Friday, December 16, 2022

On the Attributes of Life

 The Fundamental Principle Of Spiritual Law 

The Immortality Key; Psychedelics and the Ancient Age | Brian Muraresku & Prof. Carl Ruck 

Con Tempts me 

Age of Consent 

Got something to say 

Tree of Liberty 

Incompetence and Intolerance levels 

You are what you eat 

What it means to be Christian 

Treatise on Spiritual Warfare 

What it means to be an Artist 

Mikhaila Peterson Whaddo you meme? 

Psa 23 Gangsters Paradise 

Then you experience and learn something, its like playing a Rogue like with distributable attribute points. What I mean by that, you have a limited attention span and bandwiwth you can use, to fathom, what you have in your life. Just as with junk food and overeating or gourmet sublimation, a man can binge on the best ideas and become totally immune to God and his Mercy and salvation, simply because all his channels are clogged with useless information. A little bit of this and a little bit of that for your entertainment and showing off, what a fine and dandy person you are. Nobody wears his entire wardrobe at once, but peope unironically try to wear all their hopes; dreams and beliefs, along with their knowledge and wisdom on their chest. 

This is the very reason, why enlightenment is delivered through koans and parables, to ward off those smartass scholars, who collect books and quotes, while not implementing any of it in their mortal lives. They truely are like dogs and pigs Mat 7:6 who cannot convert nor transform anything in the bible for their own or others benefit, but thumping it word for word, like they are Moses on the Mountain, bringing back the commandments of the Lord! Alp  messengers are they, too full of themselves. "My message; my church; my Bible; my Gospel! I alone!!" Isa 14:13 Back to the Sermon of the Mount or there is no Redemption... 

Focus on, what is important, and not on finishing all the content and quests -- why would you collect useless achievements, you dost not care about, the next moment. Find yourself a woman to love, make some children, multiply not diminish! Let the woke choose extinction, like Nietzsche once told. Those weary of life, should die first, not educate other people, how to die well! The environment shall become better, if it don't have to bear baizuo, who blabber about values, what take life, not give it!! If you don't preach hard leibor, you know nothing about Communism nor anything else in finance, for somebody has to actually produce the goods, you are consuming. If none are willing to be the engineparts and its carcas, but the driver of the car -- then the car will go nowhere fast. China shall win, because they workers offer no lip against 12 hours per day; the West does; China dost not waste time on useless topics, calling it freedom of Speech, the West does. While you cannot prohibit this or that topic from being, eventually, if certain topics are tolerated, just like with junk food, the auditoriums will be clogged, like it has already happened in the Univercities, that there is no discourse but weaponized warfare disuised as debate. Even the Spanish inquisition was not that vicious. Of what use is the right for your free call, as Agent Smith told Neo/Mr. Anderson, then you're unable to speak? People cannot appreciate the beauty of that remark, just as they don't appreciate Pilates: "Quid est Veritas?" Whenever something is not used truely, God will take it back, and you wont even have, what you thought to own!! Mat 13:12 You shall not see the face of the Lord, if you refuse to make friends with the Unjust Mammon, why should then anybody grant you eternal things? Luke 16:9 You be perfect in everything you do, honing your skills, what limit themselves through your time and space. Nobody likes an ATM -- Attacker Thief Mage, who does everything. The fuck you need others then? Go to your Ravens Den and leave the regulars alone in peace! For Angels don't live amongst mortals, and you can't bring your fornications to the house of God! Don't be that alien fire, that angers Lord Jesus Christ and sullies the Holy Spirit, but rather the cup of cold water, what nourishes the weary traveler... Halleluyah, Godspeed!

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