Sunday, December 4, 2022

Don't do Witch Craft an allegory

 Imagine a School. You go about your merry way, and enjoy your New Nike shoes and dress, while you're encounter an upperclassman who just got an F while you're name ranks on the schoolboard 7th from the top. he was reprimanded to be expelled if he don't pull his shit together. Thus he teaches you, how to be chad and do it like the dudes. Never trust a dude, while you're not, because he's not helping you, because he loves you, but he wants to see you fail and prag in schadenfreude how the values of this school are a joke and we're living in a clown world. Eventually you loose your Nike shoes and dress, being forced to attire casually, and nobody notices you anymore -- not on the board. Just medium average. Don't loose your shoes and groove. Remember why you attended and what's your goal. He who has ears, may he listen! 

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