Monday, December 12, 2022

Spread the legs

 Intern Rogatio wanted to save the day; 

spreading the words of wisdom, he prayed: 

"Father in Heaven, why art thou mother Rey; 

so stunning and brave, the first time the sway 

of toxic masculinity, was set in stone, defaced!" 

Father in Heaven had thus to say: "Spread, comply, 

spread thy legs and let me scullfuck your 47 Haze!!" 

"But nuuh! I am not Fe-Male; nor Ironman, too Stark 

this contrast, let me transition in Christ -- let me embark. 

On the journey to Ixalan as I Yuan-Ti my Kent for Lark..." 

The C was too high and mighty, got cancelled incel - ark: 

"My words, Implore you, God, the true futa and furry quirk!!" 

God: "Burn, baby, burn -- in the line of ires desire, Sire Spark 

the convo; convolutio Lucio salutant -- Spread the legs Mark..." 

Intern Rogatio, he was now a she, what became It for the clown; 

the Revolution, what held its cool in the sewers of Underwood. 

The House of Cards was full; merry and silent, cilinders throwned 

for Champaigne was out and replaced with Cognac, the cat drowned 

in crocodile tears. No more could the Yellow submarine walk good; 

for some asshole replaced the Broad with the Cirquit, jolting Hoods 

into Hyde! Now the Park was filled with Vizzerdrix waping the Down!!

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