Tuesday, June 29, 2021


 Passive Passifists fisting on the gist, missing in the darkness, passionate convulcist. 

Rhys rugged crybaby was trying to be nice albeit the -ist. -Isming became spaced out spasming. 

Narcissist active in its compassion to loving-kind the ones what do the time, to comply; 

murmured the intervenue the internment revenue revenanting the diminutive wraithful of minute 

actions, what had nothing ado to small-talk two fucks around the "Aeoum" -- Fi; Fae; Foe; Whom; 

Caverns of the lost Arc I sacerdox for Gollum, for the one bling to woo them All. and I fling!

Revolving Door

 Evolve, Revolve, Dissolve -- Diversity wanton to solve. 

Bleach it, Breach it Talking to 4th walls! I sought the salt. 

Dreadnaught was something of Not, negative of positions; 

posing the positive dispositions, for adjectives sake -- 

a means to The End, that names God with an attribute... 

What would it give, if you knew His name? Call his Bluff!

Could you buttonraise the One, who can wager on you? 

Do something out of Nothing, at the Gates of No-Gate. 

Holo-casting your shadowboxed orifice, to see behind the mirror: 

The mirror was still empty, and the eye didn't see inside! 

As I was doing my thing, I became aware of being There.

The Revolving Door still pushed me aside, to keep looking.

Judges Behold!

 This essay is about Jer  7:1-18 and can be summarised as, don't use the Temple of God as your shield and sword, against the people and you lord Jesus Christ! What is the problem? The more eloquent a Christian becomes, or a Jew, in his craft of proclaiming the Word of God, The more he'll notice, how far away other people are from his stance. Its like watching yourself playing Murderdin in Diablo 2 while others are trying to fight you with noob strat. It makes you feel your dark side, there you think. Why should I walk the whole way from A - Z if I can shortcut A-D-H-N-X and make a killing in the process for Me and the Church. Surely God should be happy, if I buy cheep and sell expencive!! That's how great profit is made. 

The problem is, You're not called to be the best merchant on the bazaar, but the best servant of God in the known word. How does the best servant of God look like. Just like the servant of servants, who washes the ccustomers hands and gets no thanks for it. I already talked about this in my previous, but good teachings are best to be repeated, for people are dense and forget fast. Why is it, that bad, if you behold the title and class of somebody, then judging between people? Because people have an inate sense of justice. You can only do such a thing, like selling diluted root-beer so much to the people, until they become apathetic about you and leave in boat-droves. It will happen faster, then somebody starts to offer the same service, with more fairness and indiscrimination. Nobody wants a knife, what only cuts, if you are of the right creed and thought enough positive thoughts, because then most of the time, that knife wont do its bidding. You want a knife, what always cuts, even if you want to cut your thinger or hand!! -a true Servant or Judge of God, must be like this knife -- indiscriminate. Just as a mirror should not lie about how somebody looks, or the scales not lie about the true weight distributed on top. So should not a servant of God, who is a judge, do so. It is better to be alienated from the people, because you told justice, then to be alienated from God, because you talked like a bitch and tried to please somebody!! 

What are the most common classes, who get scrutinized and wronged? 1. The Stranger 2. The Orphan  3. The Widow. Why is that? Because either they don't know the law, or they can't afford the law!! In Judaism, if you wanted anything from the law, you had to be circumsized as a man, and women, had to have a male champion, either father; brother; son or husband, to have a voice in court. Otherwise, they only had a half of a voice... A womans vow was only true, then her husband didn't recant it until the end of that day -- after that it was a Word! This is how Samuel became a prophet, because her mother vowed him to be such and her husband didn't recant it, loving her so much!! Later God was dripping on any word, what slipped over the lips of Samuel, because that Word was so pure and honest and without hesitation... and people noticed that, flocking together, to hear his Wisdom, while the sons of Eli, who's house he dwelled, there not so loved by God, for fucking the temple women and taking more than was their share from Israel. That in turn cost them the Arc of the Covenant, because the Philistines appeared more pious in front of the Lord. The same is threattened in this passage, that if Judea doesn't repent, and offer the same law to everybody, regardless, how well they can gift for it, not even the name of the Lord, which they utter thrice on top of His Temple, will save them, because he can Cease and desist His brand, and put it elsewhere, also mentioning, the previous holy grounds, what there ransacked. If there is too much value in the soil, and too little value in the root, the root will wither and dry out, giving all its resourses to the soil. The same will be true with the Judge, who was appointed by the Lord and Saviour. Don't think for a second, that God is your friend. Ask any criminal in jail, what happens, then a triggerman disrespects his платной -- wil he state about your worthy abilities, that you deserve to be forgiven or a golden parashute? Hell No! He'll give you the knife into your spine, while you're asleep or into your kidneys, while you're answering the phone, or under the shower, then you least expect it!! Or he could pummel you with a sack full of new soaps, especially the russian variety is really good. Insta brick pummel! <3 UWU Repeat after me: You are in it for God, not for Yourself!! If you cannot make it, and wanna build up Your presence and not that of your Lord, then go fuck yourself somewhere else, you miserable Alp! Why should you cause nightmares to people, standing at their chests, while their asleep and drooling your poisonous ilk?? A Judge, even if he's not  a priest, is the calling card of El Shaddai and lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, since they stand for lawfulness and war!! If you wrong anybody, who has the right to seek your aid, then you have wronged your God, just like happened with Zuko of Avatar: The Last Airbender, who spoke out on behalf of his future soldiers, what there still his fathers, that they should not be sacrifized. But since he did thus in the War Room of his father, he didn't disrespect the General with the bad idea, but his father the King!! The same is true about Judges -- you don't own your words; you don't own your opinions nor presence -- everything is owned by the law and by God!! I cannot even fathom, how do you get offended by people disrespecting you, or wronging you, because you have this office. Does the roof get offended, because there was a thunderstorm and great hails sundered down on him? Does the floor agonize, that you brought 2 great Pianos and a refrigerator in? Judges are meant for heavy duty damage -- just like Navy SEAL's do their job. How on earth, I have to hear this lamentation: "Woah to me, this child did not respect me enough and made fun of my title! Woah to me, I didn't get enough tithe from my church! Woah to me, people made fun of my sermons, didn't even attend, played video-games on their cells instead!" etc. Then change your attitude and fuck better,or havent you heard, its always the bitches fault, then the customer starts to wager about the fair price and you loose a client!! You are the Bitch of the Lord, you must deliver, that ALL get their justice, not only those, who got more privilege and money to spare. You're not even allowed to favor the poor to spite the rich, then the poor wronged the rich!! You can only do, in accordance to the law, granting justice, whom its deserving, not whom cheers lowdest afterwards. 

You think, its hard now to be a Christian or a Jew? Just wait then God rekindles the spirit of all the Gods past dead, who He exiled from this realm! What will you do, then Queen Morrigan starts stealing your cattle; or Shiva and Kali running amock on your borders? Will you also say: "This is The Temple of the Lord; The Temple of the Lord; The Temple of the Lord! Jesus Saves!" For this kind of servants of God, who run from chamber to chamber, to hide themselves from their responcibilities, lord Jesus Christ has only thus to say: "Fuck You! Fuck your Family and Fuck your State! I will take away My Name over you, and make you fair game to all the hosts of the spirit world, who shall wildhunt you and make you go away, like a useless thing!! Whoever is called to be the Judge, and dost uphold the Law but does his own biding, him I shall not hold up, then War is coming at his doorstep; then the Angel of Death is going into his manor, I will look away and not lend an ear to listen to his shreeks of Terrors... Trouble is besieging his borders and shall feast on his riches and he shall fall from his seat, like Eli, all his sons slain at the presence of the Lord!!" Those, who judge shall be judged more, just as those, who draw swords, shall fall by the sword! Ten thingers and a boot for one of yours, every time you shall judge from your own stance and opinion, not asking God or the Law for permission! If you don't like it, don't be a judge and don't follow this God, who can do you thus. Why should you be expunged from the annals of your ancestry? Have a nice day, Halleluyah! <3 UWU

Monday, June 28, 2021

True discipleship of the Lord

 Lets talk about being the disciples of the Lord -- for that let us take John 21:15-18 "So when they had eaten breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me more than these?” He said to Him, “Yes, Lord; You know that I love You.” He said to him, “Feed My lambs.” He said to him again a second time, “Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me?” He said to Him, “Yes, Lord; You know that I love You.” He said to him, “Tend My sheep.” He said to him the third time, “Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me?” Peter was grieved because He said to him the third time, “Do you love Me?” And he said to Him, “Lord, You know all things; You know that I love You.” Jesus said to him, “Feed My sheep. “Most assuredly, I say to you, when you were younger, you girded yourself and walked where you wished; but when you are old, you will stretch out your hands, and another will gird you and carry you where you do not wish.”." This passage talks about St Peter, who disavowed lord Jesus Christ thrice and now had to reaffirm his feelings towards his Master thrice. He also received three missions in this world. People love to talk about the Rock on which the church was founded being St. Peter, because its so nice to inherit or the keys of Solomon, allowing to bind things or let go in Heaven and on Earth. Just like little children are they, gussing about the police or agents flashing their badges of authority, how it has power and makes people listen, not understanding exactly why and how! 

If you don't understand there your power as a Christian comes from, it is better not to use those kind of things, there you bind stuff in Heaven and on Earth, because you might get the same answer the sons of Skeua got, for not having their credentials check out. Your relationship must be intact with God, just as a Police officer or Agent must be according to the Law!! A corrupt officer or agent dost yield the same power as an honest one, what ever movies and such have made you to believe. One callout in court will show the difference. You can do more things, the more integrity and honesty you possess. You can either care about your Face and Self-Esteem, how people perceive you. Or you can take care of your Quest in this world, your duties. If you have to deliver the audit or serve the suit to somebody popular, chances are, it will kill your social life. While its a dick move to shoot the messenger, every good one learns to live with it. If you really wanna be the Knight in Shining Armor and do the Lords bidding, then you forsake, what you there in the real world. For that reason, Samurai tattood themselves, to mark, that they are no longer normies or peasants. And the regular people there afraid of them and kept to themselves. Nobody likes an Angel of God, because such kind can bring you good tidings, or death and despair itself. Why would you like such a person, who can curse you and 5 generations in your house? 

Don't think for a second, you will do it for yourself! That there is a scoreboard with your score on it, to commemorate your awesome service. At the end of the day you get your pay for just doing, what was asked of you. You had the contract of wanting to be the Navy SEAL Christian, so what seems to be the problem? X^D There are so many Christians, who give up, because God made them bleed too much.

I once beheld Lora O'Brien of YouTube, talking in "Is the Morrigan calling you?" What are the signs?" And what can I say. ^^ I approve of her ways, explaying her goddess and how to approach her. It was highly informative and I recommend her content on this topic. Jahve Lord of Hosts is the same kind of Dangerous entity as is Morrigan. You need to offer real respect, the kind you offering to your waifu or husbando. Especially I loved, how she pointed out, you having to be on the case Every Single Day -- that Queen Morrigan, wont always show up etc. Which is the common royal trait. People are so used with democracy and living as equals, that they have forgotten, how class society works. Many such things in the Bible and other holy texts are written in Hierarchy. What does it mean to you. If you don't learn to respect that hierarchy, it starts to work against you. If you fail to deliver something, you deem insignificant, the force you are communing, may take it as contempt against him/her. And if its Yahveh; Hera; Hekate; Morrigan etc. A God, who knows how to hold grudges, you are in a world of hurt!! <3 

Never ever ever, piss off your God!! UWU You can piss off other disciples, and apologize to them and your God, even clerics and priests of yours betters and do the same. But how exactly are you gonna apologize, if you pissed off the source of the redeaming quality. Especially Jahve lord of Hosts, is known to warp your mind, as He did to the Pharaoh of Egypt, to show His awesome powers to Moses and Israel, like a narcissitic sociopath mansplayining to his waifu and court!! You don't want to have this kind of God at your six, then you did something naughty!! UWU <3

Always fulfil your vows and try to avoid slurring, because it devaluates vows to other people. I'm one to talk about that, then I hiss and slur like Yosemite Sam, blowing my stack all the time, its still important. Jahve lord of Hosts is the God of Lawfulness and War. All his Angels are war-ministers worthy of dousing a region with fire, like happened to Sodom and Gomorrah. They there just guilty of being too proud, for their own good. Todays world is far more wicked, so I wonder what would befall us, if lord Jesus Christ comes back -- and dost find enough faith in His Churches to His liking! In accordance to the Sermon of the Mount, not some doctrine agreed upon the Pope or some other religious authority on Earth. Make an educated guess... :P 

If you wanna be the Disciple of the Lord, you also must let others gird you and lead you to places which you dost like, as is also the rule of the Sabbath day. If you are not available to laypeople and non-faithful, then you're not really holding the brand of your team in high standards. First Lord Jesus Christ takes and takes and takes and fucking takes!! And perhaps then you get the scraps under the table, what the dogs missed... UWU Do you still think, you got what it takes to serve El Shaddai; Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit? Is your calendar this available, thenever He calls you only ask to jump how high and where!! Can you be like this, or are you building up Your Success-story? I really pity those Christians, who think, they can have Their Lives next to serving Lord Almighty. However are you gonna deliver on that? 

Lets see, who is totally possessed by his works and is a worthy example how much you need to give in order to be heard by your God and have your prayer even reach the courts of the most high? John Wick! If you cannot be a Christian, as well John Wick treats his assassin work, you will not prevail!! <3 

You have to be Pure Willpower Incarnate, even if your Miers-Briggs gusses that you don't have that in your vocabulary. You have to find it in you and work really hard, even eat your heart out, to get what you need and want. In the Bible, in order to become a prophet, you needed to "Eat wormwood and drink Vinegar" because those are the words of the Lord. Inside your mouth they are sweet as honey, inside your stomache and guts their bitter as wormwood. You will do the same face, after drinking vinegar, then communing with the Lord. If not so, then perhaps you there talking to something else. Normally it wont be a happy day, because there is so much to correct in your personality. Even if God commends you, it means you can do better! There is no rest for the Champions of Faith, for work needs to be done!! Your God comes first place and your family and hobbies etc. come in seventh. All the other places are for those people, who are reaching out for Your God and you shall deliver, or else... I don't know, why people wanna serve this particular God. Sounds like the Master-Chief in Men of Honour. 

You didn't accept this quest, to get a badge in a game and further your social life. You wanted to make a difference, so learn to live with that desicion. Loose everything, including your sanity, if you must, but not your true child-like faith to your God. Not to be confused with childish NPS Rees. ^^ <3 There is only You and Your God in this World, nothing else matters!! Can you do this, or will you give up? That is here the question. You will burn out, if you don't know this limitation of yourself. You are as strong as your willingness to be filled and imbued to the point of possession -- for lord Jesus Christ was also possessed by the Holy Spirit, and was tossed into the wilderness in order to receive His mission -- can you empty yourself until the point of no Mind and no Ego? It is true lord Jesus Christ likes you more, if you can have your own opinion and mind, but in the heat of the moment, you have to be able to shut those down, to let the Holy Spirit take action, like in Yugioh anime series the ship between Yugi and Yami-Yugi. This is the very reason, I love anime and manga so much. They are on point with this kind of topics, progressivists miss out on, for trying to be in their Utopian Dream, but not seeing how they gonna get there, standing in front of their Mirrors of Erised!! I guess they didn't learn the Potter lesson, of not wanting to use the thing but have the thing. Its a big difference, if you already ate the cake, you still have to bake, or you first do it and then start honestly sharing, who gets what piece!! People tend to love, the guy, who shares and minds about others opinions more, than the one, who does everything himself. Because if you do everything yourself, there is no social life and room for the others, how can you even be mad for being left out of theirs?? That is, there the SJW mess up, first being toxic in the environment, and then Responcibility along with Consequenses, comes haunting their freshly dug graves. Your Word, is as valuable or платной  (the caller of shots), as the russians say, how much heat you can pack and shit you can deliver. If you're not willing to do the time in servitude, then I hate to break it to you, that account is overdrawn and the writings are already on the wall!! <3 UWU Nothing ventured, Nothing gained... but You wanted to be the real deal? Think about that and Godspeed <3 ^^

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Revelry in the dark Homage to Tokoyami Fumikage

 You are your own inner darkness, your own darkened light; 

embrace the silent madness and thy chosen fate! Resolve 

the flipside of heads and tails -- gain control of momentous rite! 

Vanguard the revelry of dark - stand up and relentlessly fight!!

None shall understand your anxieties and trouble involved; 

x-ray your shadowboxed motion pictures, be your futures valve.

Like the Horn of Fortunes, count the shots on the moon stoned at night... 

True strength becomes from weakness, true valour is meek; 

embrace your limitations and quirk the end of days blight! 

Nauseous of bright and sweetness, the detached trounce-seek; 

translucent in the shadows, darkness becoming thou wreak... 

Wrought in the fear of loosing myself, humble the inner light! 

Revel in darkened thoughts and complaints, loosen despair out of sight; 

mind only friends and what you can be for the whole -- The Hero in League! 

Even while defeated, a shadow knows his Stars, friendship never ends; 

soaring your apogee, to hold the line, True Heroes remain in the dark... 

The silent footsteps of the shadow of my Lord, what none shall pretend! 

Only the chosen few can revel in the dark, becoming themselves trend; 

be the Mockingbirds and Ravens, to hold the torch for the futures Arc... 

Adapt to your shortcomings and make them thy strongpoints -- embark 

on your Enterprice, soaring Soyourner -- the lonely leaf at the winds rend!!

Suspending Darkness

 Pending in Silence, many despair without God -- inside the Valley of Death, be governed by Anxious and Distraugh-nautilus. Depending on the strength of the assailant, some may venture prolonged, others wither out cold. Pretending to be cool smooth criminals to Jackson & Elvis around the clock 7 for the russian roulette! Fete vous jeux, rien contempt ne vas plus! Mille Neuf Cent Quatre-Vingt Quatrieme; Nosferatu and Nostradamus there playing Canasta and Bakara on steam. As you're suspending your soul for the last time, hold fast and behold! The ray of light, like a portalgate or staiway out. Don't give in to the tendrils of darkness; don't give in to the snickers of hate! Don't give in to the wails and heartless, release yourself of the shackles of sin! Suspend your sorrow and let go your shame! Take my hand and be released from your fate! Suspend your carrows and embrace your worth! Take my hand and be released from yours: "too late!!" Its time to go to Heaven, as what you are now. I am your holy suit of armor, your sword and shield. Pick me up and be released from your calamity! Lift your wings and get out of your pit of Anguish and Terror! Be released; be redeemed -- suspend your regrets and worries -- let your mind be Freed! Suspending your Darkness, blessed be the ones, who come in lord Jesus Christ name! Have your place at the Holy Super, rejoyce and Godspeed!

Loving-Kindness Killers

 Natural born sinners, evil grinners and Cynicals; 

music all day long about their pity-cake of doom: 

"Nobody loves me! Woe, to thee, if you nick alts; 

nobody shall redeem, this code of NPC on halt!"

Lets kill you with Kindness, Loving-Kindness bloom!

Bond is on da way to Assassins Creed and John Wick groom, 

yours dark forest of Despair and hew a path to Steward!!

Prostitutes; Tax-collectors and foreign freelancer ronin; 

wallow in their dread, of not being invited to the Super: 

"What shall be our lot, doing our business, as Jonin 

would? For our King and Country, then the peasants shunning!"

Let's kill you with Kindness. Loving-Kindness makes you level-up; 

gain entrance to the Super, the chosen ones loathed and cucked...

Even shinigami; banshee and ghouls are welcome -- come on in!!

All the forsaken and condescended upon decry in despair:  

"Alas, we don't have le fine garment, to attend in church! 

What shall we do, our good deeds account is overdrawn - nightmare!!" 

Not to worry, come get some, Whiteraven shall provide the impaired 

of faith, like Samson got suits from Philistines and Eliyah oxen surged!!

Magbies shall eat your pain and Crows shall on your disease gorge; 

Whiteraven with Loving-Kindness Kills all your Demons -- that game is fair!!

Xenophobia is good!

Not loving strangers in your neighbourhood is good. For that, let us observe Die Hard 3 - with a Vengeance. I normally dont love this kind of condescending sequels of good movies, what obviously go the woke way, but I will make an exception to this one. Because it depicted xenophobia very well.  The black store owner called Zeus, is actually a xenophobe -- not really a racist, but he dost want strangers in his hood, and boy does he have a bad day, then the protagonist comes with the "I hate niggers!" flag on, to appease a terrorist, who turns to be yet another bank-robber. Like we didn't see this coming, from his dead brother. Criminals cannot be something more imaginative, than bank robbers! Anyway, Zeus helps the white guy out, because he dost want white triggerhappy cops jumping around his hood. And that is a valid fear. It is ok to feel that way, as long you address that calamity honestly, not claiming to be the fearless citizen, who never gets upset and triggered, then gets a critique and ends up doxxing that person!! Yeah. ^^ X^D I specifically like the scene, there Zeus calls out the protagonist in being an racist, assuming, he wants to call him a nigger, then he was simply called out for being an "Asshole!" Its funny, how the log file can be in your eye and not the splinter in your opponents. Trying to catch too many racists and fascists, can make yourself turn really hostile and xenophobic at best, if not even racist and fascist!! Defending and gatekeeping your territory is good, everybody deserves a safe space a home-castle. The problem starts, then you do the Daffy Duck thing and raise your belt to the neck area, to receive now punches under the belt! That's what many SJW do, and why people hate their concept of safe spaces... A good safe space is not a Defind panzer-shield from Star-Trek, what you can carry around and uncloak to trounce on your political or religious opponent. Nobody likes such players of Absjurr. Absjurr is a game of tag, then you cross your hands, you cannot become it. The problem is, people wont invite you in game, if you abuse that concept, and use the absjurr sign too often. The goal is to run away from the bully not spam absjurr and frustrate the bully, who normally is the fatty unpopular guy. And then the Karen parents pennalize the other players for not doing something, defending the fatty player, thus you will not attend anymore in game, because the other players lost face. So don't abuse the absjurr sign. Mostly those people, who claim to be on the side of the people, having narcissistic tendencies, violate this rule the most. They only claim to be with the people, because of being morally and physically weak, and neither being able to be the leader nor the worker. So what can such a weasel do? He starts knocking on other peoples sins and witch-hunting, to gain the favors of the leaders. In a way, Zeus in DIe Hard 3 almost ended up doing the same, but thanks to the protagonist, was saved. The police commisioner didn't fare that well. The Die Hard series seems to particularly hate on authority, I wonder why X^D Not that I would object on it. But still, too many people redo those mistakes, depicted in the movie, what nobody talks about. Its like the proverbial Whtie Elephant in the Room, you stole from the Hindus and thus cannot talk about, because it shouldn't even be there. Just put a rug on it, complaining how its sad, that your floor was done by shoddy craftmanship! 

Xenophobia is good, because now you have something to talk about. The White guy has issues to tell and the black guy has issues to tell -- if both on them get down to business, the air gets better, like on a hot summers day, the lightning storm is your friend, because after it, the temperature drops and its all good. Because we want people to get along -- what better way to have a brawl, sort our differences out, and after that, sipping our beers find out: Damn, that nigger is no half as bad!! or Damn, that skinhead is not so terrible at all. He also has feelings; hopes and aspirations. Xenophobia is good, but Propaganda and Politics is Evil, because that sleeseball gets inbetween and starts playing the telephone game to get his zerosumgame going, to divide et impera! Because that was one of the things, the Demagogues of Greece there teaching, and people still follow through. Obstruct the people getting together and getting along. Because how could you offer them bullshit, then there is no beef going between the different faction. It doesn't matter, if its Black on White; Protestant on Catholic; Democrat on Republican -- the issue is the same. People there denied Xenophobia!! Put out your thin red lines and borders. That is ok! That is your tolerance level, which others need to respect. Done in good faith, it goes a long way. You might even learn something, if you admit openly: "I don't like you nigger, because you listened to snoop-dog too loudly in the evening, and I had a fierse meeting in the morning, I almost slept in!" and gets the responce: "You skinhead always park me in, I can't get my gate opened to drive to my store!!"  etc.  Such neighbours dispute can be good things, if seen through. But people like to halfass things and then complain, how its the other sides fault, that problems don't get solved. What are you, the guy who wants to get shit done, or the guy, who wants to collect all them problems as Pokemon? How many types you got? Psycho? Toxic? Dragon? Fighter? enough already, or want some more!! Xenophobia is as good as Nihilism -- its a tool, like a Katana is a tool. If you use it well, you can get the job done. If you use it horribly, you cut yourself a limb off or somebody else and end up in infirmary; lunatic ward or jail... Get the job done of talking your true feelings to the stranger you don't want in your gates. You might be surprised, what this kind of conversations might give. I have had the most refreshing and exquisite talking points with Satanists; Alt-Right People; Bitches; Sociopaths and Narcissists; Witches etc. Namely people a selfrespecting Christian Baptist would never be found in acquaintance with. Had I remained inside my box, perhaps I would be more happy in my echo chamber navel-gazing and loving my reflection, but it wouldn't do much to my God and my Faith! Getting out of my confort zone and constantly stating in front of my lord Jesus Christ: "I hate mailmen!" God sends me to work as a mailman. "I hate this security firm!" God tosses me exactly to work in this particular company! etc. It has laways been thus in my life. I have to but state, what I hate, and what do you know, I get to walk a mile in their shoes... UWU I like the experience I got from there. It has made me more respectful and blow my stack less times than usual. I used to be constantly under steam, then a teenager, being a INFP-T I obviously never talked about it, with anybody, but God! Having my faith, was somewhat good councelling, although, sometimes I wish I had friends to relate, who could speak my language, so I wouldn't have to draw so many thin red lines around, to ward off bad vibrations!! Admit your shortcomings, and then deal with them honestly. Don't be that bitch in the bible meme, who eats and whipes her mouth clean and states, I have done nothing! Pro 30:20 All such denial is like WitchCraft and Adultery in front of lord Jesus Christ. Its better to be a murderer and robber, and get caught, than to be a well respected Christian, who gets away with those petty things, thinking God on his side, only to find out at the Holy Court, what: "Begone from my presence, you evildoer! For you have not done this; this and that!!" really means. Its ok to be Xenophobe -- its not ok to pretend not having a problem and be the Superfriend, who can relate to anything and everyone, while not. Hyperhumanism dost save the day, but alas, The Antichrist will come, be hyperhumanist and sickly sweet, dollify everything like a sociopath, and Everybody from the Church to Every political affiliation will trip on him, like on speed. But the Servants of God will traverse the road, like a nigger and take it like a bitch! Halleluyah! <3 UWU

Saturday, June 26, 2021

How to make meaningful commercializing?

 People hate commercials! Because its like trying to buy milk, and somebody jumps in the way and holds you, to preach you their thing, then you get your milk and want to check out, and somebody else holds and preaches on you... that its at best, then are the times, you buy milk, and you also have to buy a loaf of bread as a sample, because being prompted to or being value-shamed through this or that kind of commercial, because the store had an agenda to hustle. Could this go any easier, there the customer gets the merchandize without having to go postal? 

What does a commercial want to achieve? That people buy your product! For this, it must be understandable, what you are selling and why should it be bought. Many times, watching a commercial, I get confused, because I cannot tell, if that person wants to bible me, or does he actually sell me something. That can happen, if you try to be too laid back and hip; like the people etc. Stop that! Better be yourself and learn to make your audience, then fake being something, you cannot, and what also sifts and changes in time. Nobody can be youthful forever -- eventually you grow up. That is the problem of commercials. You don't mind about growing up. People aren't boxes, what remain closed -- they are more connected focal-points, what relate energy sparks. And those relations can mean, that your product gets bought, or not bought; receive positive/negative shoutouts. 

A good commercial fits 30 seconds to 2 minutes. It can be skipped after 5 seconds and is separated from another commercial at least 30 minutes. People buy merchandize not commercials. You can give commercials, because of peoples tolerance levels. Don't exceed the tolerance level!! Its like the pesky door ro door salesman, who cant receive the NO! from you. If you do commercials right, people will look it up and them get traffic, which means more people will commercialize on your store. If you do it wrong, less people will tune in for your stuff and thus less people will buy commercial space. Why would you shoutout, then nobody goes there? Remember what you're doing, and what commercials say, you're doing -- don't make those two messages clash!! Because if you do, its like a priest being caught with pedophilia. People will tune out in drowes and never look back!! Don't try to do everything -- specializing is key, as long as you don't get into a too narrow nishe. It is annoying to buy ice-cream in a hardware store -- I know, it can be helpful on a hot day, but it turns me off. If I have a chance, I rather buy from a store, I can understand the concept, what doesn't creep me out... Seeing Ice-Cream and Soda sold in a Hardware store creeps me out. Whats next -- a veggie and smoothie stand? If you're a hardware store, obviously your commercials are along that line -- you don't shoutout groceries! If a customers starts asking questions to verify your autenticity, you have already lost at least one customer, because you have a exclamation mark standing idle in your vendor space for all to notice, not going anywhere. Why are you doing this to you? 

People don't like being offered stuff, unless asked, or that it gets moved into a new area. If you gonna do that, notify the regulars ahead to avoid stress. Stressed customers are leaving customers. I really love those terminals -- yes, there is something Whiteraven actually likes in a Supermarket, shocker -- there you log in via client card, to see your personalized offers. Is it too much to ask, to make all those paper commercials go there, to help the environment -- my garbage bill would surely rejoice and garbage man, grunting about the photocopy paper ruining his day... Also putting the recycling of bottles on the same card is more meaningful, than collecting those checks, what only last so long, before the UV light makes them unreadable. Getting them on the client card helps a long way, giving the customer credit, he can only use in this store. Why am I even talking this obvious shit? It should be implemented!! All stores should have change automats, to get rid of your useless change or get some if needed, because banks cuck you whenever you try to put them on your account, charging impossible fees, for having to do their actual job!! Perhaps some regulations, taking their privilege off, will make them change their attitude... There are no real people in banks and stores anymore. I rather starve than buy from a mashine, because them don't pay taxes. Mine are already high enough! I will start boycotting all those stores, who's mashine to vendor ratio is negative. I need social relation then buying stuff, even if I don't speak a single word, it is already meaningful to me. A store, what goes all tech, is an enemy! Imagine a big farming field without trees around it. Then comes the wind and pushes the fruitful soil away. Now you have a barren broken wasteland. Big Corpos are the trees, what keep the fruitful soil(workers) rooted in. Either we work together or I fuck you up!! What's it gonna be? Globalisation and the travel of workforce is the enemy, because it takes your resources away. Don't underestimate the loyalty and fervor of a seasoned worker, compared to a I-phone thumping NPC SJW who has nothing better to do, than bitch; moan and doxx his companions, for not receiving well any kind of criticism. 

I really hate those hounds, that offer me insurance. People have different monetary abilities, and if I get shamed enough like that, I will seek a more friendly store, there I don't get startled like that, and don't have to feel anxiety for having empty wallet syndrome!! All those kind of rabid dogs should have their own kennel -- if those hounds would offer their commercials, then you enter their territory, which can be respectfully avoided, not are put in front of the entrance, there you have to cross paths with them at least once, there would be more positive interaction. Change this hound with a raving bible salesman, and you understand, what the problem here is! I thought I came into a respectful establishment, not a bootcamp to join some cult!! And this kind of mixed signals are the reasons, people don't like commercials, because lazy overpaid PR guys cannot get their shit together... perhaps the PR guy needs to live 6 months on minimum wage to get the message through. And I do mean the Estonian one not the American one! What can you do with 500-700 euros? That is your average market span, your customers have. So you must market to this, not expect people to have 5000 euros of money to spend each month, because of Seven Credit Card Dystopia!! There should be a law against people owning more than one credit card or their credit level exceeding their wage. Living is expencive, so lets deduct that from the minimum wage; transportation is expencive, deduction; and then you are left 200-300 euros what people can spend, if youre lucky. If the society had plenty of mom and pops stores and middle class vendors, there would be no problem. People would diversify their needs and can be more happy in the big store, without feeling shame, for not fitting in. Most sales don't take place, for no divercity; lack of competition and excessive shaming. 

Kierkegaard has already pointed out, if you address a NPC in the crowd it becomes a person and relates his Individual side, not peer-pressure. Is it too much to ask, to give some people meaningful ways to dance in front of the audience, like in Charleys Angels, the blond chick did? The best commercials are done by customers themselves Karaoke style. Why are big corpos evading that?? Don't they like money? Huff, I didn't know! Lord Jesus Christ has said: "A man who has blessed you, cannot curse you in the same sentence!" Make people able to bless their stuff, their buying and you can save in marketing costs. If somebody gives a good grade to your product, ask them a survey why. A short essay, why this product made their day. And you can put out the better ones, what gave you most feedback. Job well done! Everybody wants to be happy, going to a convinience store -- its even in the name. Its for My, the customers, Convinience!! Why do I need painkillers, to go to such a store, because I get my eyes raped just as I enter it? Somebody rip the soul out of that character, who takes responcibility of them stores being so hideous!! What are those pannels, called commercials supposed to show? Are they to hide the cameras; their line of sight or ward off evil spirits?! I have to shut out my optics every time, then I go to a store, and visualize my route, to get my stuff and be done with it. Because its like going to Hell for me, every single time, I have to go to a Supermarket. I absolutely Hate it!! Everything is done wrong!! I could fuck it better, but since I worked at a supermarket as security and then my suggestions there offended, I wont even tell you how... lets just say, people spend more money, if they wanna be somewhere, not if they feel anxiety and a sense of ominous foreboding... Have a nice day <3 UWU

Friday, June 25, 2021


 I am the pillar of the Earth, the supporting beam and foundation;

the salt of the sea, washed on the shores and the eternal ghost-fire cairn!

Terror and Agony have no presence in me, let this place be cleansed. 

Fear and Calamity have no presence in me, let this place be cleansed.

Depression and Anxiety have no presence in me, let this place be cleansed.

Unto the four pillars of the Earth and the 8 corners of the Worlds; 

From Heavens Middle-Earth and UnderRealms be exalted, be blessed!

As you're ascending and descending; coming and departing; receiving 

and relieving; rejoycing and displeasing -- be Exalted; be Blessed!

Your bosom be full of life, your thigs be full of vigor -- Be like a tidal wave, 

unrelenting in its force of reckoning. Conquer the borders of thine enemies!!

Take up your sword and shield mighty warrior and go forth; 

Make your armour shine of Valour and Justice -- your enemies shall run before you!!

May your lance lunge; may your mace scatter and smite; may your arrows pierce!!

Always come back with a shield, leave all your enemies on the shield as your anthem...

Take up your Sword and Shield Mighty Warrior and Go Forth!! 

All your wounds be healed, all your strength be restored; 

Your belt shall not loosen and your boots not break their straps: 

Be relentless like the tidal-wave and wash away the numerous armies of thine enemies!!

Then come back and take root in your Earth, whence you came, be bounteous and multiply; 

take root and be fruitful -- may your offspring be the likes of Ancient Ones, All Heroes of Old!

The Perfect Gaming Store

 In order to make the perfect gaming store, you have to understand, what gamers want. Not what You as the merchant wants to give, but what the customer wants. There have been gaming rooms, to play those arcade games, but they don't sell; there are the regular stores, what sell, but you cannot play-test the games and then are the games you can only buy on the internet, as done these days, because you have only an account. Why can't we have all three together? A store, there you have a membership card, what allows you to save your progress in playing games on the arcade, should you not have a gaming computer yourself or simply to test them out. We all know the feeling of buying a game, and having to regift it, becuase either we didn't like it, or it wasn't on the right platform. Being able to test it out and see the stats printed out, helps a lot. Just like with buying music and being able to hear it out. Having an account allows the shop owners to own the knowledge, how much time you spend on the arcade, so you don't use too much, so more customers could be coming through and there wouldn't be the issue of addiction. Such Gaming Stores, would be excellent places to find beta testers for new games. Nothing beats a fascinated geek, who gets psyched and has a fresh look, from the gamedevs who crunched for 3 months 12-14h per day. Such a Gaming Store, should also give coding classes, to educate the future gamedevs of the industry. Meeting up your favorite gamedev in person, can be a lifechanging expereince, especially in those neighbourhoods, there people have lower incomes. Just as there is a Poetry slam contest, able gamedevs should be doing a dev slam contest there somebody in the audience gives a simple game concept, and gamedevs try to make a useful usable demo in a short time. Lets say 2 days to get the ideas in and 3 days to implement it on site and streaming on-line. This would make the Gaming Store more profitable, if it had more than one source of income. It should also selle gaming posters; theme music; specialized I-phones with one deluxe game and unique design, you can buy only in this store. That latter would be for the white whales, but if you do it respectfully and not collect em all, it should be no big deal. Games should be open-source, so more people could give new ways, how to handle the problem. Video-games in nature are complex mathematical problems, on how to increase the pleasure of the customer by helping them achieve their highth of personality. There should be no judgming and preaching on who gets to play this or that game, because this is a medieval concept... Having such a store, you could also recycle your older games, making it available to others, which will decreace the environmental footprint. Estonians tried that with books, putting large bins up in front of the check-registry, and it worked wonders. I could share so many of those uselessly idle books my grandparents and mom hoarded together, while getting to read others, we didn't have. Why recreate something, what already exists, but simply needs logistics to find a new owner? Having such a gaming card, would allow also to limit your game resources, and put those you currently not playing on hold, or renting out, for those, who can't yet afford to buy the game, but simply need to test it out for themselves. How many customers would for instance the Diablo franchize have, if games had been sold this way? Just games wont sell -- but if you can do All the true colours, then that will!! And the games figurines. ^^ UWU What are your thoughts on this matter? OWO

Feminine Men and Masculine Women

 If you force a feminine man to be more manly, you deplite him, of what little manliness he had. It would be as though, somebodies break is 50 push-ups and you force him to do 200! It is true, that we must exceed out limitation, but the drive must come from the inside, not the outside, or it will never make it. In order, to get even to contact with your manliness, as a Feminine Man -- you're looking for a needle in a hay stack. You have to embrace the fact, that you are not a man, but somewhat a woman. What does it mean for you? Men act first and ask questions later; women listen and ask questions while moving according to that. If you have a lot of Feminine Energies inside, due to stress and feedback from your childhood and family, you have to listen more, than responding. Just as tryiing to get out of drowning, its no use to grasp for surface, if you don't know, there is up or down. Once you figured that out, put your feet on the ground and push up! If you try to act like a Masculine man, while being Feminine, the following things will happen: '

1. You will appear fake, for lack of experience and relation with the topic.

2. Your temperance on this matter is none existent. 

3. You will feel a lot of anxiety and depression, for not meeting up with the criteria of being Masculine!

Mostly betacucks and SJW soyboys go into this column. If you solve this issue perfectly, then you become a village elder or shaman type, the likes for instance Moses was.

Understanding your thought patterns, makes you spend less resourses on pointless exorcize, you should leave out. The same is true, if you force a Masculine Woman into feminization. There is nothing more horrid, than to Force a Deborah or Aria Stark play with her dolls, then they'd rather lead armies and shoot bows and arrows!! They wouldn't be happy behind the stove and would drive their husbands crazy being too strong mentally, thus making their dicks shrink... Its really ugly, then a man feels his dick shrinking, for having married a too spicy and tough woman, and lashes out on it... 

Lettng things run its natural cause, is the harmony of all things! If people are allowed to be themselves, regardless of sex; creed; nationality or something else, we would all live in a more wholesome world. Merchants would make less profit, but people would get more value. Embrace today, what you already are, and don't listen to those voices who offer you the sparrow on the rooftop for the tit in your hand. Learn to love yourself and be yourself, not the successful tomorrow, what never comes! Halleluyah <3 UWU

The SJW and Communism question

 I will explain, why there shall be no peace between me and the SJW if they don't recant from their understanding of Communism. In order to understand my animosity, lets go back to the Soviet Union, there the Bolševics took over through the coupe, then the Menševics won the election. The names bolše=Majority menše=minority had a great part in it. Being spited by the people, the bolševics invested most of their energy, in punishing the populus, in voting wrong. Not understanding, that the Majority will never agree with aggressive tendencies, due to wanting to just live their lives, if you gonna force communism like that, you will fail as soon your aggressive tendencies ceise, which will happen, then you run out of fresh acolyte and moral/political zealoth blood. The SJW calling themselves Social Justice Warriors, is already a red flag to begin with. If you see Justice divided into different kinds of justice -- you run into the all kinds of evil problem in English. It means, your claims have no real meaning and connection to reality! Justice dost not need warriors -- as soon you create such a class, who needs to do justice by sword and fire, well good luck, you just reinvented the Order of Swordbrethren, which occupied the landings of Baltic states, in order to do trade with mother Russia. Your any kind of moral or political claim can be henceforth be disputed, showing your fiscal intrest in the region. SJW or lets take the BLM founder living in a white house and in a white neighbourhood, while sending her followers to ask help from the Government, is quite telling. Why should I agree with movements, who only benefit their leaders, and not their followers? Isn't communism supposed to benefit the followers and not the leaders. Since SJW mostly care about their reputations and bling, there is nothing to talk about with Whiteraven, who wants only Lord Jesus Christ, and His Sermon of the Mount. There is nothing to be disgussed on this matter, if our understandings of Communism are so different and in opposite directions!! 

It becomes the most prevalent on the matter of Shaming and ostricising. Then SJW think, that they should be given priority, to take all the attributes of a sinner away -- even if Democracy disagrees with that notion. Democracy has the benefit of the doubt and presumption of Innocence. *but* Then a Witch-Hunter says, you been caught doing Witch-Craft it is deemed good enough to accuse you of capital crime, thus condemn until death outside of any perceived Democratic rights. The same happened to President Donald Trump. That is the reason, why I cannot agree with the SJW on anything, because they are by nature Anti-Democratic and terrorist entities, who want to rule and steward over everything overwriting law itself, while never been given such rights legally. The silent majority simply never spoke out against it. The same was the deal with Adolph Hitler or Jossif Stalin -- people failed to stand up in time, and speak out, and state their grievances on this matter. If nobody talks about their grievance, letting moral busibodies do it for you, they will do it according to their own whims and not in accordance to your scrutiny, not announced. Only vocal and public scrutiny gets heared, not the one talked under the table or in your thoughts, to prag on later, then some hero has saved the day. 

A true communist dost want power over his enemies, to deny them jobs and reputations! A Communist wants access to his work and be attributed fairly -- how does having a cancerous entity in between your Boss and you, siphoning valuable resourses away gonna deliver on that?! Also I don't agree on the SJW take on feminism, what looks like a narcissistic Sociopath Dollifying his waifu, not allowing anybody to access that person from a social matrix point of view, making her an NPC and not a real character. How does bad faith and stereotypes of cis white males; mansplayning etc. gonna help understand womenhood better or make them treated better? They will simply build a wall around the border of treason and that subject not letting you even to be adjacent in bordering with Treason!! A thing, what the pharisees did, to keep Yahweh lord of Hosts Holy, disputed by lord Jesus Christ, because mercy was thrown under the bus for the sake of doctrinal integrity. Either you live for the law, or the law lives for you! You can't have it both ways, and SJW have chosen, to give up their lives for their beliefs to choose rather doctrine, than mercy!! I cannot agree on that. Not being able to work together, since perceiving themselves as "the only righteous cast" the SJW have made any kind of dialogue impossible, due to the people first having to convert into SJW and wokism, which is taught in the univercities samefold as was inquisition and puritanism prior. Not even a friendly understanding of Christendom, but zealous glee, there you must opt Deus Vult or have your children cast onto the stones and your women raped. I cannot agree on that, because it don't comply to anything I have learned about tolerance; democracy; Christianity nor other religions. There simpy is no entity, in his sane mind, who can agree on that. Even the "Supersize me" narrated doctor seeing the protagonist liver turn into pate statement of don't do this at home, is more mild, compared of what kind of rebuke SJW should receive, for furthering the agenda of Globalist Enterprices who care fuck nothing about the Sermon of the Mount or Communism or anything else like that, as long people buy it from them and recant their all rights to them... What was the point of Egalite; Fraternite and Liberte, then underneath the SJW we succumb to a much more tyrannical Borg-like lovecraftian ancient horror? There you cannot even correct errors, because you are not one to judge the commisar, the commisar is there to judge you!! That Bolševist/Fašist tendency is what alienates any true Man and Woman from the SJW. There can be no freedom and tolerance, with a commissar, who gets to judge you on anything, while not being judged back!! It has even created the Karen doxxing on YouTube/Twitter meme, there if she receives her own medicine, she recants, because you shalt not shoot the messenger. She wasn't a person, but an Angel-NPC from God Himself, so should be exempt from all responcibilty, whatever her actions wrought!! The problem with that attitude is quite simple. You can't be mad, that people see you as a NPC and don't wanna relate nor hang out, while at the same time evading responcibility and any kind of character development in real life. You can be a Holy Mecha Unit for your Party, but then you do, pay the piper and accept ALL its costs, not only its benefits. If you wanna be treated as a real personality, act like you have a real personality -- by taking up your responcibility and understand, even if you call out somebody for something they did, people might see it from a different perspective and call you out, for your misdeeds. If you don't wanna be called out, don't call others out. The old: "Don't do things, what you don't wanna be done unto you -- do things, what you wanna be done unto you!!" parable. Kinda hard to fathom it, if you constantly assume too opposing paradigms. 1. That the SJW is the most Stunning and Brave leaders! 2. That being behind in society they need Supermario boosts to get on the same level as the entrepreneurs and ahead to their rightful place! You cannot be a leader in anything, while also being a victim. Make up your mind, because most leaders are bullies!! I could keep this list on and on, the meaning remains the same. There is no need for yet another party or movement, who judges and translates the world for us, desyphering shadows on the walls, while the rest of the populus is degraded to trust their such hearsay as divine prophecy, being stuck in a dark dungeon, while the SJW gatekeep us to remain inside. There is no question, what the SJW have answered well, without antagonising somebody. All the good answers came from either Feminism or LGBT or somewhere else, and there warped to fit the political needs of the SJW cult. There can be no communism, then there are still people, who fight for it by the same means, as the tyrants we there sworn to fight!! Because of that, no communist or such should be let in the vicinity of Power, even as advisory, there should be 3 other voices to ballance him out. The total influence of Communism can never exceed 40% of GDP and cannot encompass Military; Commerce; Education; Energy -- to make sure, no taking over the world tendencies cannot surface, as was the case in Soviet Union with the Bolševics not getting over their electoral defeat. It is best, then such are restricted in the Hotel Industry and Farming, while also maintaining strong guidelines, how they can do their thing, to avoid misunderstandings. Also Governmental overreach should go down, because we don't need more 3 letter words around us. The current ones suck up enough resourses, if not to say too much. There comes the time, there you have to question the intent and integrity of a government, who fails to see the problem in too many 3 letter words around us. That means both in News-Media and Security. The total number of such should be 3 -- 2 Security and 1 Newsmedia. And this Newsmedia must respect the reality of the world, that the blogosphere and private content-creators are at times better, than the same from a Government perspective, because they are more humble; less strong, can take responcibility and respond openly to criticism not disable the comment section. If you're too soft to handle the heat, you're too young to have an opinion!! Also the blogosphere is not owned by George Soros nor any other rich entrepreneur, but is really neutral, as the Newsmedia should be. You cannot have neutrality from a guy who has 20 dogs in the race, each from a different denomination -- each time you criticize one of those dogs, you are bound to cost him money!! Don't let such strong men, have so many dogs in the fight. One should be more than enough... As long some people sit on multiple chairs to play the game on multipe accounts, there will be no peace-- for each state of mind and account, demands its own regard, sometimes these contradict and supercede. For that very reason, one man must be transparent one man, not a conglomerate of intrest and manipulation. Who dost say that, dost want Communism either, and only pretends by virture signaling to be on board!! Why should I believe anything from corporations, who get sullied from people not receiving well their condescending products and rediluting of already diluted rootbeer. Give people the real thing, and let them decide, how much filler they want in their product, but that can't be had -- ALL the money must be exployted... Who cares about the comming flood, we're living in the here and now!! That's how the French Revolution came. Does Hollywood; California and Silicon Valley think, they are better than the Royalties at France, that if they do the same old, they wont suffer the same consequences, because they remembered to buy indulgences from the Holy Church of SJW and that gonna make the difference? I hope your Bastie is well armed; stocked and manned, for the SJW stormtroopers are already marching for you. Can't you hear the ominous theme songs of Red Alett already? ^^ UWU 

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

No fucks to give!

 Before you learn to get better, learn to get sick! Before you learn to walk, learn to crawl. First learn to be wrong, then you can learn to be right. Westerners only learn, how to be successful, how to be right, how to be True. The Sun don't shine in the night, but the Moon; and after the Summer, there is Fall and Winter with its cold and snow! After a life, there is death. But we don't like to think about it, because we're about awareness and mindfulness, to be full of life. How can your cup receive this Life, then its still full of yourself? First you need to empty yourself and make yourself available to others, so that Life could enter you. If you die to yourself, you reborn to the others, and you notice, how much more available your life and time is for you. When you're driven by success, then you have no time -- always busy, no time for hugs and small-talk; money doesn't earn itself!! And then comes the burnout, for not giving it a rest. Your computer rests, then you sleep and your car rests; your TV rests and your lights rest -- but not our hopes and desires, driving us around -- for money doesn't earn itself!! Stand your ground, and money will come to you, just like luck and good chance with prosperity. If you run around, chase these around, you die tired. Stand still, and those things come for you. For people, who are aware, while not giving a fuck about, are intriguing and stand out in the crowd. That is the true recepy of success. If you chase awareness -- good for you -- many others step in the Pool of Bethesda. Are you the one, who received the Jackpot today, or did you get same old? Be yourself and mind no others, and people will notcie; money will notice; fame will notice. But you and your mirror of desires take no notice!! Have no reflection thereof, what to do and how to do it. Just live your life as though you're not living it, in a laid back manner. Worries wart your body and give you nothing much. Suddenly comes piss in your pants, but you don't give a fuck

Repeat after me: "Fuck no! No more Fucks to give; I drag up my sleeves and put the chip off my shoulder, be Steven. Even then something gives, still no Fucks to you!" 

This is your mantra of pohuism, studied in Estonia learned from the Russians. If you got pohui, then you're good. ^^ I feel so good now, like Mojo Jojo stealing candy from Power Puff Girls X^D

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

What is Holyness

 Holyness is like the Sun -- it don't shine for itself, but needs to release his energy to keep burning!

Its like the Moon, who runs its course and shines brightly in the night -- while its surface is riddled with scars and craters, from the stones, fallen on its soil. Still it runs its course, unsullied!! 

Holyness is like the dog, who likes guarding his masters house. Or like the boar, bathing in mud. Its the natural cause of things, then people stop wearing masks, to make their face look sweeter, then it really is. 

Then a wicked person receives holiness, it is like a criminal getting caught by the law. If a virtuous person receives holiness, it is, like receiving the Nobel Peace Award -- Everybody rejoyces for knowing him, and being in the same class or street or nation with him. That is the very reason, people don't like holiness, and why holy places get corrupted by strong and wealthy men. They don't want their deeds to be audited!! 

People like holyness as a promise, then people assume it being there -- not the holyground doing its thing and revealing your true intentions. The land, Israel is built on -- that is Holyland! Because Israel is built on Holyland, their deeds cannot remain hidden and they cannot hide their true intentions. This is the very reason, why Israel and Išmael are shedding so much blood -- for this is their inner person and core judgment, the Holy Ground is revealing!! If a man is Just and thinks himself a servant of Lord Jesus Christ, he takes pitty with Israel and Išmael, and prays for their much needed peace... If a man is worshipping himself, he takes sides. It dost matter, which side -- both are guilty in front of El Shaddai and lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit!! 

A servant of lord Jesus Christ loves all the people, not only those, who pay him tithes or are on high places. He also don't choose the poor, in favor of the rich, because that also is not justice! Just like the rain and the sun fall on all people the same, so are his words the same to all. There is no one measure for an angel and another measure for a demon; one measure for the wicked and another measure for the meek. You don't get more, for being faithful to lord Jesus Christ, but you'll be judged more. The same days wage for the custodian and for the CEO!! Both of them eat the same food, drink the same water and shit the same shit. But then hierarhies are set, we tend to favor the heroes and successful more -- or if we want to fix it, we throw them under the bus, and patronize the lazy, like that solves anything... Temperance is never welcome on the dinner table nor in the meating halls or merchants booths. If you have temperance, you cannot earn from the binge. The most revenue is made from our calamities, if people have too much of something. You can have too much of enlightenment material as well. Sometimes it is better to reamain silent and meditate upon, what you have already digested, not eat more, if you're already good. People don't see it that way. Our schools are like binge eating contests -- who ever gourges the most doctrines and can still recollect it on exams wins. Does he understand these or can correlate between this and that -- who cares about Freedom of Thought!! That could propel people to notice, that the Emperor is nude. We cannot have that, can we now... So people are wildhunted from one discount to another, from one guru and bestselling enlightened book to another. How many of them have you implemented in your life? Gamers are better on that regards. Normally theu don't buy games, with no intent of playing them -- unless they're collectors... 

Holyness dost need reflection from others, that he is Holy -- he's mirror of Desires is empty!! A man asked Yongey Minyur Ringposher at 23:53-24:51 see comment section. "You spoke about awareness of awareness and awareness of unawareness. Some of us are aware, that we're unaware (Socrates influence) others are aware, that we're aware and if we're aware that we're aware that we're also aware, that we run away! Is that confused enought for you?  And so for myself, I like to be aware of my awareness and an awareness as much as I can and I want you to teach me how to be more aware!" on which the teacher answered: "You don't need more aware!!" Later he answered it with silence, because the asker wanted to be aware all the time in this present position. I think this Man was brave and it is an important questions we Westerners stumble upon having enourmous Egos. I believe every such dialogue has at least one such honest thinker, who knows his shortcomings, and is not ashamed to admit them. It is much better, than to be one of those laughing hyenas, even if their meant well, they didn't open up so much. All the laughers there still reflecting, while the asker stopped reflecting and became aware of his problem, without regard, what others might think of it. You cannot seek enlightenment and holyness, if you don't stop reflecting on others point of view first!! Try to teach that nowadays, then public image is the most important thing in the Universe... Being happy and content with our given measure is the essence of Holyness and enlightenment. How many have heard the donkey story? How many of you, understand the donkey story? Or are you still laughing the foolishness of the donkey, while still worried, that you cannot afford the latest I-phone this year or the latest fashion item etc. Either you live your life or your values and tastes live your life -- you can't have it both ways. That is also the meaning of "You cannot serve both Gof and Mammon!" Either your attributes are with God, or they are with "free stuff and loot boxes" Gamers understand me on this. Do you wanna pass the blame on the explicit content, whenever a crime happens, or do you let people take responcibility. If people take responcibility, the power and dominion of the government and establishment diminishes -- thus naturally they want to parent you moore not less!! It is no accident, that laws are passed, that drone and debilitate freedom of thought, because all this has been already, and killed the First Roman Empire. It will also kill America and Russia and China!! In that tall order. Because people don't heed, that blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth! If you don't control black labor, you con't control your country!! It's as simple as that. It is better to do the Cossack thing and kill all illegal immigrants on border, as done to Mother Russia, although people would raise the stink about that these days. Then accept them in and let them drown the entire country with their excessive weight. If you don't popularise working on black labor jobs, to rather have the illegal immigrant do it!  It is as good, as to say, the froot of the tree is blessed -- but lets trample on the roots and call em wicked; take grow wormwood and winegar on its stead, because that is better than the actual roots. How can you call the Froot of the Tree blessed, but the roots used to nourish the entire tree and the froot, which is blessed? How can wickedness nourish something and then become good? Still, that is the very thing, democratic politicians claim, to get more illegal immigrants in. We can't do it ourselves, lets somebody else do it, for we don't like to hold power, let somebody else do it!! How was the famous Russian Joke, that Russians didn't wanna govern themselves ro they invited the Vikings in, to do it for themselves. That's where even their name comes from, because it wasn't local. Maybe the future will tell that tale again, about the great nations of today!! What is your measure of Holyness? Halleluyah!


 "As you think -- so shall you Be!"  as thou wreak and stink; 

if you're too cringe, life just goes fleeting. Be the wraith -- 

for in stealth and silence we trust! The Con-Templars blink: 

"We're all just wiseman here, because Jesus saves!!" I think--

The Beryllium sphere of translucent salutations, unscathed 

from dodging the treasonous treaties, bordering hatred 

and calcified mercies, the merhcnat purchase and lease on a sink!! 

Proverbial knight-Templars conning themselves out of cunnings; 

the multilingua of breadcrumbs merged with concrete heavy-mental 

overthinking and stunning brevity to brew your own raised steak-running... 

On the barrel roll of the white Trolls con-tempting the shunnings! 

Adopting the calamities and inner demons to be my Tutors and Genials. 

No gelatine genital will comprehend to pretend in their lofty deny alts. 

The Alps running rampart around the shell-shock to be Genuine in things!!

Me vs Universe; Ingenuity vs Mundanity; casting out verses like spells --  

rehearsaying on the Pandemonium of Necronomicons written to spite thee!

For all has been said and done, no more Pioneers to show forth the quills; 

and the dead men, unburrowing their long-dead thoughts and lost shills... 

There have all the flowers of Heaven gone, who there more gorgeous than Solomon? Ree; 

Breathe out your dismay, to display your virtuouso revenues of Utopian Inbreed; 

then Heaven is too good, to be rued in the nature of alltoo humanist Hells!!

Be the Superman, who nobody invited in, because her mother was a bitch! 

Be like bad news, who never sits in a table, while getting the jobs friends well done; 

Medium-rare silent posers with cold fused shoulders to back up the heat-siege... 

I beseek the Berserkers to wreak havoc on the manaleak of taught, that we should liege 

the Me appart from Myself and I, to humble pie on the triangular motion-circle gun!

Be mindful then living in a Present moment, then it gets Post, the scripture is due no-fun; 

Con-Templars will always piss on your altars and dogs bark on the avenues abridged!


I was on a train, to Elsewhere, Nowhere was too parseks behind;

next stop Ultima Thule and then Arcadia Major, too season the flavour. Savouring the Natural Born Cojones, who ate too much Nacho Libres blind; patience was rebuilding my anxieties and resolve furthering depressed grind. Farewell to personal Jesus at the Carneval of Rust. on the train of Elsewhere entour les voyages Voyages du sacre Bleu et doux . I had some newspapers to devour; or did their gaze found me too sour, before spitfire the wormhole outsighed... My peak performance had second thoughts and seconds to womit behind the frames; fourscore on the sores of my Spanish shoes and Chinease bagpipes, I had to flu.. The banana was slipping on his own pretard and had to ask the nigger for some change. I needed the refrigerator to stop running -- oh wait, that was my head, still out cold-Henge Other specters; goblins and wraiths there waiting in line, to have a chance to fuck crude... Its not easy to be the perfect Bitch, who can't help but take it with so much loving-Yude. what no Philosopher even stoned formation cannot comprehend nor summarise in games!! Browsing my steam off, I had to break my coffee in 2 folders. Sugar to the left and salt upright! Who dost not like the salt in the coffee trick? If you mix it together you can enhance this and that; but the details there hazy at best, at the train to Elsewhere. I must have dosed off, in the night, it seemed to me, I had missed Arcadia Major thrice already. The conductor watched me blight in her stare: "Alright, alright -- sell me another, please!!" punching the clock for the stray cat, who tried to walk across the tracks. Luckily it was white, so no jinx involved. raising the hat, and said common tropes, not worthy to slur in woke crowds because of fashew --mind the lights!!

Witch-Craft in Christendom

 Its a controvercial topic, because "you shalt not let a sorceress live!" but none ask why... What does a sorceress do? He or She undergoes rituals that augment the mind and spirit, loosening the meaning of sex and pleasure. In a worldview centered around a God, who wants to be your center of attention, in much a Yandere or even Kamidere fashion. There is not much room, to tolerate practices, what challenge that notion. However -- there's the Bileam question. You can be a Witch or Wizard in front of the Lord, like Nimrod was a Hunter in front of the lord and captured all those city-states, making thensome in his own image. You can have that... but the rest of Christendom will hunt you down like a rabid animal! If you're ok with that, its all good man. ^^ Your actions will be judge, if you did witch-craft for your own benefit, to further your own profile, or if you did it to further Gods agenda. People can tell the difference, without some cleric having to tell them about it. 

In the Previous post, I summoned Morrigan, the Goddess of War and Fate, to deal with some Christians, trespassing. Why would a Christian do that? Because in my accord, it is more preferable to jump into the warm loving embrace of Banshee Morrigan, have my armor washed in my own blood by her, than face lord Jesus Christ on the question, what we are doing on the private spaces of other religions and interests, such as Lovecraftian music. It might not seem, like a big deal to most of us. It is a big deal, if you really love lord Jesus Christ and know, how awesome His power really is. Why would lord Jesus Christ have to go so low and literally steal candy from chidten, to be gangsta. Which thugs would put their name under it, to roll like that, in order to get your street-cred? Is lord Jesus Christ to weak or too stupid, to get better servants, than those, who darkened my sight at that livestrean? Thus it is better to go to war with Queen Morrigan and make sure, Ireland is no longer Christian, to make sure, these meddlers will have no place on Earth to survive. Just as, then England became Anglican, all former Roman Catholic there dead in a spiritual sense. Ireland will suffer the same, because of some assholes playing Christian on my watch, while their credentials didn't check out! They can always prove me wrong and give Peace between Israel and Išmael, which is a worthy quest, not pestering with bible quotes on a livestream, dedicated to Lovecraftian music. Why didn't no other Christians call them out? That is the bigger question here.. :(( Everybody has a right for their moral peace and quality time, without being harrassed by religious zealoths. If somebody askews, like that White Witch, then a Christian is bound to answer, because of neutral ground laws. The Exo 22:18 dost not apply in such a place, which is the very reason, I love to hang out in such places, there I cannot accidentally steal the attributes of a witch or such like. Sometimes I wanna have a nice time too, not only cleance my surrounding... OwO How else can people approcah me and askew such lovely questions like Deu 25:11,12 because people dost understand such themes, and it is the Christians or Jews moral obligation in front of His Lord and Saviour., to amend and explain these. UWU 

Coming back to Queen Morrigan ^^ OMG did you check her stats!! <3 >////////////< 

Vengeful; Vicious; never leaves a case until its done; Perfect Waifu Material in a Kamidere fashion. I seem to get better along with nightmare demons and such, being like the first Apocalyptic Rider, having "Trouble" as my middle name, this is exactly, what I'm looking for, in my life!! UWU Not forget a  perfect trickster and shapeshifter, stealing your eyes and cattle before moments notice. Aint she a Bitch? ^^ <3 UWU I cannot function without such a Narcissistic Sociopath like Morrigan my Shadow-Queen!! She lets me write the poetry, I need, without dying of navelgazing or such likes. There is so hard to keep myself in this mundane world, there people only care about money and fame. I only care about the Spirit World and how to write better poetry or essays to love my ship and help people out in their distress. There is not much room for something else... UWU There are no rules in love and war!! You just play the game of thrones, like Cercei Lannister said, or die in it. :P You always have to mind, going that route, one day God will dispose of you, like every wartool or whip be broken, once Peace has emerged victorious. There is no place for such agent of influence in the normal realms. Just as Bileam was killed by the righteous, I expect no mercy from the regulars -- look, what they did to lord Jesus Christ, simply because He refused to be put as King by force of the crowd. People only love Christ, then they bellies get fat of miracles and their problems get solved, but god forbid, they are asked to pull their shit together, then there is no faithful around, to build up the derelict sorry state, the Church is in. It is easy to bash the pedo-preasts from long distance, hard to stand up and take their sullied mantle and serve the Lord henceforth, while being held into account, whether or not you're another. I watched Holyman on Netflix the other day. It was so inspirational it made me feel weird. I cannot quite put it. Those meditative posts, there written after the culture-shock. I recommend watch, it reminded me of a different american movie with the same title, with a famous black cast -- but I must say, the obvious original was better. It had more depth. You really wanted to be on the side of the Buddhist monk, being persecuted by a fake mediums father and some mobster trying to credit from it. I like the way, how the 13 problem was solved. Spot on X^D or the narration of the "Only drink 2 bottles -- I drink 5 bottles but one of each different, so its still according to rule!" God I love Bollywood actors ^^ They are so great at acting, not special effects. Hollywood can only John Woo these day, without the Woo! :S And those toilets wanna make a profit. Really now... If you don't tell a story, it doesn't matter how much sprinkles you put on bullshit, nobody is going to call it Mouse au Shocolat, if they can smell it. Even not the PR department eating it in front of the camera -- and vomitting out after the cameras are off. 

The same is true about Witch-Craft in Christendom. If you're honest and this is your true self -- God will find a way, how to put you to work. If you can humble yourself enough, that is. You could even steal the devil from Hell and present him in Heaven in full angelic garment, if you like it. Try to tell me, its not Luke 14:21-24 If lord Jesus Christ wants, that Whiteraven invites Queen Morrigan to His super along with Abraxas and Zozo and Phobos and all the germanic Alps I can find, who's gonna stop me. Some punkass would be Christians, throwing Bible quotes at Lovecraftian Livestreams?? I think not. None of them shall feast on the Holy Super, while I invite the demons and Gods/Goddesses of War and Death inside. I think Kali and Hekate are welcome too, now that I think of that... among with Lilith; Astarot and Asmodeus ^^ Halleluyah, thus say I, how say you! 

Monday, June 21, 2021

Summoning Ritual of Morrigan

Come to me, I summon thee -- Morrigan, my Shadow-Queen;

Amber; Lavender; Ginger and Carn Marge Tunred -- Samhain: 

make your presence known unto me, for War is upon us unseen. 

False-Witnesses have laid waste on a Pagan Holyground, it seems!

Rise up from your slumber and appoint your new fairy King!! Bane 

the christians, who set foot on your territory for non sequitur inbraid... 

Let us taste the blood of our enemies, who disturbed the peace with glee!!

Come to me, I summon thee -- Morrigan, my Shadow Queen; 

on this hour of Midsommer Night, I dream your spectered sight!

Its time to put their heads on a pike, who have transgressed and slain;

take your mantle and blessings from lord Jesus Christ, be without chains!

May your Crows fly rampart on the skies above the battlefields left-right;

Let there be Fear in the eyes, who came to disturb the Peace of Night. 

Behold, Whiteraven, your faithful knight is ready to stand by his furious steed...

Come to me, I summon thee -- Morrigan, my Shadow Queen;

lay waste on the houses of the Fomorians and their stupenduous ilk!

War is upon us, let the rivers run red and all the Wolves reign supreme, 

with Ravens on their wings and your banshees wailing for the unseen!

So many Cows of Bashan, think themselves to be smoother than silk; 

it is time to haul them through their noses onto the market for quirks... 

May the Duatha de Danann take back their holyland once more as been!!

Jesus and His disciples

 Where does the Hero go, then it comes to following lord Jesus Christ? Where ever, the masses say: "They can't be saved!" ; "They aren't with us!" ; "They need to transform first, like we did!" The mission of lord Jesus Christ was uncompromising and dauntless. It offered something, no priest or teacher or zealot could fathom gatekeeping the borders of their values. Isn't it ironic, that those, have the most issue with gatekeeping, who do that against their opponents most. Heroic people can always redeem themselves and work from newspaper guy to CEO like the common trope in USA goes. Mundane people can't stand that, because they lack heroism and fervor, to go past of consuming values. Thus they have to toss dirt and mud on the Hero, to feel better, for not wanton for calamity and terror. The reason, why mundane people want status quo, it dost need no thinking. Every automaton can do it, inside the hivemind. Others think for you, taking away the responcibilities. You can't have values, if you're not responcible for living out them. If its always somebody elses fault, for you doing your thing, you don't really connect to your values -- you're merely attributing your Avatar state inside of a game account, being that very Avatar, not the person controlling and atributing itself. Others will do that for you. The reason, why people hated so much on the concept of Diablo 3. People want to make mistakes, while attributing their heroes in games, because that makes them learn the most, not then things are done for them through the right suit of armor or weapons. You'll never learn new strategies, if you don't get outside of your confort zone, which you wont do, if status quo holds fast. Good games kill status quo, like did Diablo 1 and 2 not hold on to it. You will get more pleasure and enjoyment, if you get denied things through immersion, better storytelling etc. That requires you to be able to read fairy tales like code, not like mere stories. The problem with people these days is, they don't understand trading card games being the emanation of law magic, what was of old. Previously people there able to use cards to connect to concepts instantly like castng spells. Nowadays its a mere game!! Disappointing really... 

Then Jesus chose His disciples, notice how He didn't choose the stunning and brave amongst the descendants of Maccabi or the Pharisee or Zodokite. Notice how he embraced the challenge and chose Peter, a rowdy slurring fisherman, who acted before thinking. James and John, who also there known as "Boanerges" aka "Sons of thunder" basically moral zealoths, who also there fishermen together with Peter. Andrew the diplomat; Bartholomew aka Nathanael the Royalty; James Younger, the writer of the Epistle of James. Judas from Kerioth who became the antihero and traitor; Jude aka Thaddeus, the brother of James Younger. He was also called "Trinominous" "the bearer of three names" This was the alt-right Nationallist. Mathew aka Levi, the Tax-collector; Philip the stoic cynic, who probably was also a fisherman, coming from the same place as Peter; James and John. Simon the political Zealoth and Thomas the Mystic. Now look at these professions and look at the average Christian or Jewish group think or congregation or church, and tell me, if people still choose their teams like that. These days people only look, if they have enough INFJ or something else on their spread-sheet not the man or woman behind the number. And then they are upset, then God dost redeem and bless their numbers!! Lord Jesus Christ is seldom heared on those meatings, but its always His fault, then something goes wrong. 

A true leader makes due with what he can get, not tries to get the best and most expencive material. Why is that important? If you work somebody up, who in his default was not worthy, you spend resrources but gain trust and loyalty. Normally, what I learned through crossmarketing, an idea lasts 4 years, before its workers or competition highjack it. If you invested in loyalty however, you keep your team, because, instead of going with the discount offer, they will go with you, for toiling with them, then they didn't deserve it. The reason, why the disciples there so fiercely loyal towards lord Jesus Christ, was that they had room to do mistakes and there welcome, at the time of not being worthy of the calling!! Try to explain that to those stunning and brave gatekeeper-Karens who only want Communism Now, with the people, who already can live in the Utopian world... Thus not understanding, why they wont make it in this world. If you don't hone the skills in this world, why should people believe in the there after, then they only can relate on your act with this world? That is the very reason, moral zealoths or even political ones, don't get no support nor trust from the masses. They constantly throw their coffee away to make their cup look empty, then confronted with the overflowing cup koan. They cannot fathom the simplest thing about zazen, while gloating and gossiping about it, as though they have mastered it. The more I hear about wisdom and such, the less I believe their accuracy, because companies don't relieve their insider information and patents onto the public forums, why would those people spoil their secrets like that?! And then they want more trust and support, being unable to keep secrets!! A true leader grows to be a leader, not IS a leader from the start!! That is the very thing, I cannot forgive to Myers-Briggs, for focusing on the leaders, who already are, but not on how they got there, to learn from it for the others, who are lesser and not so adept. You are not born a Hero or a leader. You answer the call, then required against insurmountable odds, because nobody else is around, to do it for you. One Man, faces that call, and throws away his shield and sword and hides amongst the women and children,. another takes up his and maybe dies an unsightly death, but gives the others something to live for, maybe retreat to fight another day. There is nothing pernitious of a self-sacrificing Hero, because that is, what emboldens and hightens the senses of a Hero -- the notion, that the next sip of air and breeze of wind and sunlight, could be your last. To live every moment as your last -- that will startle your enemy seeing on your face, and let you live longer!! But people cannot comprehend this kind of continous self-sacrificing to keep your life this way. People want to be granted it through status quo, and then their surprised, why things don't work. You will get, what you're willing to sacrifice, because people take issue, fighting a Man, who would go through dead bodies, to further his goals. They're rather on your side, to cut costs, if ever possible!! That is the very reason, men get Slutshamed while growing up, to make sure, while over-feminizing the populus, that no challengers exist. For the same reasons, Chronos ate his children, thus making the emergence of Zeus possible, who because of that very notion became the Father-God. Overtly feminized cultures and societies beget and bread Manly Heroes! The Arab peninsula, before Muhamed the Prophet was Matriarchy -- because the old wife of Muhamed, didn't want him to fall in love truly, she herself made sure, the young prophet would have 4 beautiful waifus, who cockblock each-other out. Thus she could forever remain in the prophets heart as the one and only True Love. And in so doing killed Matriarchy!! The more you fight the forces od chaos and cast demons on the wall, the darker the shadows and the more you have the things to fight in the society. This is the very reason, why future societies will again be Patriarchical, for Feminism overthinking too much and trying to difuse the situation. Thenever Women think like men, they loose their mental strongpoints. Women should never approach things directly but indirectly, through mediations like an INFP does, instead I have to see, that feminists do the INFJ or even the ENFJ thing. And that simply doesn't work. If you want to offer new insight, what undermines the old, you should encourage not antgonize it on the people. Then you antagonize people, they fight back, then you encourage, which means, you actully have to hear the opposite sides argument out -- which the Karens never do. Otherwise there would be not so many complaints about the topic and so many comment sections with disabilities. You cannot talk about the possibility of Democracy nor Feminism, then there is no option to choose Else. If you can do only the "Right Thing" and tell "The Truth" people will assume Else simply because you took this option away. That was the very reason, Arianism became a thing, for the Catholic Church not understanding the culture of the Germanic Tribes and forcing their Papcy down their throats, then they didn't like the idea of Kingdoms and Kings -- and the Pope looks like the King, from the outside, how ever much you gaslight, that this power is in the Name of Stewarding for lord Jesus Christ!! Sure looks royal to me... You get more shit done, then you keep your PR department lean and mean, because they consume the most resources. You don't need to win ALL the battles, like Pyrrhos tried, it suffices you win the decicive battles important for your brand and endgoals. The PR department is usually the place, which starts to fester and cause criticism the most and first, before it corrupts the HR. There is a reason, why Jesus worked with 12 conflicting characters, and not with 12 all-stars. Because they there conflicting, they there too busy dealing with their issues and had no time to take over the message of lord Jesus Christ nor shine in their own light as they say. There simply was no room for that. If you choose conflicting characters, they conflict energy can be furthered to your endgoals. If you know what you're doing that is... 

Again! Where does the Hero go, then it comes to following lord Jesus Christ! The Grim and honest answer: "He goes fishing, for there is no place for him in our plans!!" Halleluyah