Wednesday, December 14, 2022

The alchemy of Writing as a Christian author

Dept free government and Fundamental values 

Avril Lavigne What the Hell Haruhi Suzumiya 

Shut up and dance -- Haruhi Suzumiya 

2017 Personality and Existentialism Jordan Peterson 

Janis Joplin "Oh Lord, would you buy me a Mercedes Benz?" 

Ghoul Town "Bury them deep" 

Styx Twitter Files 5 -- Double Standards and Sheninanigans 

How the "Greater Good" is used as a tool of Society 

Charles Bukovsky "So you wanna be a writer?" 

Dark Souls is one big occult metaphor 

Peter Parker misses out on MJ

Many young Christians have found themselves in this position, that you got something to say, but the Bible tells you not to do business with the works of Belial; also the elders have taste on this or that, mosty listening to Christian Chorals like "A Mighty fortress is our God" or "Üks kindel linn ja Varjupaik" in Estonian, which most youths don't dig. How do you get your message through, while not sounding, like a dusty librum from ancient times? Also not recanting your beliefs, for nobody likes a traitor. How do you transmute your idea into form and matter on screen or paper? You probably already know, that you need to pray before ... stop right there. If you don't possess a working prayer life, don't even start, just to become a writer -- Lord Jesus Christ will be very much offended!! You will feel shit, while praying, you'll feel terrible and guilty, while staring at the blank sheet and getting nothing. It wont work. Ask Charles Bukovsky, though he talked in principle, but its double true for Christians. Why should the Holy Spirit give you anything, if you wish to abuse it in your lusty desires? James 4:3 First ask God, dost he even want you to become a writer! There can be nothing more horrid, then You think yourself a writer, because of J.K. Rowling or J.R.R Tolkien; G.R.R Martin etc. got famous. That is not a good reason to become a writer -- most writers end up as murderhobos on the street and drink cooling agent, because they got no money for the real booze anymore... if things really go bad, that is. True art demands suffering and sacrifice, and if you want to get all your three meals and soy lattes on time, chances are, you are not cut for this. As a Christian Writer, you don't write it for yourself but as a loveletter to God, who needs to approve it, just like the vows of a woman, which are only true, then the husband has not disavowed them before the dusk!! Num 30:3-16; 1Sam 1:9-17 You do write it for Yourself in the sense, that you cannot trust other people in having an unbiased relationship on your writing. Either they are your competition, or your family and acquaintences, who have some kind of expectations towards you and your style. Never let anybody else choose your style! Only God can do that, but you must know, what you need and what you mean. Otherwise people will just tilt you away, out of fear, that you are not politically correct enough or not zealous enough. If you listen to the people, you aint doing anything right!! Only a bitch is mutually loved by everybody, because of the fuck, but you want to be loved as a Christian Writer, and in that I can only promise you Pain and Hurt! So make yourself comfy and hang out, while I pour you a good pint of Wormwood and Vingear. The primary substance, a Christian Writer needs to know... Luke 9:23; 14:25-35; 17:10; 2Cor 4:2 because if you sublime your Ego too much, you get offended, if you have none at all, you are too plyable like the woke cucks and get nothing done. Its not to be the people pleaser, but to be the salt-mime. France is popular for their pantomimes, but you need to be its salty cousin. Figure that one out! X^D :o :V

The keywords are; Hatred and Self-loathing, which will be transformed through your sheer Will into Fervor and Humble Submission to the Gospel, which you want to deliver, through the fine art of Writing. The Internet is full of itself, from Ouiya board burners to bible thumpers, so what makes you so special! :$ I don't want to be a dick, maybe just a little bit more. But if you're one of those whiners, I got only bad news for you. If you gonna give up, do it sooner than later, I hate to waste my time, like Sasori, and I'd rather make you a scarecrow strawman, than smalltalk around, to make you feel good. Why should I listen to your complaints and sass about this or that, don't give me problems, I got my own, give yourself solutions!! UWU 

Don't fare too much in other writers craft, lest you be dazed and confuzed of your own. Love your own writing first and foremost. Be your biggest fan! Learn to read your own writings both to self-criticize and do better, but also to appreciate, what went well. A Good wine maker also from time to time, opens a keg of what he holds in his cellar, not just hands out for others to drink!! Many Christian Writers have to give up, because they sullied the Holy Spirit. Think about it. Do you want to aid a whiner who constantly aggrieves in his soul: "Woe to me, I can't do this! I'm so tired; I don't have this and that! The others have this and that!! but look at me!!" Stop it. Why are you trying to smite the other cheek of the Lord? Are you really, unironically telling me, that God didn't give you anything?? Then what the fuck are you even doing here?? :o Mat 22:12,13; 25:24-30 Begone foul spirit, who you wish to slander the Father; the Son and the Holy Ghost, by proffessing, that you don't got what it takes to get the job done!! The best parable in cinematography, what I loved, and I normally don't commend Hollywood movies, because they are abysmal. But I have to say it. From a Christian perspective, the clip about Peter Parker missing out on Mary Jane Watson is pitch perfect. That clerc will definitely go to Heaven! ^^ Nobody cares why you are failing, the problem is, that you are failing. Fix the problem or you being there complaining about said problem!! (Y) 

You're not here to win a popularity contest but to get the message through, sometimes you have to go over piles of bodies, like Tanya von Degurechaff and fire workers with children, who pay for tuition. It can't be helped, but thats your job description. Most of the time, if you are a Christian writer, you write other peoples spiritual obituaries or audits. That doesn't give many friend requests or offers to get laid, unless its somebodies wife, who just embezzled 2B and you have to call him out... :S :$ You're not meant to be fun at parties or the comedian of the show. You are there, to offer the Gospel and bounce people to Heaven! They don't even need to love you or become Christian, while you're doing it. As long, you can make them live according to the Sermon of the mount Mat 5-7 its all good. The elevator speech of Dean Corso And Victor Balcan talking about philosophy and respect, in 9th gate, is one of Johnny Depps most masterful performances, and also represents it perfectly. You are a man with unique skillsets; or the taken Good Luck meme. You are that fucker, who needs to track down that guy who stole your daughter, to make her a slut. That's your mission -- now go! Be that as a writer. 

You might study some styles, maybe you like rhymes or reverse. While you are studying, keep your cup empty and clean. Mat 23:26 Then you receive your tea from your master, respectfully thank him and drink it slow. I know I sound autistic, but you can't believe how many people err against that spiritual principle. Its the most overused way how to teach zen and reprimand the student for being too full of himself, having too many expectancies on how the teaching should unfold and what he's gonna get for it, in the journey of enlightenment. The same is true with becoming a Christian Writer. After you done drinking your tea, wash your cup and ask some more or be on your business!! Why should the Holy Spirit trust your intent, in becoming, what you just asked, then you cannot even treat a human, who was specifially sent into your life, and to be this obnoxious in traditional manners, that you wanted to get it faster. Some things take their time, in order to learn the discipline. Though I love Korra very much, try not to be her, then you study discipline and poetry. Trust me, you wont like yourself and the others in class neither. After you mastered the art, you can write the art, like you created it. Like the dragon soaring the skies, you control all the elements!! Too many Christian Writers give up, because they just converted; they made an account somewhere, they wrote something, and people obviously didn't like it, because just like a guy who just fell in love, they lacked the language skills to describe, what the fuck happened to him, so people tuned out. You need time to get used to your faith and relationship in the Holy Spirit. Once you have figured it out for yourself, then you can describe it to others. And only then shall people also take keen intrest in it, for now you got something to say, what most people haven't experinced. A Working ship with no fuck this shit, I am out!! 1Tim 4:12; James 3:1 But if you like the faction and the offence more, then perhaps you should not do it. It can go wrong so many ways. 1 Cor 3:4-9 Sometimes it is better, that you are giftless than gifted, because such things make people boast like Kanye West, with his infamous "I love Hitler" quote. Don't be that guy! :o You don't help youself; you don't help the Gospel! You don't help freedom of Speech, most of all you done fuck up thus... Also don't declare the attacks, as you would do in MTG People hate it, if you prag something to be done, and don't deliver then, so does God. Its also bad form, then you share the fur of the Bear, who you still have to hunt from the forrest. It brings bad luck. Jamie Bell was also so High and Mighty, then he started to act, but had to apologize on a bridge facing the entire Hollywood, and then was given his break as the Thing in Fantastic Four. If you don't wanna humble yourself like that, then don't be too cocky! Failure IS an option, and most of the times, you succeed through failure and not through success... :o

Once you got something to say, and you have said it, then be like the wind and move on. Ghosting is essential, like I learned from Nietzsche in "Thus spoke Zarathustra" because people tend to get too much attached to the message paper or the messenger, like some housewifes like to bang the milk- or the mailman! For this reason, I have been a real doushe, and left out my friends at Facebook; or Google+ or some other social media sites, because they started to love me too much. It started to hinder my mission as a Chirstian Writer. You will know, then you need to move on and just like the lone rider, drive to the sunset. For you are not important, but the Message! Don't rest on your laurels like David Wilkerson did, being offended, that people don't respect, how much he gave out money. Its not yours anyway, but Gods! Also, you do know that story about preaching for the clout, that those got their reward already! If you are serving for God, then make it happen, and don't act out, like you are looking for something else infront of the Mirror of Erised at Harry Potter... And thats just it. Now be gone. I'm busy exalting Lord Jesus Christ! Godspeed and Halleluyah UWU

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