Friday, December 2, 2022

Rules for Thee, but not for memes

I wrote on November the 19th a poem, on this blog, about 1Sam 4:22. As links I used a fair use from YouTube, documenting how Nazi Germany saw the D-Day, to polemize, why should God give a fuck then different parties take up his Arc to go to war against each other; also the Sai/bread/got, word game I also mentioned Holodomor in it. Riddle me this, you Free speech purists and absolutists -- why can't I write my meme-poetry, without the red triangle, so that you cannot even see it on the feed, because you have to look for a tiny link, then get past a warning you are about to view something really dangerous, what blogger does not condone -- and then you get to see it! Why hasn't any of those Free speech advocates, noticed me? You only cry, because Kanye West's ass is black! Because he is running for president and is funny, but if somebody in the dirt does something -- crickets -- who cares!! And he didn't even get permanently banned -- because he's Ye! Everybody just looks out for themselves, not freedom of speech. Could you senpais, please notice me already? UWU

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