Thursday, December 22, 2022

Loveletter to Hanael

 God is my Grace; let me bleed; 

word for word, let me break through. 

Just as the waters broke mothers wombs; 

Jesus came out from His allocated tomb. 

let me bleed all valour and creed -- 

everything, what the scholars dough 

has added and subtracted from El Shaddai!! 

My hand against all hands, their swords 

against my ear! All decks stacked accords; 

investigate my kidneys and marrow, Adonai! 

Let me bleed, and burn in the Holy Fire; 

cleanse out all sut and sullen silver, for Ufa Gold. 

Let me be the blessing of Japha; Samaritan scold! 

Blessed be thee, who comes in the name of the Lord; 

blessed be, His House and His upbringing! 

If He is not worthy, of this blessing, let it come back 

to my bosom, and what he believed to own with thee!! 

Shrines of ancestry, erected to Nehustan, indeed, 

so many of the Kingdom of God, its children... 

They are like the serpent on the rod. Selah. 

All do deeds, of their own desire, what they deem worthy! 

God is my Grace, let me breed -- breathe fire; 

into the young babes and old hags scorned, tired. 

Go-getters set back to Wounded Knee, Jet-Setters 

to Gettysburg. Let me defeat Satan, and his Morphine; 

the stunning of the driest Martiny's, who never Luther King! 

loitering for the I-ching and Bling, to empower Niebelungenrings. 

God is my Grace, exalt thyself, and break free from your sheckles. 

There is no covenant with unrightful Mammon, but what the Lord 

hath ordeaned. Orphans and widows He bestowed blessings, Fords 

and Porsche's he sent home empty! Fiat will be above Wolksvagen; 

Datsun above Lamborghini! Your haughty shall be humbled; 

your righteous and wise shall stumble and fall on broad daylight! 

He, who has a full cup, will loose sight, and gnaw at the shards 

of claypots, his wealth has become, your pleasure bears witness, blight: 

Aye, Rubens wise counsel bares witness against thee, thus Deborah hoards 

your cups and sheeple to the promised land, and not your worthy shepherds!! 

He, who has an empty cup, and no suit in his house, He shall get bounty; 

those, who the wise hath deemed unworthy, shall raise their banner high! 

Under the four corners of the Earth, Conflict shall gather the Pagan tribes. 

They shall flock together, inheriting as told: "Blessed are those, who are meak; 

for they shall inherit the earth!" God is my Grace, arent Thors champions; 

and Freyas maidens not worthy; like the Martyrs and Prophets of old! 

Make them all like Loki, like the riders of Valkyrie, translucient in thy light!! 

Blessed is Thee, who comes in thy name! Selah. 

The Knights and their Chariots of Egypt and Babylon, He cast down in dread; 

all those, who gloated at the father: "Why dost you fuck?" and on the mother: 

"Don't breed! Be selfimportant and show your Pride on the altar of Shame!!" 

Let the ravens peck their eyes, let darkness befall their covenants and beginnings; 

let there be Fear and Dread on the Market, for nothing. Karzum and Zozo on 

their tabernacles and Board meatings, what are like Ouiyah and Taroh! 

Don't look at their worthy offerings; fasting and tithes. The more they come 

to see your face, the more they cancel their neighbours and feed wormwood 

and vinegar to their soul. Let them be, like the sons of Eli and Skeua; 

like the hand of Uzza, who thought himself worthy, to support the Arc!! 

Their shoulders are cold, they don't bear according to your commandments; 

rotten leafs, they throw at your servants on Sabath day! Let the servants of Edom 

replace Jacob and the Servants of Baal Peter! Then Sadrakh; Mesakh; Abednego 

shall bind the wounds of Ariel once more, as Išmail shall be vindicated; 

He's house shall conquer all sides and enlarge itself. Be, like the fiery furnace; 

for your Sabbatical Year has come! Break the unrighteous yokes; amend 

the unjust laws and decrees, make way for thy coming, for My Lord is My Grace!!

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