Saturday, December 10, 2022

Fuck You, Trump was Right

 Then the ire of the Governments blight, said throng from rites; 

"Inn-sure-Rekt-Scion"; it was just bordering with bias contempt! 

who has been more for Republic and Freedom of Speech, Yosemites? 

The Hail-SAM site of Simon praise, what makes the people abide... 

From left to the right and center, the stage is set for Stargates-Kampf; 

then newtly elected Pettigrown Jacksons want to high fav. on stamp -- 

the rubber ghost haunted the cupboard, blowjobs mouthwork bites... 

Fuck you, Trump was right, shall be the new slogan of Democracy; 

let it be sang in the pulpits on top of the roofs and in courts of High. 

Get schooled Twitter blue checkmarks and behold -- This is brazen 

1st Amendment closing in on you! Just like Justice in Diablo 3 zen 

throwing down the holy antlers, to be one with Man, and not mighty!! 

NYC this, who ye judge people according to their creed and righty 

Carrey Jim snooze fest. you spout too much asshole, to be so racy. 

Then Zeus wants to save the day, because of not standing with Willis; 

black people, who wanna play moral zealoth, while not Luther King Jr. 

Trump was the chosen, then people gave up on friendship and chilly's 

conned by carnage. Because: "what if the whites take over, they'd kill us!!" 

Fear has seldom been good councel, who wants to have a D ya Gengis 

Khans, who want to dominion all worlds, while claiming to be Angus!! 

no MacGyver/Shaft, but MC. Regular Mordekai & Rigby Spill thus! 

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