Monday, December 26, 2022


 Eminem & Kepstar Still Learning 

Don't trust your Worth, to surf Hollywood, for Gm Wood, 

then some bewitch it to a broom, Wroom for the Shrooms. 

Maybe your room, is not green, but don't turn horny Cahoney; 

while sitting yours down around the clowns of towntown. 

Fame and Fortune has chilled many shits, before they could 

"Greatest Hits!" The Twats of Twitter and Dewitts who cringe 

on their colours and believe they aint It. Pronouncing, how 

they would Nott, have killed the old prophets, while erecting 

them blind statues, derelicting the good spirits and faiths 

virtues who cares dues into cashews for some Nutella. Who dares 

to be a White Knight in shining armour, then that's ablist blaired 

in misappropriated Quiddich. There the authors have to gay anywho, 

to He/She/It but snuffing a prayer in front a clinic makes cynics

call the cops. Lewd newt Pettigrews, who want to go Hufflepuff, 

but first join Griffindor, then Slytherin abuse their throat chokehold, 

for the Chupacabra Hoc Est Corpus Meum cadaver, the Heroines 

are instilled in our name, before we could even date one in vain. 

You could not Worth less in the Masse, misgiving your fucks on chess; 

but you're Invaluable -- don't loose yourself in the test of talents; 

Be your own Champion, regardless of the valour and creed in the 

World, who mocks your confess! Make your Worth caress your friends 

and family to be better, than their prior, while loving-kind inside. 

Dress your best nature, and shoo the black cats away, who problematic 

pasodoble, pas de deux on the balerinas endeux. Be yours Malheur counter, 

who brings good luck to the Bollox Chans, who Click-Clack-Troll the crap. 

For you art not Worthless! For you art not Worthless! For You art not Wortless!

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