Friday, December 9, 2022

Where are her Borgias?

 Prodigy -- Rebel Radio 

Tiberian Sun intro

Where are Her Orcas and orgies to ork the forked eulogies 

to Newark and back again, with a smile on Duchovny's arse? 

When GDI had no idea where did Nod comeback from -- skies 

or loli's bias, eo ipso deprecate the transmission mob ruler fliers. 

We're all like Kane, taunting some ready for action en farse; 

the fastest gun in the West and Fasters in the Nobody's tomb Gees!! 

How could Caleb get her five minutes quality time with cherry pies?

Where are Heras Orphans, to take her to Church, as Zeus fornicates 

with any nymph or dryad He can lay his perverted hands on, mortal 

women don't escape his golden rain!! Reign supreme on Gates, 

why dost your windows don't prevent Memes pissing inside -- Berate; 

Comply; Bail the new options for Unixen the new gender of Kotal 

Khan, after the prior didn't rue the world enough -- you have to Petal 

the lotus eaters and stick it to the patriarchy averting Bourne inmates!! 

Where art Her Borgias? Where are they! Gentlemen to rain on men; 

just as Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Marlene once told, they died out! 

For you shalt not be White, ye little raven, but cast your wings Red! 

Judge Dredd is no good, better be Will Smith, who slaps the Ted 

out of Chris Rock, but not from his fornicating wife -- what Boyscout. 

Like Nietzsche culling: "How Christian!" to care about the slur, about; 

not the evil deed leading to -- thus there are no Gentelmen in Ben/Gwen.

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