Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Get out (Motivational)

 Get out, get out, get the Hell out; 

its time to stop the gloom and make 

doom run about! No time for mopping 

the floor with tears and regrets; 

get out, get out -- Angst-Terror: 

I am my own Goat!! 

Get out get out, get the Hell out; 

raise your legs Jack and never darken my bout'.

The time is now, to make my Presence known. 

Its time to stop your reign and the future my Own!!

Get out, get out, get the Hell out; 

undaunted by my skeletons; 

your succ don't drag my Boyscout! 

Though problems untold and moral is gone; 

even if stacked against the World, it will be done!!

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