Hokuto no Ken -- Ai wo torimodose
This topic is an ancient dilemma, what people get wrong. You have the freedom, to eat a lot of Ice-Cream in a truck, like Ben-10 but you get the concequences of catching a cold and freezing people with your snot. It was meant to look funny in the show, but its a good accurate allegory as well. What I meant to say, was: "We have freedom, because we Take Responcibility!" its not, that some faceless government forces responcibility down our throats and we begrudgedly accept that, like little children their daddies voice. No, we embrace it like chads, because we want the Responcibilty, and that ensalts the Freedom!! There is no Good and Evil, if its in Vanilla form, without Responcibility.
When we join the army, we loose our freedom of speech, because we have to learn, how to follow orders and trust in the chain of command. In the heat of the battle, that can save your life. I still regard Youjo senki officer training class about "When is an order of the superiors to be followed" and "who takes responcibility, then an order gets deviated and a plan thus fails." the best in this matter. (S1 Ep 4 "Campus Life") I liked the idealism vs the law part, because it came essential later, then a soldier had issues with the horrors of war, holding onto his rifle.
If you don't understand this rule in life, you will break and loose your very soul, trying to keep yourself alive and excusing running away. I also liked the follow up Tanya cleaning his gun. If your gun jams in the fight you are dead, so its no small matter. If your resolve and morals don't work in the heat of the battle, you haven't already figured out, what to do, you will break on the moral freshold, not agreeing with the result. In Naruto anime, it was called "Killing your heart" in the Zabuza Arc. A Child cannot go to war, but a warrior can! The training is so hard, so you wont choke in the battle... Tanya called it "A matter of respect" People treat these things so casually nowadays. Everybody judges the past and how wars are held, without being even able to assume the tiniest fraction of responcibility, complaining about their mental impairment, so much so, it has become an honour. I know many impaired people, who fight tooth and claw, to be seen as equal to a regular worker, yet regulars like to cosplay handicap like Ben-10 limping on the zomby planet, because he forgat to warm up and couldn't catch the criminal. What does the moral judgment of such a person matter?
I respect the way, the Episode is structured, showing Tanya doing research before the battle and combatting God himself! The Battle at Cannae is a great vantage point. ^^ You may disrespect the character of Tanya in prior life seeping into this alt, but it has a point. Its the classic Jacob wrestling with God, while having to face his older brother, who's birthright he stole before!! The dialogue of the meaning of war to Tanya is important. For too long we have educated our children to be condescending snotnosed brats, who dare spout nonsense of war they have never experienced. It offends me on a personal level then woke activists speak of freedom of speech and -action. What do they know about it? A person, who cannot say no to anything, but has to taste it -- how does that spell freedom, and not addiction!
Now back to the insight of Tanya, he gleamed from his previous life's history, which is a wonderful take. Its like Red Alert, but better, showing why manipulating with the timeline, yields in unwanted results... He did it to get back at being - X for the cushy backrank job, ending up plundging everything to Total War, for Being X wanted to "spark the conversation" in him, in matters of Faith, he was so lacking!! X^D
A Battallion sized hunting party of mages! UWU a reference to the snail war tactics in WW2 and Ukraine done by Mother Russia. Its a commendable effort, and shows why the higher ups there impressed with Tanya, seeing her loli age, not the adult inside... Any gamer can tell you, what a maxed out Battallion sized hunting party of Mages is, and why you need Deus ex Machina to constantly intervene and pull out Eldrazi type encounters as happened in the Anime. Because its too op. The reason, why Tanya is not ruled a Mary Sue, is just like with Overlord, that his OP status is checked with having to constantly fight with God. Its like Tom and Jerry or Batman and Joker. Nobody gets the upper hand, and that keeps the plot going. If you could keep this up, you would win any war... IF... the reasons, why Nazi Germany lost the war. Nobody lets you go there, without Ironman throwing the Hulk with a kitchen sink slamdunk at you. Perfect wins are a thing, gods will always laugh over you. It is also called: "Fom Allen Guten Geistern Ferlassen!" We don't drink vinegar but wine. Many great wines, such as Champaigne and Cognac there matters of accident, not careful planning. If you say, you only want perfection, you say, you want to live in a temple or a museum and only eat in the Mountain Kings table, eating Gold; Silver and Bronze bread!! You cannot eat honour and pride, but you can eat your heart out to venture there.
How much Freedom and Responcibility you finally take in, is how much you became aware of your such choices at hand, and how much you just gallivanted on the meadows, chasing after the butterflies. Even if you're not a soldier, but a writer, you can do a lot. You can be like Jordan Peterson, using your quill as a sword and disputing the terror on all fronts. You can be like the Quartering, selling coffee. Maybe you to IT and Crypto or maintenance hardware. There is always something to do for the whole. Don't get stuck on fancy titles. It matters, what is within your heart, and maintaining the connection with the grassroots.
The question of why Tanya joined the army with his skills, putting his reincarnation aside, is also important. Why should a gifted individual with sociopathic tendencies join the war effort, then he would be better equipped on soft cases, such as literature and fine arts maybe teaching. Especially as a 9 year old Mage!! Her answer as the character is priceless, understanding the environment, showing why the woke are simply larping while a true genius would know the difference between taking responcibility and being a moral agent, only talking about taking responcibility. Just because you don't like something, it dost not mean, you can eagerly dismiss it. You have to also find a route, how to dismiss it safely, without hurting the social environment. "My father was a soldier and my mother abandoned me, thus I became an orphan!" you must enjoy the ingenuity of this. It is horrible that war pushes children to conscript, just as her counterpart later, but that is the very point. If you fail to take responcibility as an adult, your children have to step up, and do it for you!!
If you only have judgments to hurl, who is corrupt and did this and that, while your hills are overrun, you refuse to die on, there will soon be none left to defend your sacred mole- and anthills, then they get trampled down... Wars have never been won, by throwing the shiled and sword to the ground and yelling "friendly"! Be more "friendly" to your own kind and social face -- than the common good or the inclusive freedom. If you have to use prefixes, to get your message through and accepted, its like adding the but, behind the claim. Only what comes next matters, not what you just claimed! Why should Freedom be inclusive? Just like the conversation in Breaking Bad Tuko kills his Subordinate for him telling the wrong tune at the wrong time. The Cow doesn't speak like Zeus! Your Freedom is always limited to your rank, not to yourself. Then the rank is lost or in check, so is your freedom, resulting from it. People think, they live in the Aether! That is the very reason, why Nietzsche created the concept of Nihilism. Because if you only talk and judge your values, but never further them in action -- for instance, what Nietzsche really hated, then studying Theology, then turning to Philosophy and despairing in Philology classes. What was wrong with the german thought, loving Hegel to the death and logical end game. If you cherish the Thesis-Antithesis-Synthesis paradigm harping, that it takes a lot of time to bear good fruit -- you might actually run out of test subjects, because like all the good indian chiefs, they are already dead!! Theoretically possible means diddly squat, then it dost include practical capacity... Christians are the culprits of killing god, that even a Christian Communist can enjoy the overwhelming irony of following the feats of a loli sociopath invading Moscow! Your faith only matters and breathes, as your God, as much can be executed in your life and followed up by others like the scientific method. But if you askew on the existance of Jesus, like does Schleiermacher; Lohse and other theologians, it dost not make you a scientist but a hypocrat, for not converting to atheism and still holding fast on your Tenure as a Christian Theologian!! But I digress with my rant...
Back to the issue at hand. Tanya's speech to the senior to save him from the front line, for faint of heart. Much respect! "Persuasion, then people are defenceless" is seen as a dick move, but that's how you climb the ladder in a corporation. I could do that too, if such was my mission. You cannot be good, then following duties and orders. For instance, as a security officer in a mall, it is regular business, to evict the hobos on November to March because of the cold outside. Some of them become real violent and lunge at security, to get their cushy cell with free food, just like in the past people blasphemed against the lord, to be captured by the Spanish Inquisition. For they there deemed less cruel to their convicts, than the regular authorities. If you leave people with no option, they will start breaking those laws, what deny them survival. Its a matter of human nature not morals.
There is a reason, why Lord Jesus Christ said: referencing Gen 9:25 in Mark 9:35; Matt 18:1-5; Luke 9:46-48 That we have to be servants of a servant and receive like a child! People rather like to cancel Noah, for being drunk and nude in his tent!! Tanya von Degurechaff, while being a sociopath, is the perfect embodyment of that ideal and rule! Just because you become the incarnation of a rule, dost not mean, you are virtuous and Good, you could also be Chaotic Good and go as Anakin Skywalker to slaughter all the children in the temple, because one day you have to face them in combat. There was a templar chant about casting the infants of war to the rocks... Today its called cruel. The things what Mother Russia has done in Ukraine -- they are not evil, because they slaughtered like knight templars -- they are Evil, because the incarnation of the Sons of Eli; Hophni and Phinehas and Usha, who touched the Ark, to prevent it to falling to the ground, for it was carried in misconduct!! Those kind of a guys, decided to War on Nazis and corruptions, while being more evil on that judgemnt, trying to take the splinter, while having the entire Schwartswald dark Spruce forrest with the wicked gackling Alyssa Milano, riding a broom correction a Volkswagen to not be as Nazi as Elon Musk!! -- In their own nonexistent eyes in a lich scull! That's why Mother Russia is condemned eternally, not just comrad Putin, but the entirety of Russia itself. If you hold with the monster, you fall with the monster. Those, who are closer to God, or acclaim that, shall be judged more, God is Justified, Glory and Exaltation to Yahveh Sebaot and His Christ and The Holy Spirit! Halleluyah!!
If you don't make the Law your Father, God cannot be your Saviour, but you shall savour the taste of death and savoir -- au revoir tujour Renoir!! Farewell you Post-Renoir. Lawnesseness dost not go to Heaven, even Godo has more disipline and his irregulars, than the solitary individual of today, being clinged on his Iphone and little bit of pleasure here and a little bit of entertainment there... Don't escape Hell, but embrace it, making your living Heaven!! Joy in life is thought on not disputed upon, with every breathe you take, defiantly laughing in the face of struggle and hostility.
Freedom and Responcibility!
Getting into the 12 Knights, because he gracefully disposed of the Superior in the train, what comes important later in the anime, though not in this essay. Ending up leading the Rapid Responce Mage Battallion, which is more danger than the front lines! X^D I love this character and how the plot thickens. Oh btw, if you hate spoilers, tough shit, this is living Hell for ya... :P I absolutely adore spoilers, because with that, you not only get the source, but the insight of the teller!! Two birds with one stone... I have learned so much inspecting other peoples spoilers and judging it with my later sightings... Forcing through a rank of Captain to Organize said Battallion. Subarashii
The 48 is to be understood that Tanya along with Viktoriya Ivanovna Serebryakov are 49 and 50 making the full number. Viktoriya is another splendid example of the servant of a servant, who dost not want to be at war, escaping the Revolution to live in exile but heads on duty. You don't have to be perfect, just rise to the occasion. The same is true with Tyrants. You can have no Tyrants if there are no cogs and wheels, in their machine. A Tyrant is as strong as his chess-set of pieces he moves on the board. Remove the peasants, remove the King! One of the reasons, we experience the fight for our morals and very soul, is quite simple. America was grossed out from Vietnam, Mother Russia and her supporters want to gross out the West from Ukraine, to do their bidding once more; harping how war is bad, but lets war at the same time, and while we're doing that, lets save the planet, while we're at it, by consuming more coal!! Because, who could have thought, you cannot environmentalist -- too bad this is not a series like the Mentalist -- at war and keep zero emissions on a sugar rushed hyperventialtion spree!! Yet the west insists on "This is not WW3 -- we're merely sending weapons not declare a war!!" Let's see how long that will fare, until starvation will change that attitude to surrender or total warfare... There are no halfasses in pregnancies or war -- either you have or you have not, you do or don't! You can't claim friends of Ukraine, while not at war with Mother Russia! Even if it means Nuclear War. I'm still waiting for the American bases with tactical nuclear capacity housing a Nuclear powerplant protected with SAM sites, like De Niro for the punchline, in The Joker. Unironically speaking. :o :v
If this Responcibility wont come soon, there will be no room for Freedoms like drinking soy latte or writing tweets on twitter. Kinda hard to do that without the powergrit. how is the Keystone pipeline doing in america, still anathema and impossible to Brandon, huh? What responcibility are you taking, acclaiming moral freedom and restitution? Tweets do very little, then they aren't backed by heat! Ci vis Pacem para Belli! is the creed here. But Winter and its King is already here. Listen to Conflict and Enrage! China is in Riot! Yet the West does nothing! Business as usual, nothing to see here. Just sending more weapons of war, thn a squad of Stealth fighters would have already closed this show!! Perhaps I should wait for Trump, to get it done, then there is a Ukraine to save left ---What is your responcibility in saving your Freedom? How do you choose!
The anxiety in picking the Battallion, due to patriotism increasing the yield is no surprise. That's how it should be, while its waning in real life. Now you can see such people only in anime and manga. If it gets censored on the source, then it wont show there too... :(( Morals are quickly becoming cheep antics and Deus ex Machina, a contraption in theaters to move the plot around, but not being of real use in your life. A Santa Clause, only good for selling Coke and letting kids take pictures on a hobos lap, hoping no pedo. TwT The cliffhanger meating up between Tanya and Victoriya! What is your Freedom and Responcibility!