Wanted, one Crazy Ass Yandere Bitch of the Overlord/Black Lagoon type
who could possess my time and space with all the attention and fucks I could give.
Preferably a Wiccan Satanist -- no Christians Pastors daughters please, thank you! --
Offering a cool deranged sassy former theology student, who likes to juggle
8 personalities with 3 or 4 different filosophical schools of thought, while
not being able to even do his own dishes or room, without being told, while living
at Hotel Mom, for security guards can't afford on minimum wage much anything...
Not that I mind though, because I botched my degree to have that kind of life! Don't ask...
Mostly play Diablo 3 or HOMM3 etc. and write cringy Christian Contemporary Poetry
gloating about like Nietzsches warthog. Somebody has to be the silent contemptor
(Dostojevsky, Evil Spirits) Looking for a devil in human clothing, to do my Sons of Skeua
cosplay. If you have a sense of humor like Black Butler and want to cast your shadow into me;
are into bondage, don't mind about disrespecting men and making them wearing maidoutfits and neckbelts. You're my kind of a girl!! I would give more than 2 infinite fucks to find such a girl to worship the ground' under Her bootheels. Who wants to let the dog out? Any takers!
Preferable candidates should be Scorpio range 1991-1997 11th November to be able to deal with my 17th May 1982 bullshit btw. I wont be able to listen to your any kind of arguments, if you can't get past my white knight armour. Just saying.