Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Mark, the Beast -- the nine tails of perfection


Let me tell you something, you big and fancy incompoops; 

who you trounce and meddle on God's affairs, like Blair Witch 

project! The story, of Mark the Beloved, who was amongst troops 

of the most high, the babe of Christ! He started rich, jumped loops, 

none of his contemporaries bothered to trifle in the Torah -- last ditch

effort, was to abandon his belongings... but he had loads to blitz:

How can you leave your servants and maids to the streets and scoop? 

Gray Fullbuster: 

He left his Master, sad-beguiled of the terrors in the trials and error; 

for hard is the path to Heaven; arduous for a camel, to go needle 

the threads of destinys call. So many things pulling you down below; 

as you strip yourself of all attire, to be Yourself and in the Icy bellow! 

"I am enough!" as Heathens who cosplay Pharisee scoff and feeble: 

"He dost not walk with us, thus He cannot be of Christ!!" Beriddle 

me from those Jobs friends, and cast astray their turmoiled false fervor. 

Erza Scarlet: 

Later he absolved himself to wander around in the desert, though 

halfassed was his first atempt, angering greatly St. Paul. While 

Barnabas gave him a second chance upon that seconds to plough; 

for he hadn't accounted all the costs, to be a wanderer -- rough 

was his upbringing for proper disciple, coming Home. Riled 

from differing opinions, the Two Preachers severed paths, trialed 

by the error of pride, still Mark could be that Beast, to come True! 

Agent Smith: 

Let's not forget about the Miracle of Japha, and the absolution tables; 

then Peter first was too shy to eat with the infidels, for Jews watch! 

The offerings of foreign gods, what tempted the children by fables... 

Then St. Paul could be staunch and gatekeep for righteousness stable. 

But then Mark left him alone, he shorted a fuse, "living bible" catch 

was too much to handle and forgive. By vision, all Christians match 

their faiths and do great feets, while closing the door, from rich Abels!! 

Tanya von Degurechaff: 

Playing Communist, at the pulpit, there's the revolution? Gnostic twat; 

while trying to be the intermediator between Peter and Paul, The Way, 

he came to worship Christ, "Immortalized" by all stairs of Rome. Hats 

are meant to be raised and tricked; Mark, the Goat, like the curious cat, 

there's the scandal, to catch the theme or tongue, attentions sway? 

When have not poets lied to tell the truth, or politicians been Honesty 

to Covetous Shem! While fucking elder gods Sophia, later on the drat! 


Easy now, lets not throw the infant out with the Holy Water, indeed; 

Mark was of the chosen breed, to witness Christ, while undecided. 

Whether to choose Paul or the Pagans; Enlightenment or holy Creed; 

don't account it against, that dire straight, he still came to bleed 

for all the nooks and crannies, serving like Steven, while not Cypher! 

The Bishop of Cartage, St. Cyprian, great scholar virtuoso like Cedars; 

while Mark, the Beast was to be recognized as peoples person in need!! 

Raven, daughter of Trigon: 

What does it matter, who Mark was -- Beauty or Beast; you serve Christ; 

follow His footsteps, just like once told: "If I Will, he remain, til I come; 

what is it to you?" for St. Peter was offered to be the Rock, but thirst 

for power once again, like when he was disputing with Boanerges girt, 

who was first among the disciples. Be like the servant of servants, scum! 

Then you want to be leader, become like water, if you want One, outrun 

your own pace and worth. Don't measure your vessel on Saints wrists... 

Jinx of Arcane: 

I second that -- don't trust the elders, experts of faith and narrative; 

trust your guts, not the architecture of excel spreads and MBTI trait. 

Where ever is power, there are also the vultures prying for chives. 

For decadence smells sickly sweet, and its rot is easy to the lives; 

while avant garde, makes many cry, who wanted to serve -- but wait!! 

Many fathers forget their sons and daughters, they vowed to await 

for Heaven, growling their first love cold, going back to the Hive. 

Charley Brown: 

Why do I have to be the finisher? I can't do small talk in the name 

of Jesus Christ! Just fly your kite into the tree and enjoy the days 

as good or bad, you can. For there shall be no other, who could tame 

yours fate ordealed. Mark, the Beast, wanted to follow, and was game; 

you account as well, what you need-lack to be the one who's dismays 

encourage others to confine in the straight and narrow. Display, 

while seeing white noise seeping in and around you, wheres, the grain!

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