg fate to fuck you with a monkey-wrenched fisticuff!! People will object you, you will be offended and agrieved, lash out and trun to the fringes of society and perish. Life is not about doing the right thing, because the right thing is debatable, but living a wholesome responcible life. Why did Spiderman have a redemption arc? Because his oncle Ben got killed, due to his own hybris, then he didn't catch the thief, because the fight promoter fucked him over and he wanted a date with Mary Jane. Later the same thief tried to boost the car of oncle Ben and killed him. Spider man learned there, what action and consequence is! Can the woke, who want to play King Solomon in our scholls say the same? That they can take responcibility, then something fucks up!! Or are  they just Job's Friends... 

I don't like people, who have no experience with Baptistry and death ritual, forcing people through this "Quickening" experience. It can yield unfortunate results, in the participant killing themselves, ebcause he was just too cis-white male hetero normative etc. It can leave you between the cracks of Oblivions arsehole, then you're neither/nor. Because you can lie to yourself and others about your assumed guilt by association and spitting into your mirror image for so long. The Satanic Panic was another matter of the ame kind. Just because this woke madness takes more time, dost not make it less vile and sinister! 

Have those teachers themselves experienced this born again feeling, there they cast off all evil Patriarhy and chose anti-racism? No they are the good guys! They don't need to, but you, adhering to the traditionalist setting and having wrong think. You look sus, I don't know about you! Maybe you should... There is a saying in Estonia: "Don't call the wolf by name, lest he devours your sheep!" the point is, the things you mention, gain priority over you, and start manifesting in your psyche. Which is the reason why those so called communist do that! The old Estonians never spoke about how the world was created, because, that was as intimate of a topic, than talking about cunnilingus and eating the peach!! You there not supposed to speak about holy things, because their woners had all rights reerved and could deliver you with an cease and decit order, for not liking the way, you trespassed on their territory, by merely talking about it!! For that reason, we called Mr Graycoat or Mr Honeypaw to not infringe upon their feelings. 

Yet, those people acclaiming to care the utmost seriousness of Feelings, talk and taunt too much. I feel like somebody punched the bullhorn, any time a woke critter speaks up... I don''t hear sparking the conversation, I hear white noise and sonic-terrorism!! And those sonic blaster are aimed at our kids. Let that sink in... How do you respect people, who kill a topic, by talking ad nauseam? Less is more; silence is Golden!! Its not the question of the thre monkeys, of Don't see; don't hear; don't speak! Its the case of knowing your words getting a point! 

What does it matter, if your mental limit is a thousand Kame Hame Ha's? If none of them reach the mark, its as good, if you never did one. The Fool, who can sucker punch one in, while being as feeble looking as Krillin or Jamcha, will be your King!! 

"Proletarian Dictatorship" is bullshit! Then you do the same, as the german landlords in Estonia to the erfs, you don't reach communism -- you reach Feudalism!! You just teach all terms different names, to ammend your consciousess, not to judge you, for reinventing slavery. True Freedom is, then you can choose both sides -- Good and Evil. Being a Cis or Trans. If you cannot, without ending up shaming one for the otehr, because you want to uplift a new World order, you are doing, what the Chinese call "Helping the corn grow faster, by yanking the base" Read Dostojevsky's "Evil Spirits" who as a former decabrist, experienced his own execution ceremony, there the tzar let him see through the even and the Royal pardon, which gave him this "Quickening" effect and born again feel. It went well, because he wrote great novels thereafter, but most revolutionary and critical socialists argue, that this killed his revolutionary mind!! Why are we then subjecting our children, which could make them obsolete for the revolution or life itself??  

Private property can be only given, then the owner, allows you to use it in Good Faith, not, that it is thrown at you, like it has no value. Somebody still needs to take care of it, like a good Steward. How did it fare, then in Israel, the Jewish Christian community sold off all their cemetary land, because the Rupture was coming at their lifes time!! Then the Rupture was delayed, they had to live in poverty and there is no Jewish Christianity, for being snuffed out at the persecutions later on...

 If you follow something too much, and nobody will stay a Capitalist, then who's gonna pay the Piper, to avoid our firstborns having to do so, like the rats drowning in the sea? If you don't like Greek themes, how about the Pigs of Gadara and Dekapolis? Then Jesus saved either one or two men, who there possessed, depending on the passage, and killed an entire livestock of Pigs, thus damaging its owner!! Who wants to see that Bill? If you possess teachings, you don't understand, what their ends will look like it will result in humiliating defeat. Will the woke stand up and pay on that day, or bail out, liike the Dems did in the Roman Empire -- because people loved the dark ages; and Middle ages!! We had athree Popes at the same time and even a Female Pope and the plague at the same time. 

How Stunning and Brave! People really loved that Woman, who looked like a slim boychild, with pitchforks and torches, for getting pregnant in fornication, like other popes before  her, but those there men, so they could hide their sinfulness betters... She had to lookfor shelter in church, lest be killed by the mob! And the ritual of electing the new Pope includes, sitting on the chair, there underneath i a chamber, who peeps throuhg a hole, to verify, do you have the cock and balls! Because one woman who looked like a boychild, got elected Pope by confusion! 

Then something goes South, throwing more money at it, wont turn it North! Somebody needs to turn North, and normally most of the society will try their best to stop it, and then it finally in hindsight, if it works, the money shall come, as though everybody had always supported it! because you're failing the narrative and make the wisemen look stupid, we can't have that. 

To my experience as a Christian Baptist theology student, the more money somehing has, the less credible it is, because ideas, what shaped and changed the world, there so different, people didn't dare to give even their 2 cents for support. If even the cab driver can understand, what business you're running, without being educated in your theme, perhaps you leave no impact, or are not so essential in existing in the first place!! 

Evil cannot be removed from the Society, because it will immediately reinvent itself through the same moral lense, which is tackling it! This is the reason, Lord Jesus Christ talked the parable about the eye being a lamp of the body and putting your candle on the lapm and not under the bed under a measuring cup (Mat 6:22,23; Luke 8:16) Don't laugh. Its exactly the state we're currently at! How can somebody blinded by fervor and zeal, lead himself; lest something or somebody leads away from the ravine and into Heaven or the Promised Land! 

I even had a mental gymnastic about it, which almost took this blog down, and had to put it into my book blog called "Kaarnakivi" The problem was, can a student, who performed a pedophile lifestyle, lead a church made out of children into the promised land, in a zomby apocalypse narrative, there you had to cancel all the adults, lest their speak of your dark past. And that was too much for the moderators. The question was, like with the Naruto trial at the exams, should you even accept the challenge, or should you challenge the teacher in asking to eat the fruit of the evil tree!! How can we even talk about enlightenment and protecting the children, then any approach of this topic leads to somekind of  a feud? Also the problem, then somebody is too able to speak to the children, wont it make it easier for a future predator as stated in the Groomer Schools. The reasons, why I write my book about a gifted girl who gets groomed by everybody; god ; government all kinds of spiritual entities -- everybody! And she has to find a place in this world!! I hope it gets finished some day... :o I hate groomers, they give pedophiles a chance! :(( 

Take care and  mind your Mental Space, becaue if that drive gets Format C there is no turning back and no carbon copy to revert back to! May you live in the grace of God and be redeamed, therever you walk and breathe. Find Peace and fullfilent in your work! Halleluyah! Amen! UWU 

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